
Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

author:Director Xu Health said

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"You know what? I heard that eating leeks is easy to get stomach cancer. Zhang Jiao listened to the small talk of his teammates while playing football.

In fact, Zhang Jiao's leg has always had a dull pain during this time, and the pain was even worse when he played football today, so he wanted to go to the hospital for a check-up, but after hearing this, he felt that he should go to the hospital.

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

Zhang Jiao, an ordinary accountant in his thirties, works in a trading company that is not too big or small. His life is unremarkable, except for playing football on weekends, and the greatest pleasure of his weekdays is to calculate various costs and profits and losses. But this ordinary morning, because of an unintentional word, made his day not so ordinary.

Replacing his football boots with flats, Zhang went straight to the hospital. In the waiting area of the hospital, he couldn't help but think of those remarks about leeks. He had mixed feelings.

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

Finally it was Zhang Straw's turn, and as soon as he walked into the consultation room, he asked the doctor impatiently: "Doctor, I heard that eating leeks will make stomach cancer come faster, is this true?" The doctor sitting opposite, Li Tao, is an experienced gastroenterologist who has long been accustomed to this kind of problem.

Dr. Li smiled slightly, "This statement is actually not accurate, let me explain it to you in detail." He begins a detailed explanation, each sentence full of authority and attention to detail.

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

"First of all, leeks themselves are a very nutritious food, rich in vitamin C, vitamin K, and important minerals such as iron and selenium. These nutrients are very beneficial for our health. Dr. Li didn't speak quickly, making sure that Zhang Jiao could understand every detail.

"However, leeks contain more sulfides, which can indeed cause discomfort for some people with sensitive stomachs. These sulfides, when broken down in the body, may irritate the stomach lining, especially for those who already have gastritis or other stomach problems, and excessive consumption may indeed aggravate symptoms. ”

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

Dr. Lee went on to add some research data, "According to some epidemiological studies, there is a correlation between eating high amounts of sulfide-rich foods and the risk of stomach cancer. Eating leeks in moderation is good for health, but if it is excessive, especially in people with pre-existing stomach lesions, it may indeed increase some risks. ”

"Doctor, what should I do to avoid this risk?" He couldn't wait to ask. "Quite simply, a balanced diet is key. If you're a fan of leeks, eat them in moderation, like once or twice a week. At the same time, maintaining a good diet and eating more foods high in antioxidants, such as blueberries and tomatoes, can help reduce the risk of disease. ”

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

Zhang Jiao took a deep breath at the entrance of the hospital, feeling that his mood was suddenly much lighter. He now understands that the key to health is not just to avoid certain so-called "taboo foods", but to understand the balance between food and health more holistically.

In fact, not only leeks, many foods are labeled with various labels, such as "carcinogenic" or "superfood", but the truth is often more complicated than the label. He suddenly remembered an old friend of his, who had become almost a slave to his diet because of his fear of food labels, and his quality of life was greatly reduced.

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

This brings Zhang to an important point: in our daily diet, we should pay more attention to the overall intake and nutritional balance of food, rather than simply treating certain foods as "good" or "bad". Dr. Lee's words reminded him that each food has its own unique nutritional value and potential risks, and that the key is to find a healthy balance in your diet.

That's why we can't just judge the quality of food from some extreme examples or myths. Everyone's physical condition, genetic background, and lifestyle habits are different, so a more personalized diet is needed.

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

As night fell, Zhang Jiao was busy in his small kitchen. He decided to try a balanced diet tonight: homemade pork dumplings with leeks and some fresh vegetable salad and fruit. This, he thought, would satisfy his love for leeks and ensure nutritional diversity.

While he was wrapping dumplings, his mother called and was concerned about today's trip to the hospital. "Mom, the doctor said that eating leeks is not a big deal, the key is to be balanced."

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

"So, are there any special dietary recommendations for someone as old as me?" The mother's problems are a concern for health.

Recalling Dr. Li's words, Zhang Jian simplified the language and explained: "The doctor mentioned that older people should pay more attention to the mildness and digestibility of food. For example, leeks can be eaten in moderation, but it is not recommended to eat them on an empty stomach and not too late. ”

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite

His mother was very satisfied, and she found the simple and straightforward advice easy to understand and apply. After the call, Zhang Straw continued his dinner preparation, his heart full of love for life and a new understanding of health. Tonight's meal is not only a gathering of nutrients, but also a small demonstration of life wisdom.

What do you think about leeks and stomach cancer? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

Leeks are the "catalyst" for stomach cancer? Doctor: If you don't want stomach cancer to come quickly, don't touch these things in one bite