
On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize

author:Cabotage Freight Index
On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize

Domestic coastal bulk freight index

On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize
On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize

Today Chengkō

On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize

Take over today

On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize

Market analysis

Today's market negotiations continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to remain stable.

Coal prices gradually returned to calm after many days of shocks, the market mostly remained wait-and-see and suspended procurement, the release of new pallets weakened, the cargo pattern tended to be weak and balanced, and the pressure on freight rates was basically stable. However, with the advancement of the work of the peak summer in the later stage, it may boost market demand, and please pay attention to weather and demand changes in the future.

Coal ships at anchorages in the north today

On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize

Coal yards in each port

On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize

Baltic Dry Index

On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize

CCBF Annual Trend Chart (2021.07.01-present)

On the 15th, the market continued to be calm, and coastal bulk freight rates continued to stabilize