
In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

author:Scholar of literature and history
In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

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In 1988, Liu Zhijun was in charge of the guard work of the Chengdu Military Region, when the head of the military region suddenly called him and told him that the division commander Li Dejin was a problem person and must be controlled immediately.

But in the war against Vietnam, the division commander showed extraordinary military talent and won the admiration and respect of the officers and men of the whole army, how could he do such a thing?

This question lingered in Liu Zhijun's mind, maybe things are not as simple as they seem on the surface, maybe there is a more complicated inside story behind it, but despite this, he still followed the instructions of the chief and launched an arrest operation against Li Dejin.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

Military achievements and promotions, murder unravels the past

Li Dejin joined the communist army in the 50s of the last century, and it was the period of self-defense and counterattack against Vietnam, so Li Dejin naturally followed the troops to the front line.

In the battle of the two mountains, Li Dejin performed very well, leading the troops to skillfully use tactics and accurately strike at the enemy, and won a crucial victory, winning precious time and space for our army.

With his extraordinary talent, he was also promoted to the commander of the 2nd Garrison Division, which gave him more leadership on the front line, so his selfish desires also quietly swelled.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

In the late 80s, in order to optimize the structure of the army, Deng Xiaoping started the disarmament review program, and it was this review that allowed the provincial military district to discover the problem of Li Dejin's illegal promotion.

The cause of the incident was that when he transferred personnel, he used his personal relationship to arbitrarily promote a driver to the top of the army, and this promotion caused dissatisfaction among some cadres and soldiers.

However, the matter did not end here, a murder case involving Li Dejin was also discovered in the process of review, which started before Li Dejin became a teacher.

At that time, Li Dejun was still a staff officer of a military region, and one day he suddenly received instructions from his superiors, so he followed a driver and the chief of the communications section of the army out to perform official duties.

Young Li Dejin likes to pursue thrills, so when the car enters a winding mountain road, he wants to experience the thrill of driving for himself, so he keeps asking the driver to drive the car for him.

The driver was a little hesitant, after all, Li Dejin was an army staff officer, and he was just an ordinary driver, but considering the dangerous situation, the driver still refused.

This made Li Dejin very angry, and in a fit of rage, he argued with the driver, which eventually caused the car to lose its sense of direction and rush down the ravine.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

The concealment of military cadre Li Jinde, a tragedy caused by a car accident

The body that fell down the ravine became twisted, and the space in the compartment became very narrow, so the three of them were trapped in the car.

Then the driver followed him and got out of the car, but when they looked around, they didn't see the section chief, and it wasn't until they looked into the car that they found that the glass of the car window was shattered around the section chief, and he was hit and died.

At this moment, Li Jinde is undoubtedly very remorseful, he is a member of the army, a cadre who is respected and trusted, and if he is blamed and punished because of this accident, it will cause irreparable damage to his career and reputation.

So he came up with the idea of concealing the facts, which was to make some kind of agreement with the driver to make him the sinner of the accident instead of himself.

To this end, he will also repay the kindness of the driver, use his status to help him get a high position, and regularly give his family corresponding financial assistance.

At first, the driver wavered, but after promising to help him, the driver finally decided to take the blame for the incident.

Since then, Li Jinde seems to have learned wisely, focusing on his work, and as his performance in the army became more and more excellent, Li Dejin's position also steadily climbed, and finally, he successfully ascended to the throne of the commander of the Chengdu Garrison Division 2, which also became the first milestone in his career.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

The driver took all the responsibility, and while in custody, he repeatedly demanded that Li Dejin release him and fulfill all previous promises.

Li Jinde naturally remembered this, but even if he was a division commander, his salary and resources were still limited, so in order to better meet his requirements, he could only embezzle public funds.

It was not until the end of the 80s, when the military region conducted a major review, that his problems were discovered, and Li Dejin's illegal behavior and falsification of the murder case had a serious negative impact on the army, and the superiors realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately ordered his arrest.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

Liu Zhijun took over the arrest task to deal with the peculiarities of Li Jinde

Under normal circumstances, once an arrest order is issued, direct action can be taken, but the Chengdu Military Region did not directly dispatch the local public security to carry out the arrest order in consideration of the special nature of Li Jinde's position.

At this time, the aforementioned Liu Zhijun is the best candidate, and handing it over to him can avoid the army from being punished to a certain extent, or can control Li Jinde internally to the greatest extent.

