
The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)

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The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)
The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)
The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)

01 Celebration of the formation of the Fifth Army of the Red Army

The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! It's something we can celebrate. The 20,000 soldiers of the Fifth Army Corps, who had been oppressed by the two warlords Sun Lianzhong and Gao Shuxun, had rioted the previous week and had been sent to the Soviet area to serve as the Red Army.

They arrested the officials who oppressed them, the county magistrates, local tyrants, and inferior gentry in Ningdu, and they were all willing to raise the red flag of the revolution and fight the revolution with us!

That's why they want to do this, so that they no longer want to be oppressed by the Kuomintang warlords, so that they are not under the iron hooves of the Kuomintang warlords, and they will be cannon fodder for the warlords!

Now they have accepted the leadership of the Communist Party and found a real way out.

The heroic rebellion of 20,000 soldiers proved that the Kuomintang warlords had come to an end, that the soldiers and brothers were coming to the revolutionary side day by day and waging a resolute revolutionary struggle, and that the Chinese revolution was developing violently!

All comrades of commanders and combatants! We must mobilize all our strength to comfort and welcome our heroic new comrades!

We must organize new troupes, paracades, lecture troupes, and make-up performances to tell them the real conditions of the life of the workers and peasants in our Red Army and in the Soviet areas, to make them better understand the evils of the warlord system, the crimes of the Kuomintang and the brutality of imperialism, and to make them understand the tasks of the Chinese revolution and the responsibilities of the Red Army. In short, we must use all means to help the new comrades become a new force in our ranks, and this task is a task that all our commanders and combatants must work together.

In addition, we should know that this uprising of more than 20,000 soldiers was an unprecedented event in the Chinese revolution, and the success of this event proved that the revolutionary situation was growing day by day and that the Kuomintang was collapsing more and more fiercely. Therefore, we must intensify our efforts in revolutionary work, intensify political training in the Red Army, improve military technology, consolidate the leadership of the Communist Party, and enable the Red Army to become truly iron, so that we can fight the enemy and achieve greater victories and complete the Chinese revolution.

(From an editorial published on the first page of the newspaper "Red Star" published by the General Political Department of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, December 25, 1931.) )

02 The 20,000 White Army soldiers in Ningdu rebelled successfully

The brigade commanders of the reactionary regiment were arrested together

The county magistrate tied up a large bunch

Soldier brothers sing "Song of Being a Red Army"

Now the Central Revolutionary Military Commission organized them into the 13th, 14th, and 15th armies

Letter from Ningdu: The soldiers of the two divisions of Sun Lianzhong and Gao Shuxun stationed in Ningdu County, because they were oppressed by the warlords and reactionary officials, saw that the only way was to be in the Red Army, so on the 14th of this month, under the leadership of the Communist Party, all the soldiers rioted, arrested the acting commander-in-chief Li Songkun and the brigade commander of the reactionary regiment, and arrested more than 100 Ningdu county magistrates and local tyrants and gentry. The masses of workers and peasants in the red areas all the way greatly welcomed the new comrades. The Central Revolutionary Military Committee has organized the 20,000 soldiers into the 13th, 14th, and 15th armies of the Red Army.

(Excerpt from the news published on the first page of the newspaper "Red Star" published by the General Political Department of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, December 25, 1931.) )

The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)
The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)

★ The newspaper "Red Star" was founded in Ruijin on December 11, 1931 by the General Political Department of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission (later renamed the General Political Department of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army). Its editor-in-chief has been served by Zhang Ruxin, Deng Xiaoping, Lu Dingyi and so on. Most of the editorials were written by the party, government, and military leaders of the Central Committee.

The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)
The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)

May 16, 011932

The general subordinate team of the Red 5th Army Corps and the Red 13th Army garrisoned Longyan and Yong'an to rest and recuperate, eliminate bandits, raise food and funds, mobilize the masses, and restore the Soviet area.

The 3rd Red Army concentrated in Zhangzhou and the 15th Red Army concentrated in Nanjing, and began a week's rectification and training. The 45th Division of the Red 15th Army stationed in Shancheng was ordered to withdraw to the Nanjing City Military Headquarters for rectification and training. Zhang Heshan, head of the Nankeng People's League, and Wu Qichang, head of the Jinshan People's League who fled to the mountain city, saw that there was an opportunity, gathered a rabble to frantically counterattack the mountain city, and imprisoned more than 100 innocent people in the Chamber of Commerce for hanging. Cai Peiyu, the administrator of the Red Army School Club, was arrested in Ruijin on the main charge of "echoing the counterrevolutionary and mutinous activities of Ji Zhentong and Huang Zhongyue."

