
At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

author:Scholar of literature and history
At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

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In May 1925, when the anti-imperialist patriotic movement arose in China, students gathered to protest against feudal rule, including a communist activist named Wang Jiaxiang.

Later, he studied in the Soviet Union and worked hard for China's revolutionary cause, which also made him attract the attention of the Communist Party, and finally obtained the status of a member of the Communist Party of China in 1928.

The next step was to repay the trust of the Communist Party and the people, not only to preach the rationality of "Mao Zedong Thought" on numerous occasions, but also to personally organize the workers' and peasants' plans in the central revolutionary base areas.

His many contributions to the Communist Party also made him serve as the vice chairman of the Military Commission at the age of 25, but his subsequent career took a sharp turn and ended in regret.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

From Sun Yat-sen University to the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee, Wang Jiaxiang's ideological transformation and contributions

Wang Jiaxiang was first born in 1906, because his father had been doing business abroad for a long time, his family was relatively wealthy, and his mother was a thrifty householder, sometimes helping some poor families.

When he was a child, Wang Jiaxiang was more influenced by his mother, which also made him respect his mother very much, and he was even more competitive when he was in school, and he was famous for his excellent grades in school.

At the age of 18, because of his excellent grades, he was successfully admitted to St. Accord Middle School in Wuhu, Anhui Province.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

The same is true for Wang Jiaxiang, but after entering the school, he began to pay attention to the domestic situation, and it was at this time that he had revolutionary ideas.

In order to enrich his revolutionary knowledge, he began to browse many excellent foreign books, and later, he led many students to carry out the first boycott of the examination, which also became the first anti-slavery education movement since the establishment of the school.

It was also because of this that the Communist Party members also noticed him and threw an olive branch to him, and in September of the same year, he successfully entered the Communist Youth League.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

In order to further study the ideology of communism and lay a good foundation for joining the Communist Party in the future, he went to study at Sun Yat-sen University in the Soviet Union.

After three years of training, he successfully became a member of the Chinese Communist Party in 1928.

Two years later, he returned to Shanghai, and with the Red Ideas he had received in Moscow, he also successfully entered the Propaganda Department of the Central Committee and served as secretary general.

In the following year, thanks to his efforts, he made a full contribution to the exchanges between the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of China, and as the editor-in-chief, he also published many articles on the idea of the red revolution, which were mentioned in "Red Flag" and "Truth".

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

Wang Jiaxiang's journey of the Anti-Japanese War, from serious surgery to participation in the Red Army's Long March

In April 1931, he was valued by the Central Committee and sent to the Central Revolutionary Base Area to organize the people's army, which provided a solid foundation for the growth of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army.

He was also awarded many positions at the First People's Congress, including Vice Chairman of the Military Commission, which made him more unswerving in his communist ideology.

After that, Wang Jiaxiang also threw himself into the anti-"encirclement and suppression" war of resistance, in this battle, the Chinese workers' and peasants' Red Army against Chiang Kai-shek's 450,000 troops, can be said to be riveting, Wang Jiaxiang even personally went to the front line to command.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

Under the guidance of many outstanding generals, the workers, peasants and soldiers adopted the method of annihilation one by one, and dealt with the strategy of Chiang Kai-shek's separate and combined attacks, and the ambush proved to be indeed effective, and the enemy army was quickly annihilated in large numbers.

But just as the battle was about to end, Wang Jiaxiang was deliberately targeted by the enemy, pointed directly at his position, and kept attacking, and finally caused him to be seriously injured and fall to the ground.

In order to save him, the soldiers also quickly carried him to the nearest town hospital, and then because of the blockade of the enemy army, the anesthetic needed for medical treatment was just lacking.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

At the last moment, under Wang Jiaxiang's resolute expression, the doctor agreed to perform an operation without anesthesia, and the whole process was extremely painful, but fortunately, he survived and his body was improving.

At the time of the fifth anti-"encirclement and suppression", because the main force was targeted, in order to cope with the pursuit of the Kuomintang, a strategic shift began, which is the famous Red Army Long March.

Wang Jiaxiang, as a member of the Central Committee at that time, was also obligated to win the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and participated in the Long March plan in October of the same year.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

Chairman Mao and Wang Jiaxiang, the identification of the sinicization of Marxism

At the stage of the Long March, it was indispensable to sum up the work, and this led to the Zunyi Conference, at which the anti-encirclement and suppression and the setbacks of the early Long March were summed up, and also provided help for correcting the mistakes of the "leftist" leaning.

