
The charm of running: the pursuit of freedom, release stress, and challenge yourself

author:Yugong Fitness

#经常跑步的乐趣在哪里?#经常跑步的人到底在追求什么? Today, I won't talk about the benefits of running for the body, but only about the mental enjoyment of running: where is the fun of running regularly?

The charm of running: the pursuit of freedom, release stress, and challenge yourself

I think the joy of running lies first and foremost in the feeling of freedom. When you put on your running shoes and step onto the track or field, the whole world opens up for you!

You have taken a free step, you can adjust your pace as you please, feel the pleasure of the wind whistling past your ears, and by then, you have become part of the lap of nature.

The charm of running: the pursuit of freedom, release stress, and challenge yourself

Running is also a way to release stress. There will always be all kinds of worries and stresses in life or work, and running can allow these negative emotions to evaporate with sweat.

During the run, you can focus on every movement of your body, forget and isolate the noise and distraction of the outside world!

The charm of running: the pursuit of freedom, release stress, and challenge yourself

In addition, running is a way to challenge yourself. Every run is a conversation with oneself. You can constantly challenge your physical and mental limits and try to run faster and farther.

When you complete one goal after another, the sense of accomplishment and satisfaction cannot be described in words, and this is the deepest experience!

The charm of running: the pursuit of freedom, release stress, and challenge yourself

Running isn't just a form of exercise; It is also an attitude to life; It's even a state of thought! It allows us to find joy and motivation in our busy lives.

The charm of running: the pursuit of freedom, release stress, and challenge yourself

So, we might as well put on running shoes, run together, secrete more dopamine and endorphins, and enjoy the fun of running!