The Red 14th Army cleared out the remnants of bandits in southern Jiangxi and western Fujian and swept away the enemy's occupied points.

The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)

★ Hongbo Village, Mountain Town, Nanjing County

May 16, 021933

In accordance with the order of the Central Revolutionary Military Commission, the Red Army decided that the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Army Corps would be assembled in the areas of Le'an, Fujita, Dahuping, and Shanhe respectively to prepare for reorganization.

The Red 5th Army Corps passed through Dongyuan, Qianyuan, and Wangxian to Shanhewei from Pingkeng. Guo Wangxian met the follow-up team of the 11th Division, and then stopped for more than an hour before getting through.

The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)

★ Huping Village, Le'an County, was the place where the Red Army was reorganized that year

May 16, 031934

The Red 13th Division was ordered to pin down the enemy from the north of Bakou Bridge to the Yangmeizhai position, and to assemble the high ground on the right side of Yangmeizhai with the main force, preparing to cooperate with friendly forces to attack the enemy. The 39th Regiment occupied the original position, the 37th Regiment concealed and assembled in place, the 38th Regiment left the line of Tianzisheng and Zichangzhai with one battalion to stop the enemy in front of them, and the rest gathered near Xinmaoting to prepare to flank the attacking enemy. About 3 divisions of the enemy advanced to the line of Long Bridge, Ketou, and Lifeng to build fortifications. In the evening, the main force of the 38th Regiment occupied positions in Zichangzhai, Guanshan, and Tianzisheng to monitor the attacking enemy, and the rest assembled up the mountain. The 39th Regiment's alert near Bakou Bridge was taken over by the 5th Division, and the regimental headquarters was moved to Yangmeizhai to consolidate the position of the Yangmeizhai line. The 37th Regiment and its division headquarters remained unchanged as they had been deployed.

The enemy's 8th and 10th columns, with a total of 8 divisions, began to attack Jianning City. The vast number of commanders and fighters of the Red Army relied on their positions to carry out counterattacks, and after four hours of fierce fighting, they repelled several enemy charges, inflicting greater casualties on the enemy, but also paying a greater price, and the 43rd Regiment of the 15th Red Division took the initiative to abandon Jianning City at about 10 o'clock, and the corps headquarters withdrew from Jianning County and moved to the Ninghua area.

The Red 15th Division arrived at the center of the Red Army through Huangpu and camped near the Red 1st Army.

The Red 34th Division was fortified in the area of Yiqian.

The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)

★ Jianning Dayjin Gate The Red 5th Army guards this gate and engaged in fierce battles with the enemy

May 16, 041935

The Red 5th Army Corps marched overnight with the Red 1st Army Corps, arrived at the line of Xiaogaoqiao through the half-station camp, and defeated the enemy's 1 brigade of the 7th Provisional Division of the Chuankang Frontier Army, captured more than 200 enemies, and surrendered more than 1,000 guns. The headquarters is stationed in Kogaoqiao.

The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)

★ Dechang Xiaogao Township Qunyinggou battlefield site

May 16, 051936

He Long, Ren Bishi, and Guan Xiangying sent a telegram to Zhu De and Zhang Guotao: This time, the two corps set out from Zhongdian, due to the supply relationship, food difficulties, and crossing the snow-capped mountains, there were casualties and outdated along the way, and now the troops are short of salt, please Zhu and Zhang try to find a little.

The Red 5th Army was stationed in the area of Suijing and the Guanyin River; Raise food and clothing, prepare warm clothing for the Red 2nd and 6th Army Corps, etc.; The 37th Regiment and the 31st Army were on guard on the front line from Yak to Danba.

The Iron Army of the Red Army: The Fifth Army of the Red Army was formed! Today of the Red Fifth Army (May 16)

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I am the Red Clay Laoji, I tell you about the Red Fifth Army, thank you for reading! Welcome to follow, welcome to share!

(Red Fifth Army Research Society)