
Burning and cool! In this fire sports meeting, the "blue friends" competed in strength and style

author:Green Qingpu
Burning and cool! In this fire sports meeting, the "blue friends" competed in strength and style
Burning and cool! In this fire sports meeting, the "blue friends" competed in strength and style

In order to solidly promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, the theme education has been deepened and practical, and the enthusiasm of the firefighters in the region has been further stimulated to work hard and strive for the first, and to create a positive, united and lively cultural atmosphere. This morning (May 15), the 14th Qingpu District Fire Sports Games was held at the Qingpu Branch of the High School Affiliated to Fudan University. Jin Junfeng, member of the Standing Committee of the Qingpu District Party Committee and deputy head of the district, Xu Shengjun, the second-level commissioner of the Municipal Fire and Rescue Corps, attended the event and delivered speeches, and the relevant responsible comrades of the district fire and rescue detachment and some streets and towns attended the event.

Burning and cool! In this fire sports meeting, the "blue friends" competed in strength and style

At the competition site, wearing firefighting uniforms, hose relays, and simulated fire extinguishing ...... More than 260 players from 31 teams from the district fire and rescue detachment, the full-time teams of various streets and towns, and the micro fire stations of key units, fully carried forward the fighting spirit of tenacious struggle, constantly challenged themselves, surpassed themselves, and gave full play to the fire rescue skills they trained on weekdays. The audience cheered, waved flags and shouted, and the cries shook the sky. The fierce competition among all parties fully demonstrates the high morale and determination of the Qingpu fire and rescue team.

Burning and cool! In this fire sports meeting, the "blue friends" competed in strength and style

It is understood that this Games will set up a total of 10 events, such as a 400-meter run with bare hands, a three-pan hose connection exercise for one person, a 3000-meter run with bare hands, and a dry powder fire extinguisher to extinguish oil barrels. The setting of the project is a comprehensive test of the physical fitness and practical skills of the fire rescue team in the whole region, covering all aspects of fire fighting skills and tactics, and comprehensively examining the physical fitness and coordination ability of firefighters from all levels, which is both targeted and practical, which is both a challenge and a necessary skill.

Xu Peng, deputy chief of the combat training section of the Qingpu District Fire and Rescue Detachment, said: "The main purpose of this fire sports meeting is to test the training effectiveness of the district fire and rescue detachment, the full-time fire brigade of the town and the micro fire station of key units during the winter and spring training.

Burning and cool! In this fire sports meeting, the "blue friends" competed in strength and style

The purpose of the fire sports meeting is to encourage the fire commanders and fighters of the whole region and the workers of various forms of fire brigades to firmly establish the guiding ideology of "training for battle", devote themselves to various tasks with a sense of urgency and responsibility, practice the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's precepts with practical actions, and make every effort to promote the transformation and upgrading of Qingpu fire rescue team with a higher political position, stronger mission and stricter loyalty standards.

Reporter: Xu Zhe

Photo: Xu Zhe

Editor: Yu Jingyan

Editor in charge: Li Yanli (chief)

Final review: Zhao Lan

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of "Green Qingpu".

Burning and cool! In this fire sports meeting, the "blue friends" competed in strength and style
Burning and cool! In this fire sports meeting, the "blue friends" competed in strength and style
Burning and cool! In this fire sports meeting, the "blue friends" competed in strength and style

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