
Scientifically deal with wheat lodging to ensure a bumper harvest of summer grain this year

author:Anyang Fusion Media


Scientifically deal with wheat lodging to ensure a bumper harvest of summer grain this year

Anyang financial media reporter Li Hui

Affected by the southward movement of cold air carried by the hem of the transverse groove, strong convection, strong winds and other weather processes occurred in our city from 22 o'clock on May 14 to 5 o'clock on the 15th. The average wind force in the city is 5 to 7, with gusts of 8 to 11. Accompanied by strong winds, there was short-term heavy precipitation in our city, with an average precipitation of 7 mm and a maximum hourly rainfall intensity of 37.1 mm.

The strong winds had an impact on agriculture, and wheat lodging occurred in some parts of the city. "At 23:17 on May 14, after the Municipal Meteorological Bureau issued a yellow warning signal for high winds, our bureau arranged for relevant departments to remind all counties (cities and districts) to strengthen prevention overnight. As soon as they got to work on May 15, 10 county-level cadres went to their respective subcontracted counties (cities and districts) to understand the wheat lodging situation in accordance with the division of labor in the technical service activities of 'Lianxian Baoxiang Helping Enterprises'. Zhu Hui, chief of the planting section of the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, introduced. According to statistics, all counties (cities, districts) have different degrees of wheat lodging.

Heaven does not help people to work hard. After the occurrence of strong convective weather, the Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs responded quickly, organized expert meetings to discuss and judge, and quickly formulated the "Notice of Anyang Municipal Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Affairs on Doing a Good Job in the Later Management of Lodging Wheat".

How to effectively manage lodging wheat in the later stage to minimize losses? Zhang Guitang, director of the Municipal Agricultural Technology Extension Station, introduced that at present, the city's wheat is in the middle and late stages of grain filling, which is the critical period of promoting grain filling and increasing grain weight. At the same time, we will continue to dispatch agricultural conditions in a timely manner and report the situation in a timely manner.

"In a wheat field where lodging has occurred, we should not blindly go into the ground to support the wheat. When the wheat is lodging, taking help measures will cause secondary injuries and unnecessary labor inputs. To wait for its own recovery and growth, wheat fields with heavy precipitation can use bamboo poles to shake off rainwater to help wheat resume growth. At the same time, fungicides, foliar fertilizers and plant growth regulators should be sprayed on lodging wheat fields, Zhang Guitang said. Lodging wheat stacking, coupled with strong convective weather accompanied by precipitation, field humidity, easy to induce disease, to timely use UAV spraying to prevent powdery mildew, rust and other diseases, spraying foliar fertilizer and plant growth regulators, can protect leaf function, ensure nutrient supply, enhance grain filling intensity. ”

So, what should we pay attention to when harvesting lodging wheat fields? Zhang Guitang said that the impact of lodging on wheat yield can be minimized by appropriately adjusting the position of the wheel and header, or harvesting in the opposite direction of lodging.

"In the next step, our bureau will continue to strengthen communication and consultation with the meteorological department, improve the prevention plan, do a good job in monitoring and early warning, carry out agricultural information scheduling in a timely manner, continue to organize and mobilize the majority of technical personnel and the masses to strengthen the later management of wheat fields, and implement the measures of scientific prevention and control of pests and diseases, lodging prevention, and dry and hot wind, so that 'summer grain is not in hand for a day, and management is not relaxed for a day', and the final battle of summer grain production is done." Zhu Hui said.

Contact numbers of agricultural technology stations at all levels in Anyang City

Agricultural Technology Station of Anyang Agriculture and Rural Bureau: 3808638

Agricultural Technology Center of Huaxian Agriculture and Rural Bureau: 15236598912

Agricultural Technology Station of Neihuang Agriculture and Rural Bureau: 7728027

Agricultural Technology Station of Tangyin County Agriculture and Rural Bureau: 6225502

Agricultural Technology Station of Anyang County Agriculture and Rural Bureau: 5082072

Agricultural Technology Station of Linzhou Agriculture and Rural Bureau: 6281606

Agricultural Technology Station of Long'an District Agriculture and Rural Bureau: 5026179

Agricultural Technology Station of Wenfeng District Agriculture and Rural Bureau: 5100411

Agricultural Technology Station, Agriculture and Rural Bureau, Beiguan District: 2263868

Agricultural Technology Station of Yindu District Agriculture and Rural Bureau: 5315132

Further reading:

How much does high winds affect wheat? How to protect against hot and dry air? Experts explain → in detail

On the night of May 14, a rare windy weather swept through most of Henan Province, with winds reaching an astonishing magnitude of 12 to 13 in some areas, causing widespread concern.

