
Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

author:Affection and dew

My name is Hu Ya and I am 51 years old. This morning, the sun was shining through the cracks in the curtains in my room, and I was immersed in sleep when I was awakened by a rush of phone ringing.

I touched my phone sleepily, and when I saw my daughter's name displayed on the screen, a trace of worry suddenly swelled up in my heart, and I quickly picked up the phone.

"Mom! Woowoo...... He hit me, he actually hit me! Mom, you know what? He was so ruthless that he slapped me in the face, and my face still hurts hotly! ”

On the other end of the phone, there was a crying voice from her daughter, which was full of grievances and fear, as if she had been greatly wronged.

I sat up from the bed at once, anger filling my chest in an instant.

"What? How dare he beat you! This bastard, I'm going to settle accounts with him! "I was so angry that my voice trembled.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

However, the daughter suddenly changed her words: "Mom, you hurt me, you cut off my monthly subsidy of 5,000, we can't afford the mortgage, the bank has been urging, and he is in a bad mood to beat me." Mom, hurry up and transfer the money to me, otherwise I will divorce him, I don't want to divorce, I don't want to repeat your mistakes! Mom, can you bear to watch me get divorced? Can't you help me? ”

The daughter's words were eager and natural, mixed with some complaints.

"Mom, think about it, if we don't have money, how can we live? We have to pay off so much mortgage every month, and we have to pay for living expenses. He was also forced by life to be like this. Mom, you can help me again, give me some more money, as long as I have money, he won't beat me, and our lives will be peaceful again. ”

The daughter kept talking on the other end of the phone, her voice full of pleading.

Hearing this, my heart felt as if it had been stabbed violently, and a chill rose from the bottom of my heart.

Only then did I realize that my daughter's call to cry and complain about being beaten was not the point at all, the point was to ask me to give her money.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

I can't help but think of my daughter growing up, I love her so much, I have given everything for her, but now she only knows to ask me for money, completely ignoring my feelings.

"How can you say that, I've worked so hard for so many years to pull you up, is it easy for me?" My voice trembled a little and said, "Didn't I give you enough?" You know you want money! ”

"Mom, I know you're working hard, but we really can't help it, how can we live without money." The daughter is still quibbling.

"Enough! Say no more! I felt so tired and tired: "Do you know that if you depend on me, you won't find a way to do it yourself?" You're such a big person, and you're so ignorant! ”

"Mom, how can you be so ruthless, don't you care about me?" The daughter was crying on the other end of the phone.

"I can't control you for the rest of your life, you can solve your own life!" I said coldly and hung up.

My name is Hu Ya, and I was born in 1972 in that poor and backward mountain village.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

In that place, girls seemed to be inherently unvalued, and I couldn't escape this fate, and I lost my qualification to go to school early.

When it came to 1994, I still had some illusions about the future, but my parents ruthlessly arranged for me to marry my ex-husband, just to get a sum of money to help my brother marry a wife.

I was not reconciled, I resisted desperately, went on a hunger strike, I cried and shouted to them: "Why do you want to do this to me? I have my own life! ”

However, it was all in vain, the gears of fate turned mercilessly, and I was finally forced into that emotionless marriage.

In 1996, I gave birth to my daughter. When my in-laws saw that it was a girl, their faces instantly turned ugly, and they were very angry and said that they were going to give my daughter away.

I hugged my daughter tightly, as if I were protecting the most precious treasure in the world.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

"No! No one wants to take my daughter away! I shouted hoarsely.

My in-laws didn't give up, and in the days that followed, they kept urging me to have a second child, saying that I must have a boy.

I resolutely refused: "I only want my daughter, I won't have another life!"

Seeing that I was so resolute, they secretly took my daughter to a relative's house while I was not looking.

When I found out that my daughter was missing, my heart felt like it was about to be torn apart, and I rushed to my relative's house like crazy, shouting with tears in my eyes, "Give me back my daughter!" If you don't give her back to me, I'll die here!" ”

Perhaps frightened by my determination, they eventually returned their daughter to me.

In 1999, I couldn't stand this life anymore and divorced my ex-husband and became a single mother. Since then, my four-year-old daughter and I have lived together.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

The first days were really tough, I didn't have much savings, so I had to rent a shabby hut.

Every morning, I wake up early to prepare a simple breakfast for my daughter, and watching her eat with relish gives me a little comfort in my heart.

"Mom, why don't we live in a big house?" My daughter asked me with her big innocent eyes.

