
Tongcheng: Public welfare mediators help solve the "balcony buying and selling turmoil" in the community

author:Xianning Radio and Television Station

(Reporter Hua Min correspondent Mao Zhengzheng) is most concerned about the area when buying a house, but consumers are often confused about the marketing rhetoric of "gift" and "half gift" of the balcony. When buying a house, how to calculate the area of the balcony, the owner and the developer also have their own understanding, in a community in Tongcheng, the owner and the developer have a dispute because of this problem.

Tongcheng: Public welfare mediators help solve the "balcony buying and selling turmoil" in the community

In the second half of 2022, according to the time agreed in the contract, when the house was delivered, Ms. Li felt that the overall feeling of the community was still good, so when the developer handed over the house, she said that Ms. Li's actual housing area was a little more than the contract, and she did not hesitate to go to handle it when she needed to make up the payment.

"At that time, when we went to apply for the real estate certificate, the developer said that there was a difference between the area of the house we got and the area written in the purchase contract, so we asked us to make up the difference, and we made up the area of 0.52 square meters at that time." Ms. Li didn't think much about it at first, thinking that it was normal to return more and make up less according to the contract, but later when she further inspected the area of the house, she found something unexpected for her.

Tongcheng: Public welfare mediators help solve the "balcony buying and selling turmoil" in the community

"Balconies are usually calculated according to half the area, but the developer actually calculated the full area for us, and I felt cheated at the time." Ms. Li also learned from other business owners that the same situation was encountered by everyone. Thinking that she had made up the payment, Ms. Li was even more angry, so she and more than 200 other owners complained to the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau and the Housing Authority.

The relevant departments attached great importance to it and actively communicated with the developer after receiving the complaint, but the effect was not obvious, especially the owner and the developer insisted on their own words, and the two sides argued endlessly.

Talking about the time when she was busy with this matter, Ms. Li looked helpless. "Even later, we all called 12315, and the mediation effect was not good. Later, I heard from a property owner in another community that he had encountered a similar dispute before, and he had found the county comprehensive management center to solve it, and then we found the current Wu mediator. ”

The mediator Wu mentioned by Ms. Li is a public interest mediator in Tongcheng County, and his name is Wu Chaoping. Wu Chaoping told reporters: "In June 2023, after the county comprehensive management center handed over the mediation case to the mediation center, I convened the developer and the owner's representatives together with the comrades of the mediation center the next day to hold a meeting to understand the actual situation of the dispute on the spot and see if the appeal is reasonable and legitimate." ”

After understanding the owner's demands and the developer's statement, mediator Wu Chaoping and his entourage rushed to the County Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Housing Management Bureau, and Market Supervision and Administration Bureau to continue to verify the situation. "Finally, according to the owner's mediation appeal, we found out all the information of the acceptance of the community at the Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau on the spot, and spread the ground of the entire office, and then the staff of several relevant departments looked at it one by one, and verified it one by one, to see whether the area of the land plan was consistent with the bottom. In the end, after careful comparison and accounting, it was determined that the developer had indeed overcharged the owner by 1.67 square meters. ”

Tongcheng: Public welfare mediators help solve the "balcony buying and selling turmoil" in the community

After getting the comparison results and having the data as the basis, the county comprehensive management center once again took the lead in organizing the relevant functional departments to conduct as many as 9 rounds of communication and coordination with the developer and the owner's representatives, and finally reached an agreement, the developer agreed to return the overcharged 6,000 yuan per household to the owner by transferring and deducting the property fee before the Spring Festival in 2024, and the owner will no longer claim any other civil rights against the developer.

"The first batch of money will be in place in October 2023, and the second batch will also be returned to the owners at the end of the year, and the owners are very happy, they didn't expect it to be so soon." Mr. He, the owner, couldn't help but praise the work efficiency of the mediators, and at the same time sincerely expressed his gratitude to himself and other owners, "At that time, I found so many departments but did not do a good job, I didn't expect that in the past two months, the mediation center did not let us worry about ourselves at all, they were all helping to contact and coordinate, and the owners were very happy, and I felt that this was really a practical thing for the people." ”

Tongcheng: Public welfare mediators help solve the "balcony buying and selling turmoil" in the community

Tongcheng County Comprehensive Management Center responsible comrades to reporters: "Strengthening the construction of the grassroots people's mediation team is a basic work of the substantive operation of the comprehensive management center, to this end, led by the political and legal committee of the county party committee, the county judicial bureau is specifically responsible, and the joint civil affairs bureau, human resources and social security bureau, finance bureau and other departments issued the "Tongcheng County People's Mediator Management Measures", in the county's villages, communities, townships, industries, the establishment of a full-time and part-time mediation team, hired a group of enthusiastic public welfare, fair and upright, Comrades with a certain legal knowledge base are voluntary mediators, who are regularly trained every year and pay mediation subsidies, which plays an important role in resolving conflicts at the grassroots level. ”

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