The monitoring of the Provincial Meteorological Observatory shows that from 20 o'clock on May 14 to 10 o'clock on the 15th, there were 8 to 10 gales in most parts of the north north of the Huai River, and 11 or more gales appeared in some counties (cities and districts) in the north, central and western parts of Xinxiang, and 12 to 13 in the northwest of Xinxiang, western Zhengzhou, and northern Xuchang. At the same time, showers and thundershowers occurred in the north and west of our province, among which moderate to heavy rain occurred in Anyang, Hebi and Puyang, accompanied by strong convective weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, thunderstorms and strong winds.

Why is the gale so strong? Xu Wenming, chief forecaster of the Provincial Meteorological Observatory, said that there are two main factors. First of all, the temperature continued to be high in the early stage, which provided favorable conditions for the accumulation of unstable energy. In the days leading up to the strong winds, the maximum temperature in many parts of Henan Province generally reached 32°C to 35°C, which caused a large amount of unstable energy to accumulate in the atmosphere, laying the groundwork for the outbreak of strong winds.

Secondly, the guidance of the upper-air cold trough and the rapid southward pressure of the cold front on the ground provide the impetus for the southward movement of the strong cold air. When cold air meets warm and moist air, a strong convective motion is formed, which further increases the intensity of the wind. The combined effect of cold air winds and strong convective winds caused the wind to increase rapidly in a short period of time, reaching a rare magnitude of 12 to 13.

Xu Wenming said that summer is a period of high incidence of severe convection, and severe convective weather has the characteristics of sudden, localized and catastrophic, and it is especially necessary to strengthen prevention. In view of windy weather, it is necessary to close doors and windows at home and strengthen temporary structures; Minimise going out and do not linger under billboards and temporary structures; Stop outdoor work in open areas and go indoors or in windproof places.

At present, the province's winter wheat has entered the critical stage of grain filling. Strong winds may not only cause lodging of wheat plants, affecting photosynthesis and nutrient uptake, but also directly lead to the obstruction of the grain filling process, which in turn affects the yield and quality of wheat.

On May 15, the Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs organized experts to go into the field to check the growth of wheat after the strong wind. "The lodging wheat is in the form of dot flakes, and there is still a certain amount of time before the wheat matures, and the wheat can use its own growth to recover its growth." Dong Wenquan, a member of the party group of Jun County Agriculture and Rural Bureau, said.

What remedies should be taken for lodging wheat?

"For lodging wheat, do not lift up manually, so as not to break, to wait for its own recovery to rise, wheat fields with heavy precipitation can be picked up with bamboo poles to shake off the wheat rain, to help wheat resume growth." Guo Tiancai, consultant of the wheat expert steering group of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and professor of Henan Agricultural University, said.

At the same time, the accumulation of lodging wheat and the precipitation accompanied by strong convective weather led to high humidity in the field, which was easy to induce wheat diseases. It is necessary to use unmanned aerial vehicle spraying to prevent and control powdery mildew, rust and other diseases in a timely manner, protect the function of leaves, and ensure wheat filling.

"After lodging, the root conduction capacity of wheat decreases, mainly relying on leaves to produce nutrients, and foliar fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be sprayed in combination with disease prevention and control to ensure nutrient supply, maximize the 1000-grain weight, and make up for the loss." Guo Tiancai said.

Related Links:

Scientific response to ensure harvest quality

"We had a strong wind here last night, but my wheat field did not fall and the wheat was growing well." On May 15, at the entrance of Duzhuang Village, Wangu Town, Huaxian County, Anyang City, Du Yuzhou, the person in charge of the Heshengjin Planting Farmers' Professional Cooperative in Huaxian County, pointed to the wheat fields that were about to be harvested in front of him and said that due to the selection of lodging-resistant wheat varieties, the seven or eight hundred acres of wheat planted this year basically did not lodging, and if there was no extreme weather in the later period, "there is no problem with a yield of 1,300 catties per mu."

From 20 o'clock on May 14 to 10 o'clock on the 15th, there were 8 to 10 strong winds in most parts of the north north of the Huai River in our province, and 12 to 13 locally.

