
Sad phrases about people who have been hurt by love (66 sentences in total)

author:A complete collection of holiday greetings

Sentimental phrases for people who have been hurt by love 1

1. Butterflies can't fly in the sea, that's because there is no expectation for the other side.

2. I've been trying hard to let you know that I'm doing well, and I can love anyone as long as it's not you.

3. I forgot how long we hadn't spoken, and why we had so much to say to you in the first place.

4. Relax a little, keep a distance from your lover, and leave a little possibility of change, so that you can have surprises and expectations.

5. Love is a dose of poison, which makes those who pay without regrets. It turns out that being hurt by a loved one is also a type of happiness.

6. How much a person is worth, and how many sincere tears there are at the funeral, you can clearly know.

7. You have lived in my heart for so long, even if you want to forget, you will leave traces.

8. The cigarette that continues in the night burns the loneliness that continues in the night, and the loneliness continues the loneliness in the mind.

9. Don't give up a love because of a little flaw, after all, what is needed in love is true love, not perfection.

10. If one day, when you call me, I don't look back. Then there was only one reason, and that was that I cried.

11. Never think that someone else's husband or wife is better than your own, because they don't love you.

12. The saddest thing is not hissing and exhaustion, but the pain is so deep that I can't breathe, my hands are shaking, and I have to endure tears.

13. A smile is a gift to others, and tears are a shower gel to wash yourself.

14. I can listen to your story with a smile, but I really can't afford to listen to your relationship with a smile.

15. Now that you have obtained the unique you, you can no longer accept the possibility of not having you in your life.

16, my poison is only for those who hurt me, if you want to be poisoned by me, you have to see if you are qualified!

17. Some troubles are made up by us, but we bear them as real.

18. There is such a thing in the world, and it is better not to know it. Knowing the truth will hurt you.

19. I have amnesia, so I don't know who you are at all, and I don't remember who ever hurt me.

20. The feelings that hurt me are hidden in hell, I hate you, I hate everything in this world.

21. The things that have gone cannot be kept, the feelings that have passed cannot be loved, and if they can stay and be loved, there will be no today.

22. The future you said is a scenery that I can't touch, so whose sea and sky have been fulfilled by my departure.

Sentimental phrases for people who have been hurt by love 2

1. When we remove the stumbling blocks from other people's feet, we may be paving the way for ourselves.

2. Nothing in the world can hurt you. As long as you're cold enough and don't care enough.

3. Those sad and painful memories, those sad memories will make us even more sad.

4. I've been walking alone for too long, so long that I'm used to being alone.

5. Give me a promise, I won't go anywhere, just stand here and wait for you.

6. Love with all your heart, you may be hurt, but this is the only way to live a full life.

7. The real forgetting is that after many years, accidentally mentioning you as if telling someone else's story.

8. Love is a person who moves from a one-way street to a two-way street with a hazy mood.

9. When you are not online, look at your black avatar in a daze. When you're online, look at your colorful avatar in a daze.

10. Memory is very capricious, you can't always remember what you want to remember, and you can never forget what you want to forget.

11. Happiness means that as long as you hold the right hand, even if you lose everything, you will not be afraid.

12. Time tells us that what has been said can not be counted, and the person who has loved can be changed.

13. The danger that these individuals will be treated with hostility and even violence is not unreal.

14. You said you couldn't forget her, you said she hurt you, but did you ever think that you hurt me.

15. I don't have a so-called safe haven, no matter how stormy and crazy I am, I have to go alone.

16. Don't be afraid to take risks when you're young. Even if it fails, there is plenty of time to turn it around.

17. Who doesn't grow up in harm? Who doesn't learn to calculate after being deceived? each other.

18. So, I chose not to love. Because, I am afraid that what I will give you is not hard fortune, but misfortune and harm.

19. To love someone is to grow up with him in a long time and wither together in the last years of life.

20. Viruses seem to have fallen in love with my home computer, and I can't bear to tear them apart.

21. In this world, there are not so many simple ifs, if you don't love, you don't love.

22. If time can't make you forget those you shouldn't remember, what's the point of our lost years?

Sentimental phrases for people who have been hurt by love 3

1. One day, you will grow up bravely, look up at the dazzling sun, close the page and forget the beautiful fairy tale.

2. Nothing lasts forever, and nothing lasts long. Make an excuse and anyone can go first.

3. The words hidden in the bottom of my heart are not deliberately hidden, but not all pain can be screamed.

4. I will use all my youth to love you, and I will forget you for the rest of my life.

5. In our world, we will never award a medal to a sad laggard.

6. I've exhausted all the excuses I can to bother you, but you still haven't looked back.

7. The advent of the god of luck is often just because you have taken a little more look, thought about it a little more, and taken an extra step.

8. Love, sometimes fragile like a withered rose, only flower shape but no color.

9. We have been looking for happiness, but gradually we find that happiness is getting farther and farther away from us.

10. If you don't try to do something beyond your ability, you will never be able to grow.

11. The most taboo thing in love is: both of them fantasize about each other's future, but they are always worried about each other's past.

12. I want to like you slowly, so slow that I seem to be able to give up, so slow that it seeps into your life.

13. We always pay attention to whether the things we get are worth it, and often ignore whether the things we give up are cherished.

14. We all smiled and said goodbye to each other, and we knew that goodbye was never goodbye.

15. Self-inflicted affection is like sneezing, obviously the nose is making trouble, but he lies to himself and says that he is thinking about you.

16. Society is very realistic, and few people pity your overwhelmed and depressed mood.

17. No one is tired of drinking water because of the blandness of water, so don't abandon life because of the blandness of life.

18. The deepest despair is that you know your own desire, but you have to pretend to be deaf and dumb to it.

19. Sometimes don't believe in that memory so much, the person in it may not be thinking about you too!

20. Please don't take me for a fool, there are some things that I don't know, but I see them in my eyes and bury them in my heart.

21. Some people stabbed me, I could cut it back, but some people stabbed me, and I could only cover the wound and laugh.

22. I always accidentally hurt one person after another, it's just that I don't feel safe.