
People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

author:Ren Jiyan
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Text丨An idle fish

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In ancient times, their average life expectancy was mostly forty or fifty years old, and this was already considered an advanced age at that time, but in our lives today, with the development of medical technology, people's health is getting better and better, forty or fifty years old is still considered to be in the prime of life, and even the retirement age has been postponed to fifty or sixty years old.

Nowadays, people's life expectancy has been extended a lot because of technology, the average life expectancy is about 70 years old, and the length of life is also affected by many factors.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

Bad lifestyle

Nowadays, many people enjoy the nightlife very much, and many young people live a life of day and night, enjoying the beautiful nightlife at night.

Nowadays, many people are particularly active at night, and many elderly people have begun to stay up late after retirement, mainly because the Internet is now developed, and the emergence of leisure and entertainment such as short videos and TV dramas has also been loved by the masses.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

In addition to the young people love to watch, many elderly people have not enjoyed much entertainment before, after coming into contact with the Internet, it is out of control, resulting in many elderly people are keen on the Internet, too addicted to entertainment also makes them unconsciously stay up late, in the long run, the body is also greatly affected in the habit of staying up late.

People stay up late at night, the nerves will remain in an excited state, and it is difficult to continue to maintain the spirit during the day, the body is accustomed to normal sleep, and staying up late for a long time will also lead to insufficient sleep time for the body, and the body is more likely to be fatigued.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

And staying up late at night will affect memory very much, according to the experiments of professionals, long-term sleep time of less than four hours, will also be easy to induce Alzheimer's disease, but also may have insomnia, pain, neurasthenia and other symptoms, slowly, the body is getting worse and worse.

In addition to being confused by the Internet, there are many elderly people who are addicted to other kinds of entertainment, for various reasons, there are more and more elderly people who stay up late, and with the growth of age, the immunity of the elderly also decreases significantly, which can easily lead to endocrine disorders, and the body will be more prone to illness.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

Shangguan News - Sleep to prevent dementia! If you don't sleep well, look at →

Getting enough and healthy sleep will not only keep you healthy, but also make you feel more energetic.

After scientific investigation, the long-lived old people sleep at eight o'clock at night, and wake up naturally at five or six o'clock in the morning, and then start to move their bodies, so we must not stay up late, and maintain a good sleep habit to ensure that the immune system is balanced and healthy.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

Cigarettes and alcohol continue

Tobacco and alcohol are difficult to refuse and very addictive for many people, and many people are greedy for excitement and enjoyment when they are young and frivolous, and they can't quit for a long time.

Slowly, in old age, many people think that there is no big deal if they keep tobacco and alcohol in their hands for so many years, and there will be no major problems when they are old, so they are even more reluctant to work hard for it.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

However, when people are old, the body's immunity is not as good as before, tobacco and alcohol are more harmful to them, and tobacco and alcohol are also the main inducing factors of many cancers.

And tobacco and alcohol do not leave the hand for a long time, the blood vessels are also more likely to harden, so it is easy to cause blood vessel blockage, such as some cerebral infarction and other diseases related to blood vessels will be more likely to induce, according to the survey, people who have been like this all year round will be more likely to get sick than people who have quit smoking and drinking, and the multiple is even as high as 1.3 times.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

Minfukang - Smoking and drinking, who is the most harmful to the body? Let's compare it now, and people with addictions come in and have a look

Generally, when people enjoy the wonder of smoking, they may feel very happy, but cigarettes contain a lot of harmful substances, and the main culprit that makes it difficult for people to quit smoking is nicotine, which is not only very addictive, but also affects the blood vessels of the body.

In addition, there are many carcinogens in smoke, such as tar, which is extremely carcinogenic, and it is very easy for people to develop cancer.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

For very healthy middle-aged and elderly people, drinking a small amount of alcohol every day can reduce the risk of some diabetes, stroke and other diseases.

However, for the vast majority of people, the amount of alcohol they drink is not well grasped, it is easy to cause excessive drinking, alcohol is very harmful, drinking also has a great negative impact on them, and with age, physical condition has also declined.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

39 Health Network - No Drop of Alcohol, Shorter Life? The Lancet: Real hammer! Tobacco and alcohol are the number one carcinogenic "murderers"

Because of the decline of the body's metabolic ability, the time to excrete alcohol is getting longer and longer, mainly because after age, the organs of the body gradually age, and drinking alcohol will increase their operation again, causing greater wear and tear aging.