For Liu Zhijun, Li Jinde is not an ordinary cadre, as a military general, he has always maintained a high degree of vigilance for his own safety.

Li Jinde understood that after this incident, there might also be arrests, so he was also equipped with three guns to ensure self-defense.

His team of guards is also highly trained to protect Lee while remaining on high alert to his surroundings and potential threats.

This made it difficult for any unknown or potential threat to approach Li Dejin, so it was almost impossible to complete the arrest alone, so after thinking about it, he could only find the deputy division commander Chong Yunxiang to help.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

Originally, he wanted to ask his best friend for help, but Han Qianli, who served as the chief of staff, happened to be on a business trip in other places, and in the face of Liu Zhijun's visit, Chong Yunxiang also had a hunch that things were not simple.

As an old revolutionary, he was naturally well aware of his political consciousness and sense of responsibility, so he could not waver in principle, and immediately agreed to Liu Zhijun's request, even in the face of Li Jinde's extreme situation.

Through negotiations, the two sorted out the matter, because it was a task assigned by their superiors, so the grassroots soldiers should be kept strictly confidential.

At the same time, the possibility of information leakage is minimized by selecting reliable personnel to grasp and deliver information.

Secrecy work requires not only a high degree of vigilance and prudence, but also strict control over the selection and trust of personnel, and only in this way can we better prevent Li Jinde's suspicion.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

Liu Zhijun's raid, Li Dejin did not resist

Li Jinde has a lot of experience as a soldier and is very vigilant, especially at night when everyone is sleeping, and with the blessing of firearms on his body, the operation is likely to fail at night.

In this regard, Chong Yunxiang proposed that it would be best to change shifts the next morning, and after discussions between the two sides, a plan was finally drawn up, and then in order to prevent the suspicion of the guards, he hurriedly slipped away from Chong Yunxiang's office.

Early the next morning, the two arrived at the camp of the 2nd Division in Chengdu early, and then waited for the time to change posts, which was an important and busy task that required precise scheduling and a high degree of coordination.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

Just as the two were secretly observing, Li Dejin suddenly walked out of the office, with a tired look on his face, and his whole state was a little weak, as if he hadn't had enough rest last night.

Seeing that the opportunity came, Liu Zhijun took the lead in greeting him, and when he walked in, he found that Li Dejin did not have guards by his side, so he instructed the guards hiding in the shadows to prepare for the arrest.

Then, while the two were chatting, a large group of guards immediately came to Li Dejin's side from all sides, surrounded him and pressed him.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

Maybe he was too tired, or he had already felt his fate, Li Dejin behaved very obediently and didn't even resist.

In the process of torturing Li Dejin, Liu Zhijun did not relax his vigilance, but searched his body, and after confirming that he was not carrying weapons, he went to his office and took the three pistols with him.

Reflection, warning and regret of Li Dejin's case

After Li Dejin was arrested, a group of his subordinates also took the initiative to hand over their weapons, and at the same time, with the arrival of the security personnel, they were also brought back to the bureau for interrogation.

Li Dejin was a valiant general and an outstanding commander, and according to Liu Zhijun's opinion at the time, he believed that Li Dejin's merits and mistakes should be treated separately.

Even if Li Dejin caused the death of the head of the communications section out of recklessness, and even abused his power, it cannot negate his achievements in the war of self-defense and counterattack against Vietnam.

Afterwards, the superiors also considered Liu Zhijun's proposal, and for the sake of his contribution to the country, Li Jinde was sentenced to three years in prison, and expelled from the party and the rank of full teacher, and his career also came to an end.

As for joint and several liability, because at the time of Li Jinde's arrest, the entire Second Garrison Division was still contributing to the defense of border stability, so after consideration, the superiors finally determined that Li Jinde was alone, and the issue had nothing to do with the troops.

In the middle of the night in 1988, the director of the Political Department received a call from the military region, and he was shocked by the instructions on the other end of the phone

After Li Jinde left, the Chengdu Military Region also changed its style and began to attach importance to political education, which also made the troops even stronger; even at the end of the war against Vietnam, they still held their positions, did not flinch, and displayed their tenacious fighting qualities.

Maybe Li Jinde confessed earlier, and he could avoid a worse situation in the future, and now it seems that such a respected person can only regret his position now, which also warns us not to take chances, and to be responsible for what we do.

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