
It's so cozy! A 34-year-old middle-aged man applied for a cemetery patrol officer, with a monthly salary of 18,000 and directly entered his retirement life, drinking tea, walking his dog, climbing mountains, and exercising every day. The job is a cemetery

author:Yojun theory

It's so cozy! A 34-year-old middle-aged man applied for a cemetery patrol officer, with a monthly salary of 18,000 and directly entered his retirement life, drinking tea, walking his dog, climbing mountains, and exercising every day. The content of the job is to walk around the cemetery, and get off work when you want.

Out of reverence for the deceased, there are many people who will avoid some things that offend the majesty of the dead when they work, so many people are very resistant to going to the cemetery to work, but for the protagonist of today's story, this is his ideal job, because here is not much different from pension.

Every day after work, he would patrol around the cemetery, occasionally have a drink, this is all his daily routine, at the beginning, he just wanted to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city, so he came to the cemetery to work, because in his heart he thought that the life of the city was too chaotic, and the interpersonal relationship between people was very complicated and gave him a headache.

Instead of being entangled in these trivial things in life, it is better to find a quiet job and live a retired life in advance.

After he stepped into the job, his main job was to make daily patrols, to prevent some idlers, etc., for the harassment of the deceased, the whole cemetery except for himself, and his companion was only a big dog, and the other customers he came into contact with were people sleeping underground.

In his heart, he thought that these customers would abide by their duties and never add some unnecessary trouble to themselves, and when he got his first month's salary, he saw the salary of 18,000, and he smiled with satisfaction.

As the days passed, his friends saw his work and ridiculed him, thinking that he had lived a retirement life ahead of schedule.

The reason why this man gave up working in the city and chose to go to the cemetery is mainly because he is more and more disgusted with the current society, because in his heart, he thinks that the current interpersonal relationship is very complicated, if you go to the workplace, there will inevitably be intrigue every day, if you don't want to backstab, you must always be highly vigilant.

Thinking of that kind of deceitful life, he felt that his heart was too tired, after all, his personality was straightforward, and he would offend many people because of his temper in the workplace, and he had tried to change himself, but he found that no matter how he changed, he could not conform to this society.

So he began to have the idea of a different job, if only it could be away from the hustle and bustle of the city, and when he found out that the cemetery was recruiting patrolmen, he was very happy, because this job was exactly what he dreamed of, and he would not have to deal with unnecessary troubles every day.

In today's life, there are many people who choose to engage in the funeral industry with this man, especially in recent years, more and more young people have begun to engage in the funeral industry, and they are generally tired of the roads in the city, not to mention the long-term work pressure is like a mountain, pressing on them.

On the contrary, if you go to the cemetery to work, not only the difficulty of the work is low, but you can also get a high salary, the people around the man are very envious of his salary, and now there are many people who work diligently in their jobs every day, and finally only get a salary of only a few thousand yuan, anyone is very excited about this kind of work.

With the continuous development of the funeral industry, people have also abandoned the traditional traditional concept, after all, in the hearts of some people, there is a general idea that the dead must be buried in the ground, they will be accompanied by a soul after death, if you go to the cemetery, you will be haunted by some evil spirits.

But in the man's mind, this is exactly what he dreamed of, and now he is 34 years old, and he often says to others: "If I could, I would like to be here until I retire." ”

In fact, there are many twists and turns in the workplace, and the slightest carelessness will be called a gun in the hands of others, and it is better to be with the dead.


Watermelon Video I am Liu Dayi's account: May 8, 2024 "The guy joins the cemetery patrol with a monthly salary of 10,000 and 8, and it's so cool to enter the retirement state early"

It's so cozy! A 34-year-old middle-aged man applied for a cemetery patrol officer, with a monthly salary of 18,000 and directly entered his retirement life, drinking tea, walking his dog, climbing mountains, and exercising every day. The job is a cemetery
It's so cozy! A 34-year-old middle-aged man applied for a cemetery patrol officer, with a monthly salary of 18,000 and directly entered his retirement life, drinking tea, walking his dog, climbing mountains, and exercising every day. The job is a cemetery
It's so cozy! A 34-year-old middle-aged man applied for a cemetery patrol officer, with a monthly salary of 18,000 and directly entered his retirement life, drinking tea, walking his dog, climbing mountains, and exercising every day. The job is a cemetery

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