
If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

#挑战30天在头条写日记#进入5月份, although it has entered the summer mode, but it has not reached the hot stage, it has been raining these days, the rain and sunshine are abundant, plus many migrant workers live in coastal and riverside areas, after high temperature exposure, the water is evaporated, resulting in high humidity in the air, the body is particularly lazy, feeling that the whole body has no strength, it is likely that moisture invades our body. In spring, don't forget the food therapy, you can give your family a taste of this dampness soup - winter melon barley crucian carp soup, it tastes super delicious, and the dampness effect is also good, hurry up and collect it. If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

【The process of making winter melon barley crucian carp soup】

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

Ingredient list: choose a fresh crucian carp (it is recommended to choose a fish body is very complete, the size should be larger, do not choose the crucian carp that is too black in color, the eyes of the fresh crucian carp are very bright, whether it is braised and boiled soup, usually to give the family more crucian carp soup), buy a small handful of high-quality barley (barley, also known as barley, is a dampness dispel ingredients, the therapeutic value is very high, help drive away the moisture of the body, can be used to cook porridge or stew soup in summer), a large piece of ginger, a little cold water and pure water, a little cooking wine, a few salt, 100 grams of old winter melon (the skin of winter melon contains a lot of nutrients, it is recommended not to peel it, summer is the time to eat winter melon, stewed soup is the best way to eat) half a spoon of white pepper, a few chives, and other condiments.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

Detailed production process:

1: Prepare fresh crucian carp, winter melon and barley in advance, first cut the ginger into slices and thin strips, wash the chives and tie them into green onion knots, and cut the other part of the chives into thin pieces for later use.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

2: Wash the barley repeatedly, soak the barley in cold water for 2 hours, then control the moisture on the surface, pour it into a hot pan and fry for a while, let the surface slightly brown, and put it out for later use.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

3: Slaughter a crucian carp in advance, remove the scales, gills, internal organs and black membrane of the stomach, and clean the crucian carp repeatedly and wipe the moisture on the surface, so that the fried fish will not stick to the pan.

4: Put the crucian carp in a container, smear the surface with ginger, add a little cooking wine to remove the smell, sprinkle with a little salt, and marinate the crucian carp until it tastes.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits
If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

5: Wash the outer skin of the winter melon, remove the inner part of the winter melon, cut it into pieces of the same size, prepare the ingredients such as crucian carp, barley and winter melon, and start making this winter melon and barley crucian carp soup.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

6: Heat the bottom of the pot in advance, heat the oil in the cold pan, sprinkle with a little salt, fry the crucian carp in the pan until golden brown on both sides.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

7) Add two large bowls of boiling water, add the melon cubes and barley, add some ginger and tangerine peel, simmer for 5 to 6 minutes, let the fish broth cook until milky white.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

8: Finally, add a drop of pepper and a little salt, boil the soup until it tastes, throw in chopped green onions and wolfberries, simmer for a short time, take it out of the pot and eat, and the winter melon barley and crucian carp soup is completed.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

Winter melon barley crucian carp soup is one of the dampness soups, deeply loved by many southerners, the selection of fresh crucian carp, barley and winter melon, barley and winter melon are good helpers to dispel dampness, with crucian carp to cook a pot, the soup is too delicious, it is very comfortable to drink, warm the heart and stomach, drive away the dampness of the body, and make the body healthier.

If you don't get rid of dampness in summer, you will be busy all year round! It is recommended to drink more of this soup to dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen, which has many benefits

Netizens, have you ever drunk this winter melon barley crucian carp soup? (The above pictures are all from the Internet)


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