At the meeting, even if he expressed different views on Bogu and other acquaintances, Wang Jiaxiang still did not favor them, but did not hesitate to support Chairman Mao's leadership.

It was precisely this support for the chairman that ushered in a new turning point for our party, which not only saved the Red Army at many critical junctures, but also promoted the development of the Chinese revolution.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

It is precisely because of this that Chairman Mao once commented on Wang Jiaxiang: "He is a meritorious person, and he was the first to support me under dogmatism." ”

For Chairman Mao's support, Wang Jiaxiang relied on the intuition of the red thought to make a judgment, at first during the Long March, Chairman Mao was instigated by Bogu and others, and was finally relieved of military power, but Wang Jiaxiang did not target him for this, but stood aside with him.

It was precisely because of Wang Jiaxiang's support that Chairman Mao was able to regain his strength, and he talked freely with him about the plan for the future Communist Party, and what was consistent was that the two had a sense of identity in Marxist ideology.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

As far as Wang Jiaxiang himself is concerned, he was also extremely impressed by that conversation, and he really did not misunderstand that Chairman Mao's Marxist ideology actually had the idea of integrating it with China's reality.

This also moved Wang Jiaxiang very much, so since then, he has become a staunch defender of Chairman Mao.

Poor communication and theoretical tendencies, believers in Marxism and marginalized people

Wang Jiaxiang's personal ability is very strong, even in the stage of injury, he can still do things for the Central Committee and the chairman, and because of this, many people agree with Chairman Mao's Marxist thoughts.

In 1937, because he put too much energy into his work, his old injury recurred seriously, and domestic treatment was ineffective, so he had to be transferred to Moscow for treatment.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

Fortunately, the doctor was able to heal his old wounds, but he went back to work, which made him the new Comintern delegate in the same year.

It is worth mentioning that although Wang Jiaxiang's ability is very strong, he also has many shortcomings, taking the many positions he holds, although he is the leader, it is always difficult to go further.

This has also led to his gradual marginalization, as he rarely actively goes out into the grassroots or mingles with the people, as other leaders do.

Therefore, during the democratic election, he was ignored by everyone, and not many voters knew and understood him at all, even if he was well educated and other aspects.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

In fact, his shortcomings can also be seen from the front-line operations, and when the party organized combat meetings, most of his views were biased towards theory.

This is also the influence of his long-term work as an editor, and many times he is not very good at actual combat, so after the party's anti-encirclement and suppression, he is more likely to be engaged in external propaganda work.

Wang Jiaxiang's external propaganda work is very busy, but he does not care, but prefers the type of study, so he lacks communication many times.

There are very few people who can communicate with him normally, and he seems to be very cold to others, as if he only cares about academic matters.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

A tortuous political career, an expert in foreign affairs and poor in internal affairs

In the task of external affairs, Wang Jiaxiang can do a good job, but in internal affairs, he seems a little old-fashioned, in military tasks, leaders need to be good at listening and understanding the needs of subordinates, and maintain good interaction and cooperative relations with the team.

However, due to Wang Jiaxiang's stubbornness, there was a certain estrangement between him and his subordinates, which affected the cohesion and execution of the team.

Despite his integrity, in reality, his rigid attitude made it difficult for him to integrate into the team and earn the trust and support of others.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

Therefore, among his subordinates who organized and guided, there were very few times when he could handle the relationship with the masses and colleagues, which also led to internal disharmony in the work, and many subordinates withdrew from his political situation.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, although the central government entrusted him with diplomatic work, he was still not satisfied with this, so during the turbulent ten-year chaos in the country, he published some ambiguous articles.

As a result, he was identified as a rightist, and after discussion by the Party Central Committee, he was sent to Henan to engage in labor-related work.

It was at this time that his condition relapsed again, and it deteriorated very severely, and he later came to the Central Committee to ask Chairman Mao for help, and was elected a member of the Central Committee at the 10th Congress in 1973.

At the age of 25, he was elected vice chairman of the Military Commission, but later ended regrettably, why is this?

However, at this time, he was already seriously ill and soon bedridden, and died of illness the following year at the age of 68 before he had completed his duties as a member of the Central Committee for a year.

Wang Jiaxiang himself has a high ability, and his life is quite smooth, he became the vice chairman of the Military Commission at the age of 25, and almost no one had this potential at that time.

It is a pity that he has a gap in management, which is also the reason why he can not continue to go far in his political career, and as he gets older, he has become more stubborn in all aspects, which has led to such a point and regrets for life.