
Colorful, colorful, and innovative! This ideological and political drama is very exciting

author:Hulunbuir release

Recently, the No. 1 Primary School of Genhe City carried out the ideological and political drama performance activity of "Learning History, Mingzhi, Knowing History and Patriotism".

Colorful, colorful, and innovative! This ideological and political drama is very exciting

"Only by knowing history and loving the country and deeply exploring the history of the country can we love our ······motherland more deeply." With the crisp voice, the two hosts made their debut, "A Red Sweater", "Heroic Age", "The Story Behind the Five-Star Red Flag" and other programs were wonderful, with ups and downs of the plot with novel stage design and the tense performances of the young actors, which won the audience's long-lasting applause.

The purpose of this activity is to thoroughly implement and implement ideological and political education, so that students can better understand and inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation through the form of drama, as well as learn the red spirit in the education of the four histories, and bring students into the role, into the script, and into the plot, so that they will be imperceptibly influenced in the performance process, stimulate their patriotism and will to serve the country, cultivate their correct values and morals, let them experience and perceive in the performance, and grow into idealistic, moral, and cultured. A disciplined teenager of the new era.

Colorful, colorful, and innovative! This ideological and political drama is very exciting

Han Yuqing, a student, said: "Through the performance of the textbook drama, I have a deeper understanding of the content of the textbook, improve my expression ability, teamwork spirit and sense of collective honor, stimulate creativity and imagination, enhance self-confidence, improve my interest in learning, and learn how to better overcome difficulties." ”

Student Sun Xiaoya said: "The performance of the small theater of the ideological and political class is really wonderful, I feel the patriotic feelings of the ancestors, learn their brave and hard-working spirit, I want to carry forward these spirits, inherit the red gene, and strive to become a good boy in the new era with responsibility." Source: Genhe Rong Media Center

Editor-in-Chief: Wang Yanan, Zhou Xin Editor: Ma Haiwen Supervisor: Li Jintian Producer: Chen YuhangDirector Producer: Su De Statement: Please indicate the source of the WeChat public account of "Hulunbuir Release".

Colorful, colorful, and innovative! This ideological and political drama is very exciting