How much did the gale affect wheat production in Henan? On May 15, Yu Weidong, chief engineer of Henan Provincial Institute of Meteorological Sciences, said that using high-standard farmland intelligent monitoring equipment, combined with field surveys and satellite remote sensing observations in various places, there are lodging plots in Xinxiang, Hebi and Puyang, and a small number of lodging phenomena in other areas. From a province-wide perspective, the impact of the gale on wheat was generally light.

Zhao Zhikun, a large grain grower in Xichang Village, Weixi Street, Jun County, Hebi City, planted 300 mu of wheat this year, and the strong wind blew down about 50 mu. "Early this morning, experts from the County Agriculture and Rural Bureau came to the wheat field for technical guidance, and now we have used drones to carry out spraying and remediation, and it is estimated that the overall impact is not large." Zhao Zhikun told reporters.

In order to effectively do a good job in wheat lodging response and remediation, on May 15, Henan Provincial Agricultural Technology Extension Station issued the "Technical Guidance on Wheat Lodging Response and Remediation" for the first time to guide farmers to respond scientifically and ensure harvest quality.

How do you harvest the wheat that has fallen down? Fang Baozhu, a researcher at the Wheat Research Institute of the Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences and the person in charge of the provincial high-quality wheat special project for excellent and special industries, said that the harvester should take "two adjustments and two reductions" measures when harvesting. That is, adjust the position of the wheel of the straw, which should be forward and downward, in order to grab the straw; Adjust the sieve opening, increase the air volume, improve the separation, and reduce the loss of grains; Reduce the harvesting speed, and harvest in the reverse lodging direction for plots with serious lodging; Reduce the stubble height, and the stubble height is generally required to be less than 10 cm when harvesting the plots with severe lodging.

High temperature is coming, wheat beware of "dry hot wind"

On May 15, the Provincial Meteorological Observatory issued an important weather warning, and it is expected that in the coming week, our province will usher in mainly sunny to cloudy weather, and the temperature will rise rapidly. It is particularly worth noting that from the 17th to the 19th, most parts of the province will have high temperature weather above 35 °C, and there is a risk of dry and hot wind in the wheat area north of the Huai River. In order to ensure the healthy growth of wheat, we need to take scientific and effective measures to deal with the impact of high temperature, dry and hot air.

Hot and dry wind is a kind of disastrous weather in the late stage of wheat growth, which will lead to the intensification of wheat transpiration and the rapid loss of water dispersion, thus affecting the normal filling of wheat. To this end, Jiang Xiang, senior agronomist of the Provincial Agricultural Technology Extension Station and deputy chief of the provincial wheat industry technology system, reminded the majority of farmers that according to the growth period, soil moisture and weather conditions of wheat, zoning and classification, scientific response, through the timely implementation of preventive measures, reduce the impact, promote grain filling, and increase grain weight.

So, how to effectively prevent hot and dry air? Jiang Xiang introduced that foliar spraying of potassium dihydrogen phosphate can not only improve the stress resistance of plants and supplement the nutrients in the later stage of wheat, but also the simplest and most effective measure to prevent dry hot air and premature aging. In areas with the risk of dry and hot wind, foliar fertilizers such as potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed in time to improve the ability to resist dry and hot wind, promote grain filling, and increase the 1000-grain weight of wheat. In the wheat fields with late growth period in northern and western Henan, combined with the occurrence of powdery mildew, leaf rust, ear aphid and other pests and diseases, scientifically mix and spray enenazole, tebuconazole, imidacloprid, cyhalothrin, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, brassinolide and other fungicides, insecticides, foliar fertilizers, and regulators, so as to achieve "one spray and three preventions", prevent diseases and insects, prevent dry and hot air, and prevent premature aging.

The Provincial Meteorological Observatory specifically forecasts that from the 16th to the 18th, the province will be cloudy with sunny skies, and the temperature will rise significantly. The southerly wind in the province is level 3 to 4, and the wind gust in the north and central part is about level 6 in the afternoon. During the day on the 19th, it was cloudy to overcast in the southwest, and it was sunny to cloudy in other counties and cities. From the 17th to the 19th, most of the province will have high temperature weather above 35 °C, and there is a risk of dry and hot wind in the moisture-deficient areas of the wheat area north of the Huai River. From the night of the 19th to the 21st, it was cloudy in the west and south, with showers and thundershowers in some counties and cities, and cloudy and sunny in other counties and cities. On the 22nd, it was cloudy and sunny in the province.

(Source: Anyang Rong Media Client, Henan Daily, Henan WeChat public account)