
Fizo's assassination, Putin's visit to China, and the start of China-Russia joint efforts to deal with the crazy spy operation of the United States?

author:Mud-legged spectators

#头条创作挑战赛 ##斯洛伐克总理中枪#

Putin's plane arrived in Beijing.

Fizo's assassination, Putin's visit to China, and the start of China-Russia joint efforts to deal with the crazy spy operation of the United States?

Putin's visit to China is unusual, and many major events have taken place before his visit.

First, the United States has once again increased high tariffs on Chinese products, and tariffs on new energy vehicles have increased by 100%, frantically containing China.

Second, on May 15, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo was assassinated, shot three times in the body, and is being rescued in the hospital.

Fizo's assassination, Putin's visit to China, and the start of China-Russia joint efforts to deal with the crazy spy operation of the United States?

Two things are directed at China and Russia, and in a way that is unimaginable.

Needless to say, the United States has contained China, and after the assassination of Fizo, the incident was very large, and the world has entered an "era of assassination". Previously, I wrote about the "era of global assassination", and many people did not know about the murderer behind the scenes, but now it is clear that no country can do such crazy things except Lao Mei.


Fizo was stabbed because his claims touched the interests of the United States.

Fizo has long been hated by Western countries, he is pro-Russian and anti-American, and even opposes military assistance to Ukraine.

Fizo is already in his fourth term as Prime Minister of Slovakia, and he has the support of the Slovak people. Last October, Fizo led his left-wing party, the Direction Party, to another parliamentary election.

Regarding Fizo's re-election, the United States said that Fizo would further weaken the unity of NATO and the European Union. Because Fizo has already made it clear in the elections that he will no longer provide military support to Ukraine, nor will he impose sanctions against Russia, and oppose Ukraine's accession to NATO. His ideas are obviously not in line with the interests of the United States, and he will definitely be suppressed if he goes against the United States, but he did not expect the West to use such despicable assassination methods.

Fizo's assassination, Putin's visit to China, and the start of China-Russia joint efforts to deal with the crazy spy operation of the United States?

Fizo is 60 years old, born into a civilian family, and lived through the socialist era. He has had the ideal of politics since he was a child. Later, he was admitted to the law major at university, and after graduating with a doctorate, he engaged in legal work.

In the 90s, after the upheavals in Eastern Europe, Fizo stood out in the political arena by creating left-wing parties to confront right-wing parties. In 2006 and 2012, Fizo's Direction Party won two absolute victories in parliament, and after Fizo came to power, he led Slovakia to join the European Union.

Fizo was trusted by the people in Slovakia because his policies were in line with the interests of the country and the people, and he was very close to the people and had a deep understanding of the social situation in Slovakia.

Fizo admires Putin, who has publicly stated that he will provide him with asylum if he is wanted internationally for war crimes. This is an important reason why the West is extremely dissatisfied with Fizo.

Today, in Europe, in addition to Hungary, which is a thorn in the EU, there is Slovakia. But Hungary is only stirring up the EU, and its relations with the United States are delicate, Hungary is pro-Russian and anti-Ukrainian, but not anti-American, and Orban is friendly with Trump and has good relations with Israel. This is also why Orban can behave very differently in Europe, and the United States has not suppressed him too much.


Why was Fizo's assassination a big deal?

The assassination of Fizo is not very hot at the moment, and perhaps no one recognizes that this is a big deal.

I once said in the "Assassination Era" that the great power game is not above board, especially the United States, whose strength is declining and cannot compete head-on with China and Russia, will inevitably use the methods of the next three indiscriminate.

After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, there have been many assassinations against Putin, and these spy operations are controlled by Lao Mei. As long as those who oppose the United States and do not meet the interests of the United States, the United States will eliminate them by means of assassination, and then replace them with pro-American regimes.

American agents are all over the world, there are more informants in Europe, even von der Leyen is an American spy, Europe has been heavily infiltrated, and there are many convenient conditions for manipulating and carrying out assassinations.

Fizo's assassination, Putin's visit to China, and the start of China-Russia joint efforts to deal with the crazy spy operation of the United States?

