
Are you "low-carbon" today?

author:Hulunbuir release

Green and low-carbon








Beautiful China

Are you "low-carbon" today?

Today is National Low Carbon Day

This year's theme is:

"Green and Low-Carbon, Beautiful China"

Are you "low-carbon" today?

Let's focus on the impacts of climate change

Hand in hand to form a simple, moderate, civilized and healthy

lifestyle and consumption patterns

Jointly promote green and low-carbon development

What is Low Carbon?

Low carbon refers to the production and living mode of society with lower greenhouse gas emissions. The connotation of low-carbon is: low-carbon society, low-carbon economy, low-carbon production, low-carbon consumption, low-carbon life, low-carbon city, low-carbon community, low-carbon family, low-carbon tourism, low-carbon culture, low-carbon lifestyle, etc., and its core content is low-carbon life and low-carbon economy.

Why is there a "National Low Carbon Day"?

In order to popularize climate change knowledge, publicize low-carbon development concepts and policies, and encourage public participation, since 2013, the third day of the Energy Conservation Publicity Week has been designated as the "National Low Carbon Day", aiming to adhere to the concept of "people-oriented", popularize climate change knowledge, establish a low-carbon development concept, and promote the implementation of greenhouse gas emission control goals and climate change response.

Are you "low-carbon" today?

Low carbon and environmental protection

It's never just a slogan

It is necessary to start from the small things around us in daily work and life

We can do that



Low-carbon office

■ Use natural light to save power and delay the cycle

Choose to study and work in a place with plenty of natural light, and don't turn on the lights when there is plenty of natural light; The use of energy-saving bulbs for lighting, the use of light-saving lamps, the use of brightness to reduce the number of lights, and the habit of turning off the lights at hand, can not only reduce the indirect emissions caused by the power consumption of the bulb lighting, but also extend the service life of the bulb.

■ Paper double-sided, mail for letters

Achieve green paper: paper double-sided printing and copying can not only reduce costs, but also save energy and reduce emissions.

Scientifically choose the location of the copier: Placing the photocopier in a position conducive to heat dissipation is conducive to improving its operation efficiency, reducing power consumption, and reducing carbon emissions generated by the use of copiers.


Low-carbon mobility

■ Green and low-carbon travelPublic transport can help reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions. It is proposed to use the "135" green travel mode, that is, walking within 3 kilometers, cycling within 3-5 kilometers, and taking public transportation more than 5 kilometers. ■ Low-rise stairs to save electricity and fitness to choose the lower floors to walk up and down, multiple elevators can only press one elevator control button, only part of the elevator is opened during the break, each elevator can save 5000 degrees of electricity per year, which is equivalent to reducing 4.8 tons of carbon dioxide emissions.


Low-carbon consumption

■ Choose clothes made from natural materials

Choosing cotton and linen clothing can reduce the carbon footprint of the process.

■ Refuse to "like the new and hate the old"

On the premise of ensuring the needs of daily life, you can buy one less unnecessary piece of clothing every year, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 6.4 kg.

■ Recycling and donation of idle clothes

Donate unused clothes to people and areas in need to form a reuse of clothes.

■ Avoid buying over-packaged products

Back to basics and reducing the use of plastic.


Low-carb diet

■ Reduce food waste

Actively practice civilized meal distribution and "disc action", advocate "taking meals on demand", "not more, not more", and do not do more in the kitchen, so as to reduce unnecessary waste from the source.

■ Nutritional matching, reasonable diet

Eating the same weight of meat produces more greenhouse gas emissions than vegetables. Eating a reasonable diet, not overeating, not overeating meat, and eating less meat one day a week while ensuring nutrition can help reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

■ Choose simple food

Reducing the use of 1 kg of packaging paper can save about 1.3 kg of standard coal and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 3.5 kg.

■ Reduce the use of disposable utensils

It is recommended to bring your own water cup when you go out, reduce the use of disposable cups, use more reusable chopsticks and lunch boxes, and try to bring your own tableware; Try to order as little takeout as possible and avoid using disposable utensils.

Source: "Inner Mongolia Daily" official WeChat

Editor-in-Chief: Wang Yanan, Zhou Xin Editor: Ma Haiwen Supervisor: Li Jintian Producer: Chen YuhangDirector Producer: Su De Statement: Please indicate the source of the WeChat public account of "Hulunbuir Release".

Are you "low-carbon" today?