So if you want to live a long life, for the sake of good health, these cigarettes and alcohol are more harmful than good, and you still need to quit, and the same is true for young people, don't think that you are fine when you are young, they are all piled up little by little, until a point will explode.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

Excessive exercise

Most people think that exercise can strengthen the body and is also very good for the body, so there are also some elderly people who will often do exercise to promote blood circulation, improve physical literacy, and be healthier, so we often see them in the park to keep fit.

But everything needs to be grasped to a degree, excessive exercise will be counterproductive, some people in order to make their body healthier, will spend a large part of the time to exercise, but too much exercise is not all good, it is easy to cause more wear and tear on the body.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

39 Health Network - No health, anti-injury! Expert: If the elderly want to live a long life, please stay away from 2 "exercise methods"

After a long period of exercise, the body of the elderly will be difficult to bear, which is likely to cause muscle strain, and exercise requires the friction of bones between the joints, and excessive exercise will also cause joint injuries.

Like some strenuous exercise for the elderly should be avoided, exercise is also gradual, if the long-term strenuous exercise down, and even accelerate the aging of the body, but do not be motionless because of this, moderate exercise can not only effectively prevent many diseases, but also enhance physical fitness, prolong life.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

Therefore, when the elderly exercise, they should not be motionless or excessive, but should do what they can according to their physical condition, insist on moderate exercise every day, and maintain a healthy body.

Contraindication to seek medical attention

Many of today's elderly people have spent a lot of hard time from many years ago, and they have experienced a lot of difficult years, so there will be many people who cherish money extraordinarily, are very frugal on weekdays, and are very reluctant to spend money on their own bodies.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

And today's technology is more and more developed, medical technology has also been greatly improved, but having said that, it is better to treat illness as soon as possible, and now there are many medical instruments that can check people's physical conditions, and physical examinations on time can also find their physical condition in time.

Like those who have been checking up on time, once there is any abnormality in the body, they can quickly detect it, and if it is an early stage of cancer, it will also win more life for themselves.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

However, for many elderly people, they will also think that these physical examinations are a waste of money, and it is useless to check them when they are not sick, so they are not willing to do physical examinations on time, and once there are some minor illnesses and pains, there will be many people who say "endure and pass", and will think that minor illnesses will be better without treatment.

However, many times, minor illnesses will drag on little by little into major illnesses, and when you are older, small physical problems will also occur frequently, and these small problems are likely to cause serious consequences, so you must not be afraid to seek medical treatment, you must have a physical examination on time, and you must seek medical treatment in time when you are sick, and do not lose a big result of a small one.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

Too much thought

Although excessive worry does not cause direct damage to the body, it also has a great impact on physical health, and it is a common thing to be afraid of aging, but it is naturally not good to worry too much.

Many elderly people have worked hard all their lives, and have been working diligently for their families, and when they are old, they are still worried about things at home, but this kind of behavior is very tiring and tiring.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

And the vast majority of the elderly will also feel uncomfortable after retirement, and they have been around the family, unconsciously seeing their children as children, and they can't help but worry about them, but for a long time, this will make their spirits tense all the time, and it is also very bad for the body.

Therefore, the elderly need to adjust their mentality, relax their body and mind, see everything, and enjoy the beauty of life.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old

However, there are also some elderly people who are worried about their aging, and in order to delay aging, they are even addicted to various health regimens, and they can't help but buy health care products that are praised when they see them.

But many of these things are deceptive, and they are not even regular products, which have no effect on delaying aging, so everyone must keep their eyes open to avoid being deceived.

People who can live to the age of 90 basically stop doing these things when they are 70 years old


Therefore, if we want to have a longer life, we must maintain moderate exercise, check on time, believe in medicine, and maintain a healthy and good work and rest is also very important, and the impact of tobacco and alcohol on the body is also very large, and it is also very necessary to quit smoking and drinking.

And more importantly, don't worry too much, calm down, and maintain a relaxed and happy mood to enjoy the beauty of life, so as to live a long and healthy life.

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