I still remember that during the Trump period, when Macron shouted for European independence and even wanted to establish the European Union Army, the United States took a lot of actions against Macron's spies, and Trump even arrogantly said that "Macron and his wife have private lives in his hands", and then Macron changed his way and compromised with the United States.

As long as you act against the United States, you will be removed from power at least or assassinated. Why did Serbian President Vučić compromise with the United States? If he does not obey the United States, he will not only be ousted by the United States, but he may end up miserable.

So, it is understandable that sometimes small countries show a policy of vacillating from side to side. After all, small countries are weak and will be manipulated by big countries by various means at any time.

Even the United States, a middle power, does not let go. Turkey is an example of Erdoğan's resentment of the United States, which has carried out unsuccessful assassinations on Ethiopian Sudan.

The Fizo incident shows that the United States has entered a frenzied phase of manipulating spy operations around the world. Attacking a country's political leaders, except for the United States, no country can do it. The reason why some heads of state who are dissatisfied with the United States have not been cleaned up is that there must be compromise deals under the table.

Fizo's assassination, Putin's visit to China, and the start of China-Russia joint efforts to deal with the crazy spy operation of the United States?

Fizo's assassination also shows once again that as long as the United States does not obey its orders, it will suffer sooner or later. Through this assassination, many countries dissatisfied with the United States will not have more anti-American voices, and they will be more vigilant. The vast majority of countries in the world have understood the intentions of the United States, even if you kneel, you will die.

Next, the United States will carry out similar assassinations against some countries that do not like it, and the frenzied spy operations of the United States will not stop, and even the means will be more diverse. The purpose of the United States is to make all countries obey the United States, and anyone who dares not obey will be assassinated.

Therefore, Fizo's assassination is not only a major event, it is likely that there will be greater riots around the world, and it cannot be ruled out that there will be conflicts in multiple regions.


Fizo's assassination came just a day before Putin's visit to China, and the United States made a clear move to warn those pro-Russian countries that if they did not follow the United States, they would be assassinated like Fizo.

After Putin came to China, when discussing major matters, it cannot be ruled out that there would also be matters to deal with the crazy spy operations of Laos and the United States.

All countries should maintain a high degree of vigilance against the assassination of political leaders, and no country can fully guard against the spy operations of Laos and the United States. Even Putin has CIA agents undercover around him, not to mention the assassination of Putin. The reason why it did not succeed is that in addition to Russia's own strict security measures, Putin has stepped up efforts to remove major hidden dangers around him.

Now that the dispute between China and the United States has reached deep waters, the United States is even more frantic in suppressing and containing China. Because of China's strict security measures, it is difficult for the United States to succeed in carrying out such a crazy spy operation, so it will use other methods to suppress China.

The frenzied spy operation of the United States shows that the great changes have entered a crazy stage, and any unpredictable events will occur.

China and Russia will not only increase their vigilance, but will also jointly respond to the crazy spy operations of the United States and the United States. In the next step, China and Russia will further strengthen security measures and carry out in-depth counter-espionage operations, and will not let go of any suspicious movements.

Fizo's assassination, Putin's visit to China, and the start of China-Russia joint efforts to deal with the crazy spy operation of the United States?

We can't do it in the same way that the United States does, but Russia can do it. This is also the difference between China and Russia.

After the assassination of Fizo, it is not ruled out that Russia will participate in the investigation and the results of the investigation will be announced. Lao Mei has a big face, and she will inevitably deny it, this is the face of the United States now, even if there is conclusive evidence, Lao Mei will not admit it.

Crazy spy operations are not only assassination, but also many methods. For example, poisoning, Yan Ge, etc., may be implemented simultaneously.

Under the great changes unseen in a century, the United States does not want to lose its hegemonic status, and in the face of domestic problems and the inability to control regional conflicts, the United States will inevitably take extraordinary measures, especially crazy spy operations. Don't imagine how good the United States is, let alone think that the United States is a big country and will not do that kind of thing, it is precisely the United States that is the country that has carried out the most assassinations, and there is no one.

The picture is from the Internet, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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