
Including video) the core of portrait retouching, example explanation: the key to high-level, vivid and natural portraits

author:Review the picture planning

Today, I will share how to repair advanced, vivid and natural portraits, what is the core of portrait retouching, and how to operate it; There is a video I recorded earlier.

The core is to learn the partitioning of the character's face

"Partition" is a refinement of my comprehensive experience and related knowledge, I have shared how to do it on the official account, and now many retouching training institutions are teaching, but they do not understand what I mean, misleading many people.

1. Before partitioning, you must first understand why you want to edit the picture:

The purpose of portrait retouching is to make the skin look good; Criteria for good skin: clean, healthy complexion, elastic and delicate skin.

Detailed tutorial: Portrait retouching tutorial: skin, what standard should be repaired?

2. How to partition:

A photo has a bright side, a dark side, and a gray side, and each side is its own brightness, as shown below:

Including video) the core of portrait retouching, example explanation: the key to high-level, vivid and natural portraits

If there is a brightness that should not be there in the bright surface, this is dirty; Modify the brightness that shouldn't appear in this area, and the skin will be clean.

The following diagram is dirty:

Including video) the core of portrait retouching, example explanation: the key to high-level, vivid and natural portraits

As long as we make each area the way it should be, the film will be clean; Therefore, for portrait retouching, you must first zoom out the photo to observe which area is dirty, which affects the picture.

According to what I said before, how to repair the face, you can draw the partition of the face:

Details: Explain in detail, how to repair the character's face, AI can't do it.

Including video) the core of portrait retouching, example explanation: the key to high-level, vivid and natural portraits

This partition is not fixed, because different light and shadow will cause different brightness surfaces, when we retouch, we divide the face into different brightness areas, and evenly divide each brightness area into its own brightness.

Some of them are the structure that they should have, and some of them are caused by the aging of the skin and the loss of elasticity, these places can be simply or evenly removed, and even if the structure does not affect the big relationship, it can be diluted if it is not good-looking.

When I was talking about dermabrasion before, I recorded a video, and you can see the second half of the video, how I observed, how I did the brightness partitioning of the face, and what changes were made that affected the aesthetics.


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