
Soar above 35°C! High temperatures bring not only heat, but also a real benefit......

author:Huashan Net

Only 0.3°C short

The first 35°C high temperature of the year

It's about to be born

Yesterday afternoon

The central and southern parts of the country are like crossing into the "Flaming Mountain"

Temperatures are rising

Finally, Weinan Dali was rated at 34.7°C

Wrapping up yesterday's high temperatures

Soar above 35°C! High temperatures bring not only heat, but also a real benefit......

Affected by cold air today

The heat momentum will be slowed down a bit

The first 35°C of the year

It may be born on the 17th (this Friday).

"Hot and dry air" may be present

What is hot dry air

Hot and dry wind, also known as "dry wind", "hot dry wind", is commonly known as "fire south wind" or "fire wind". It is one of the agricultural meteorological disasters with high temperature, low humidity and certain wind.

The main reason for the formation of hot and dry winds is based on the atmospheric drought in the region. Late spring and early summer is the season when the direct angle of the sun is the largest in the northern hemisphere, and it is also a period of sunny weather and little rain before the rainy season in the northern part of the continent. Under the control of dry air masses, the weather here is sunny, dry, windy, the ground warms quickly (the average maximum temperature can reach 25-30 °C), and there is less chance of rain caused by clouds, and it is easy to form dry and hot winds. This kind of dry and hot air is not conducive to the growth and development of wheat in this area.

When there is a hot and dry weather, farmers who work outdoors for a long time should pay attention to the prevention of heat stroke, pay attention to replenishing water, and prepare some heatstroke prevention and cooling drugs if necessary.

Weinan specific weather forecast

Weinan tonight to tomorrow day: sunny and cloudy, southwest wind 2 to 3, 12 to 32 °C;

17th: Sunny and cloudy, with high temperatures above 35°C in central and southern China and Hancheng, and maximum temperatures above 37°C along the Wei River and the Yellow River;

18th: Sunny and cloudy, with high temperatures above 35°C in central and southern China and Hancheng, and highs of more than 37°C along the Wei River and the Yellow River.

As the temperature gets higher and higher

The money is coming soon!

From next month

This kind of people can receive heatstroke prevention and cooling fees

The kind that has been sent for 4 months in a row!

Soar above 35°C! High temperatures bring not only heat, but also a real benefit......

What is High Temperature Allowance?

According to the provisions of the "Measures for the Administration of Heatstroke Prevention and Cooling Measures", workers who engage in high-temperature work shall enjoy post allowances in accordance with the law.

If an employer arranges an employee to work outdoors in a hot weather above 35°C (including 35°C) and fails to take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to below 33°C (excluding 33°C), it shall pay the employee a high temperature allowance and include it in the total salary.

Who is eligible for the High Temperature Allowance?

As long as the employer arranges high-temperature work, workers in enterprises, public institutions and individual economic organizations can enjoy high-temperature allowance in accordance with the law.

Please note that beverages do not count towards the heat allowance!

Employers shall provide workers who work in hot temperatures and in hot weather with sufficient heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks and necessary medicines that meet health standards.

Money and goods must not be distributed in lieu of providing heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks. Heatstroke prevention and cooling drinks shall not be used to offset the high temperature allowance.

In addition, if the maximum temperature exceeds 40°C, outdoor work should be stopped and wages should not be deducted. At the same time, employers shall not arrange for pregnant female employees and juvenile workers to engage in open-air work in hot weather above 35°C or in workplaces with temperatures above 33°C.

The high temperature allowance is a subsidy item stipulated by the state, not a unit benefit. The nature of the high temperature allowance is wages. It is a legal obligation of the employer to pay the high temperature allowance.

If the employer violates the rules in the payment of high temperature allowance, the relevant authorities will require the employer to make corrections in a timely manner.

How is the high temperature allowance paid?

1. The employer chooses to pay the high temperature allowance on a monthly basis

High temperature allowance payment time: June, July, August, September (4 months in total)

The high temperature allowance standard for workers engaged in outdoor work and hot work shall not be less than 300 yuan per person per month; Indoor non-high-temperature workers shall not be less than 200 yuan per person per month (different cities are different, and the specific situation shall prevail).

2. The employer chooses to calculate and pay the high temperature allowance according to the number of days the worker is actually engaged in hot work

Throughout the year, if a worker is arranged to work outdoors in a hot weather above 35°C and fails to take effective measures to reduce the temperature of the workplace to below 33°C, a high temperature allowance shall be paid to the worker at a rate of not less than 20 yuan per person per day. Among them, for part-time employment, the employer shall pay the employee a high temperature allowance of not less than 3 yuan per person per hour.

3. The employer shall independently choose the method of calculating and paying the high temperature allowance and determine the specific standards through the internal democratic decision-making process

Among them, enterprises can determine the calculation and specific standards of high temperature allowance through democratic procedures such as collective negotiation with employees, signing collective contracts, or submitting the high temperature allowance system to the workers' (representatives) congress for discussion and approval.

What should I do if the unit does not pay high temperature allowance?

If the employer violates the rules in the payment of the high temperature allowance, the employee can seek help from the trade union, and the trade union organization has the right to request the employer to make corrections in a timely manner.

In addition, the employee can also report to the social security, safety supervision and other departments, and the relevant departments will take measures such as ordering the employer to rectify and impose administrative penalties to protect their legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the law.

Can I reduce my salary after paying a high temperature allowance?

The minimum wage does not include a high temperature allowance, so the payment of a high temperature allowance cannot reduce the wages of the worker.

Stop work due to high temperatures and deduct wages?

The Measures for the Administration of Measures to Prevent Heat Stroke and Cool Down clearly stipulate that if the employer stops work or shortens the working hours due to hot weather, the employer shall not deduct or reduce the wages of the employee.

(Source: Shaanxi Meteorology, Weinan Meteorology, People's Daily, Xinhua Daily, etc.)

Soar above 35°C! High temperatures bring not only heat, but also a real benefit......