
To judge whether a person can get married, it is enough to look at these 3 points

author:Good night Moran

Text/Mo Ran

Marriage is an important choice in life.

Everyone hopes to meet the right person and have a good marriage, and this is their choice.

Many people are afraid of choosing the wrong one and don't know what kind of talent is really suitable for them.

In fact, there is never a right answer to the question of life, it lies in your inner feelings.

On these three points, people who can reach the same can actually get married.

To judge whether a person can get married, it is enough to look at these 3 points

Smooth communication

A good relationship is built on good communication and exchange.

It is good to be able to talk to each other, to have a desire to chat, and not to feel embarrassed with each other, but to feel very comfortable.

Most people, in fact, don't know what to talk to each other, and it's hard to meet someone they can talk to.

With each other, talking can touch the heart, and unconsciously want to get closer, this is the right feeling.

In real life, communication is very important, and it is even more rare to be able to communicate well, and they are willing to share with each other, and they are also willing to open their hearts and the world, so that each other can come in, so that two people will be very happy together.

Any long-term relationship is about constant communication, and each other can easily reach a consensus, probably the right person, such two people are very suitable for marriage.

To judge whether a person can get married, it is enough to look at these 3 points

The three views are consistent

For a lifelong partner, it is necessary to choose a suitable person, and the three views are the same, so that they can go on better.

If there is a big deviation in each other's cognition and ideas, being together is tormenting each other.

Modern young people pay more attention to the consistency of the three views in their relationships, and factors such as appearance and education are relatively secondary.

People with the same three views will have many things that coincide, and they have the same interests and hobbies, which can also shorten the distance between each other.

It is difficult for people with different views to understand each other's words and deeds, let alone understand the true thoughts of the other party, and they will feel bored after a long time.

You like freedom, he says you're hypocritical, you like quiet, he likes to be active, and these two people can't live at all.

Only people who have the same three views can reach a consensus in all aspects, and they will feel at ease when they get along.

In this life, we are not in pursuit of the only suitable soul.

To judge whether a person can get married, it is enough to look at these 3 points

Emotionally stable

A person who can marry should first have no problem with quality.

A person's quality determines whether you can get along and trust for a long time. Among them, emotional stability is an important criterion.

Living together for a long time, emotions are very important, and they can also affect another person.

Emotionally stable people, who can remain calm and rational in the face of the ups and downs of life, and will not be swayed by emotions, such a person can at least support you in marriage and provide you with emotional value.

People who are emotionally unstable may get angry because of all kinds of trivial things, which will bring a lot of emotional pressure to each other and cause problems in each other's marriages.

Emotional stability is necessary for a stable and happy relationship, and emotionally stable partners can bring security and support, help us better deal with the challenges and stresses of daily life, better express love, accept others, and form an intimate emotional connection with our partner.


Marriage is a very important thing in life, you should be cautious when choosing a partner, don't be afraid to choose the wrong person, just follow your true feelings in your heart.

When you feel that you have made the wrong choice, you must also have the courage to leave, and hope that each of us can meet the right person.