
Luo Rong Quxi wants to be a teacher, who is weaving dreams on the plateau?

author:Qiantang New District Daily

In the eyes of Qianjiang Evening News reporter Xie Chunhui

Driven by the "Tangtang Cooperation".

Children living on the plateau

How to bravely chase the sea of stars of your dreams?

their dreams

How to get out of Litang and go to a bigger world?

Let's follow in his footsteps

Let's witness education

How to bring hope and a future to this land

15-year-old Luo Rong Quxi is a little more mature and sophisticated than children of the same age.

"I love math, it's a subject that needs to be thought about, and there are so many mysteries behind numbers." In the seventh-grade class of Litang County No. 3 Complete Middle School, Luo Rong Quxi often raised his hand actively, trying to think about every problem that the teacher asked. In her heart, every knowledge she learned was as precious as the stars in the night sky.

Luo Rong Quxi wants to be a teacher, who is weaving dreams on the plateau?

Lorong Qusi. Zhu Sheng/photo

Facing the Chao News reporter, she whispered her dream without thinking, "I want to become a teacher and return to my hometown to teach." ”

Behind the dream of Luo Rong Quxi is the thinking of this girl who lives on the plateau.

She said, "I saw so many people coming to Gaoyuan to build schools, and there were many teachers who came to Litang by plane, and they taught us knowledge, but they had to return to their hometowns eventually. If one day I can become a teacher, I can stay in my hometown and teach more people. ”

Luo Rong Quxi's simple answer touched everyone present.

In September 2023, after the school was put into use, Qiantang District sent 7 educational professionals to Litang, and started exchanges between schools in the two places to promote the development of education in Litang.

The teachers in Qiantang took the children to watch the stars and the moon in Litang, sang loudly with the children, taught the children to conduct scientific experiments, and even took the children on a plane to experience the Jiangnan people...... The thirst for knowledge, the yearning for the outside world, small seeds took root, and dreams began to be weaved.

Aid in the construction of schools and the renovation of school buildings

The teaching hardware is in line with the high standard

The No. 3 Complete Middle School of Litang County, where Luo Rong Quxi studied, is a school built with the assistance of Zhejiang Province in Litang after the "Tangtang Cooperation" was opened.

"Our school opened last fall, and it is the third middle school in Litang County, and it is also the most advanced school in Litang at present." Stepping into the campus, Principal Li Youlin excitedly took everyone to visit the school building.

Luo Rong Quxi wants to be a teacher, who is weaving dreams on the plateau?

A corner of the third complete middle school in Litang County. Zhu Sheng/photo

As an educator who has been deeply involved in Litang for many years, Li Youlin's excitement is justified. "A modern campus means that students have more security to learn in school, and teachers have the possibility to carry out more innovative teaching activities." He said that the new school also represents new hope.

Luo Rong Quxi wants to be a teacher, who is weaving dreams on the plateau?

Qiantang Building in Litang County No. 3 Complete Middle School. Zhu Sheng/photo

The school covers an area of more than 110 acres, which can be equipped with 30 teaching classes and can accommodate 1,500 students.

There is a "Qiantang Building" in the school, which is the school's canteen and one of the many buildings that Qiantang helped build the school. "The kitchen utensils in the canteen are provided by Joyoung, a caring enterprise in Qiantang." The principal said that the school is a boarding system, and the students' three meals a day during the school are solved in the school, and the hygienic canteen environment and delicious meals make the parents of the children feel at ease. In addition, in order to meet the transportation needs of the school, Hangzhou Qunte Electric Co., Ltd., a medical port enterprise in Hangzhou, recently donated 250,000 yuan for the purchase of school buses under the guidance of the Qiantang District team in Litang County.

Living at school is like being at home, says Lorong Qusi. "The school is new, the classrooms are spacious, and there is a big playground." She said.

In the entire Litang County, almost every primary and secondary school has the imprint of Qiantang.

