
There is another "9.9 yuan spoiler" in the tea industry, but this time it is a good profit

author:Business that little thing
There is another "9.9 yuan spoiler" in the tea industry, but this time it is a good profit

The tea and coffee track ushered in the "9.9 yuan spoiler".

Recently, Hollyland launched the Chinese tea brand "Good Tea", which debuted with three flavors - Tieguanyin Oolong Tea Fresh Milk Tea, Zhengshan Xiaozhong Black Tea Fresh Milk Tea, and Mingxiang Jasmine Tea Fresh Milk Tea. The capacity is 550ml, the original price is 13 yuan / cup, and now the activity price is 9.9 yuan. Up to now, "Good Tea" has been deployed in 22 cities including Kunshan, Nanjing, Wuhu, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Wuxi, Wuhan, Changsha and Yibin.

There is another "9.9 yuan spoiler" in the tea industry, but this time it is a good profit

Injected into the healthy trend of tea drinks, the three products currently launched all emphasize the use of 0 creamer, 0 flavor of tea base, and 0 trans fatty acids in the whole cup.

From the perspective of positioning and taste, "good tea" is similar to Bawang tea, for example, no small ingredients are added, and (Chinese) and original leaf real tea are emphasized.

In fact, this is not the first time Hollyland has launched milk tea.

As early as 2018, some netizens posted the "Rosewood Milk Tea" bought in Hollyland, saying that the price was 18 yuan a cup; In February last year, Hollyland also launched "Phoenix Milk", "Yuxiang Jasmine" and "Rose Oil Cut" 3 light milk teas, according to netizens, the unit price is 19 yuan a cup, the specification is 480ml, and there are three 330ml coffees of American, latte and sea salt caramel macchiato, priced at 15-19 yuan.

However, the above-mentioned attempts did not cause much splash in the market, and Hollyland did not seem to continue, and there was no publicity copy of related products in its official public account.

As a baking brand, Hollyland chose to enter the milk tea track with great fanfare at this time, what kind of special layout does it have?

There is another "9.9 yuan spoiler" in the tea industry, but this time it is a good profit

One possibility is that milk tea is an outlet for Hollyland to find incremental growth under the competition of the baking business.

Since it was taken over by the "second generation" in 2014, Hollyland has embarked on a path of "youth". Constantly creating popular models, the semi-cooked cheese series launched by this brand is still their star king fried product, which is well-known by consumers; There are also high-end line brands "Black Swan" that are out of the circle because of high-value clerks.

In addition, Hollyland also maintains high exposure and popularity through continuous co-branding out of the circle. According to statistics, since 2016, Hollyland has launched a total of 33 collaborations in 7 years. From Heytea, Oreo, and Wang Laoji in the same food track, to cross-border Harry Potter, Toy Story, Spy Player, Tangerine and other diversified IPs, Hollyland has changed its ways to enter the field of vision of young people.

However, it is worth noting that since 2019, Hollyland has not launched a big explosion item that can benchmark semi-cooked cheese, iceberg lava, etc.

There is another "9.9 yuan spoiler" in the tea industry, but this time it is a good profit

The overall barriers of the baking industry are not high and the replication is strong, and it is easy for popular products to usher in a lot of "replicas" after they are launched, and the short-term marketing brought by co-branding is difficult to bring long-term pull to performance.

From the launch of Holiland Pet, a pet baking brand by Hollyland in February this year, it is not difficult to see its ambition to try to find increments.

From the perspective of baking cross-border milk tea, although from the perspective of the supply chain, some of the raw materials used by the two such as dairy products, seasonal fruits, small ingredients, etc. are synergistic, but the supply chain of tea raw materials has certain challenges for Hollyland.

Text|Zhang Tianyuan Part of the content integrates financial networks and interface news

Editor|Kong Yaoyao

Image source: Hollyland Xiaohongshu account