
"Green" heart has an appointment to enjoy every day, and you are invited to participate in this national fitness demonstration session

author:Green Qingpu
"Green" heart has an appointment to enjoy every day, and you are invited to participate in this national fitness demonstration session

In order to further promote the "4 100" civilization practice brand of "Qing" Heart and Enjoy Every Day, deepen the linkage of business, tourism, culture and sports exhibitions, and promote the construction of "one circle, one belt, one group and one park" in civilized practice, Qingpu District New Era Civilization Practice Center will continue to carry out the 2024 "Qing" Heart Appointment and "4 100" national fitness brand project every day on the basis of last year, and create a demonstration special session to continue to expand brand influence and create a strong atmosphere of civilized practice.

Theme of the event

"Green" has an appointment to enjoy the "4 100" national fitness demonstration session every day

Event time

May 18, 9:00

Location of the event

Gate 3 of Wuyue Plaza

Units of activity

Guiding unit: Propaganda Department of Qingpu District Committee of the Communist Party of China

Organizer: Qingpu District New Era Civilization Practice Center

Qingpu District Spiritual Civilization Construction Office

Shanghai Qingpu Wuyue Commercial Management Co., Ltd

Organizer: Qingpu District Shaolong Rescue Volunteer Service Team

Event menu

1. Stage Section:

9:00-9:15 Aerobics

9:15-9:45 心肺复苏/AED

9:45-10:00 Sign language dance

10:00-10:30 Heimlich maneuver

10:30-10:45 Aerobics

10:45-11:15 心肺复苏/AED

11:15-11:30 Sign language dance

11:30-12:00 Heimlich maneuver

2. Experience Zone:

(1) Mjolnir

(2) Dryland curling

(3) Frisbee pitching

(4) Concentric drums

(5) Anti-curved bow

(6) Cycling platform

(7) Throwing

Event format

We sincerely invite the general public to participate in the special activities of national fitness demonstration.

Source: Qingpu District New Era Civilization Practice Center

Editor: Zhu Renjie

Editor in charge: Guo Miaomiao (chief)

Final review: Zhao Lan

Please indicate that it is from the official WeChat of "Green Qingpu".

"Green" heart has an appointment to enjoy every day, and you are invited to participate in this national fitness demonstration session
"Green" heart has an appointment to enjoy every day, and you are invited to participate in this national fitness demonstration session
"Green" heart has an appointment to enjoy every day, and you are invited to participate in this national fitness demonstration session

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