"Baby, when mom works hard to make money, she will change us to a big house to live in." I smiled and said to my daughter, but my heart was full of sorrow.

In order to make a living, I do odd jobs everywhere, and I am willing to do any dirty work. Sometimes, I would move bricks on the construction site, and I would be so tired that I couldn't straighten my waist; Sometimes, I would go to a restaurant to wash the dishes, and one stop would be the whole day.

Every day when I get home, I am too tired to move, but seeing my daughter's lovely face, I feel that everything is worth it.

I remember one time, my daughter fell ill and developed a high fever. I was so anxious that I rushed to the hospital with her in my arms.

It was a cold night, the wind was blowing, and I held my daughter tightly in my arms, for fear that she would get a little colder. When I arrived at the hospital, I couldn't stop crying when I saw my daughter's uncomfortable appearance.

"Mom, I'm uncomfortable." The daughter said weakly.

"Don't be afraid, baby, mom is here, and the doctor will cure you." I comforted her softly.

That night, I watched my daughter in a chair in the hospital, not daring to close my eyes, silently praying in my heart that my daughter would get better soon.

The days passed like this, and although it was difficult, my daughter was slowly growing up.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

She is very sensible, will help me do some housework within her ability, and will also bring me a glass of water when I am tired, and say "Mom, you have worked hard".

As my daughter grew up, she reached the age of going to school. I know very well the importance of education for my daughter, no matter how hard I work, I must let my daughter receive a good education. I worked hard and saved money just so that I could pay my daughter's tuition and buy school supplies.

"Mom, I will study hard and repay you in the future." The daughter said obediently.

"Good boy, mom, as long as you grow up healthy and happy." I touched her head with relief.

I never relax in my daughter's studies, and I will accompany her to do her homework and explain difficult problems to her every day. Watching my daughter improve little by little, I am sincerely proud.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, my daughter ushered in the college entrance examination. In those days, I was more nervous than my daughter, and I silently prayed for her, hoping that she would do well in the exams.

Finally, the day of the release came, and the daughter ran home happily.

"Mom, I'm in college! I've got into a good university! The daughter shouted excitedly.

I burst into tears and hugged my daughter tightly. After so many years of hard work, it has finally paid off, and my daughter is so good.

In the following days, I began to prepare for my daughter's college years, and although I was busy, my heart was full of joy and anticipation. I know that my daughter is about to embark on a new journey, and I will continue to support her silently behind her and bless her.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

2019, it was a year with mixed feelings. My daughter, the baby I raised with hard work, is married.

She found someone she liked, and I looked at her happy smile, and although I had a lot of reluctance in my heart, I still chose to respect her choice.

The son-in-law comes from a small mountain village, and his parents are both farming families, and the family conditions are indeed very bad.

The first time I saw him, he behaved well and sensibly in front of me, looking at me with sincere eyes, patting his chest and promising to be good to my daughter. "Auntie, don't worry, I will definitely take good care of her and be good to her for the rest of my life."

His words made me believe him easily, perhaps because I wanted my daughter to be happy so much.

"Mom, I really love him, and I'm sure we'll be happy." My daughter said, taking my hand.

"As long as you feel happy, Mom respects your choice." I smiled and said to my daughter, silently praying in my heart that she would be happy like this forever.

At the wedding, seeing my daughter wearing a white wedding dress and smiling so brightly, I couldn't help but cry.

Not only did I not ask for a bride price, but I also took out the 150,000 yuan I had saved hard to give my daughter as a dowry, hoping that she could live well in her new family.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

In 2021, my daughter gave birth to her little grandson, and on that day, I rushed to the hospital.

"Mom, you're here." My daughter looked at me weakly.

"My baby suffered." I caressed my daughter's face in distress.

During my daughter's confinement, I personally served her, cooked her a variety of nutritious food every day, and helped her take care of her little grandson.

"Mom, it's good to have you here." The daughter said gratefully.

"Silly child, mom doesn't take care of who you take care of." I responded with a smile.

At the beginning of last year, my daughter and son-in-law came to me and said they wanted to buy a house.

"Mom, we want to have a home of our own, but we don't have enough money, can you lend us some." The daughter said with some embarrassment.

Looking at my daughter's expectant eyes, I gave them all the 100,000 yuan I kept for the elderly without thinking about it.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

"Mom, don't worry, we will definitely pay you back as soon as possible." The son-in-law hurriedly said.

"Don't be in a hurry to pay it back, you live your life first." I comforted them.

However, not long after I bought the house, my daughter came to me crying.