"Proceeding from reality, we actively mobilize the resources of Qiantang to improve the hardware environment for Litang School as needed, so that the children in the plateau can also enjoy a high-standard teaching hardware environment." Ye Xiaoming, member of the Standing Committee of the Litang County Party Committee and deputy county magistrate of Qiantang, said.

Litang County Bilingual Boarding Demonstration Primary School has been running for more than 20 years. Last year, Qiantang donated money to renovate the school's dormitories, and this summer, it will expand the school's library. "Every improvement in the school's hardware is for our students." The principal said.

Teaching students, group teachers "master and apprentice CP"

The children of the plateau can also chase the stars and the sea

"The development of education requires hardware, and more importantly, software."

In the eyes of Li Youlin, principal of Litang County No. 3 Complete Middle School, software is the team of teachers.

Luo Rong Quxi wants to be a teacher, who is weaving dreams on the plateau?

Students from Litang County No. 3 Complete Middle School attend class Photo provided by the interviewee

On the plateau, the scarcity of teacher resources is comparable to the oxygen of the plateau. In the past three years, Qiantang has sent batches of teachers to Litang to send high-quality educational resources, and also worked hard to cultivate a team of teachers in Litang who "can't be taken away".

Yang Yang, a geography teacher from Luorong Quxi, is a young teacher who came to work in Litang from Guangyuan, Sichuan Province, and is also a beneficiary of the education support in the "Tangtang Cooperation".

Yang Yang's master is Ren Jie, a teacher at Xiasha Middle School in Qiantang District. "One time I was preparing for a public class, and during the preparation period, he would come and audit every class I had and give me advice." Yang Yang said that exchanging teaching experience with Ren Jie allowed her to learn the knowledge of textbooks, which can be presented in many interesting ways. It can not only stimulate children's interest in learning, but also make children curious about the future and the outside world.

Luo Rong Quxi wants to be a teacher, who is weaving dreams on the plateau?

Ren Jie, a teacher from Qiantang, and Yang Yang, a teacher from Litang County No. 3 Complete Middle School, were paired up to become mentors and apprentices. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

Luo Rong Quxi said that the teachers from Qiantang would tell them about the development of the eastern city, and would talk to them about AI, the most advanced technologies such as unmanned driving, "We all want to go out and have a look." ”

Luo Rong Quxi wants to be a teacher, who is weaving dreams on the plateau?

Teacher Sun Sai from Qiantang instructed students from the two places to carry out "cloud friendship". Photo courtesy of the interviewee

In the past three years, 14 schools in Tangtang and Tangtang have also carried out twinning. "The children of Litang can take the same class with the children of Qiantang in the form of live broadcast, and they can also communicate with the children of Qiantang in the form of letters." Ye Xiaoming said that the friendship between teachers and students in the two places is getting deeper and deeper, and the interaction is also transcending the limitations of space.

Two years ago, Wang Jianyu, a volunteer teacher in Qiantang District, established an astronomical club called "Building Dreams of the Starry Sky" in Chengguan No. 4 Complete Primary School in Litang County, and used an astronomical telescope to arouse children's interest in exploring the sea of stars.

Luo Rong Quxi wants to be a teacher, who is weaving dreams on the plateau?

Wang Jianyu instructed students to use astronomical telescopes to look up at the starry sky. Photo courtesy of the interviewee

As the "Tangtang Cooperation" moves towards the deep-water area, more high-quality teaching resources from Qiantang will be brought to Litang and even stay in Litang. "Our children will have more opportunities to go out of the plateau and see the world, and they will also be able to explore the development of science on their own." Li Youlin, principal of Litang County No. 3 Complete Middle School, said.

In the Third Complete Middle School, every child who is the same age as Luo Rong Quxi is working hard to learn knowledge, they read the texts aloud, enthusiastically answer the teacher's questions, and solve every question seriously......

"Tangtang Cooperation" makes children's dreams colorful, and "Tangtang Cooperation" also makes children's dreams more likely to shine into reality.

Perhaps one day, Luo Rong Quxi will stand on the podium of the No. 3 Complete Middle School and tell her students about the outside world, as well as about the precious "Tangtang Mountains and Seas" when she was a child.