"Mom, we are under too much financial pressure now, and the family will starve to death after paying off the mortgage." The daughter sobbed.

I hugged my daughter in distress, and I felt sad for a while. "Baby, don't worry, mom will figure it out."

Since then, I have decided to subsidize my daughter with 5,000 yuan a month, which I have earned through hard work. Every day I get up early and work greedily at night, just to earn more money to help my daughter.

I didn't think about it, I paid too much for my daughter, so that my daughter always took it for granted. I didn't expect that my daughter is a love brain, and my son-in-law is such a selfish person.

One day half a year ago, I went to visit my daughter with joy, and when I was out to buy groceries, I overheard people in the community talking about my parents-in-law.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

"Do you know, Zhou Chen's father is only in his fifties and doesn't work anymore, he knows how to go out to play all day long, and he asks Zhou Chen for money." A neighbor was the first to say.

"Oh, it's not, Zhou Chen's mother too, I went out to travel three times last year, and it cost all the children's money." Another neighbor followed closely behind.

"These two people are too selfish, why don't they think about their children at all." Someone couldn't help but sigh.

"That's it, pity Zhou Chen's mother-in-law, I heard that she is still a single mother, and she worked hard to raise her eldest daughter, but now she is raised in vain, patronizing her in-laws, and she doesn't care about her own mother." Someone complained about me.

"Alas, this daughter, it's so chilling." Everyone shook their heads and sighed.

I stood there and couldn't believe my ears. I suddenly understood why my daughter was always under so much financial pressure, it turned out that her in-laws and mother-in-law enjoyed life so leisurely, and all the pressure was on my daughter and son-in-law. I was immediately very angry, and when my mother left, I found my son-in-law.

"Chenchen, you see that your parents can't do this, how much pressure you have, can you take care of them." I tried to say it as calmly as I could.

The son-in-law frowned and responded impatiently: "Mom, I'm doing my filial piety, don't meddle in your affairs." ”

His words stuck like a knife in my heart, and I didn't expect him to say that. I was trembling with anger, "I'm doing this for your own good, how do you live like this." ”

"I said you don't care, why don't you understand." The son-in-law said loudly.

I shook my head helplessly and went back to persuade my daughter. "Sissi, you also persuade your husband, it's not okay to go on like this."

The daughter lowered her head and whispered, "Mom, I listen to him, and what he said makes sense." ”

I couldn't believe my ears, how could my daughter do this. Because of this incident, my son-in-law had an opinion about me, and when he saw me, he turned his face away, and I was angry and left the same day.

Last month I was hospitalized and called my daughter, and her reaction made me decide to stop her 5,000 subsidy

A month ago, I suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized. Lying in the hospital bed, I felt extremely lonely and helpless, so I called my daughter's phone and hoped that she would come back to see me.

"Sissi, Mom is sick, in the hospital, come back to see Mom." I said weakly.

"Mom, I know, I'll try to go back." The daughter agreed.

But the next day, I waited for my daughter's call. "Mom, I really can't pull away, I can't leave here if there's something going on." The daughter's voice was full of helplessness.

Later, I learned that my mother-in-law found out what I said to my son-in-law, got angry, and refused to let my daughter come back. At that moment, I felt my heart completely cold, chilling.

I never thought that my son-in-law would be so vicious, and my daughter would listen to him and really ignore me. With their performance like this, can I count on them when I'm old?

After relatives and friends found out, they all came to the hospital to see me, and they all said that my daughter was in love, and I spoiled my daughter badly, so I didn't drag my body down for my daughter. I lay on my hospital bed, silently weeping, my heart full of sorrow.

I thought about it all quietly, thinking back to the little things I had done for my daughter, and I felt that I was really stupid. I can't go on like this, I'm going to live for myself.

So, I decided to change to an easy job and stop subsidizing my daughter. When I told my daughter about this decision, she was anxious.

"Mom, how can you be like this, don't you think about me." The daughter shouted loudly.

"Haven't I thought enough about you? I've given so much for you, but what have I got? I also responded loudly.

"You can't leave me alone, what should I do if you do this?" The daughter cried.

"The man you choose, bear the consequences." I said coldly.

We had a complete falling out, and at that moment, I felt like my heart was being torn apart. But I knew I had to, I couldn't be led away by my daughter anymore.

After I resolutely cut off the 5,000 monthly allowance for my daughter, a surprising change occurred.

The father-in-law who used to have nothing to do all day and had to go to the scene almost every day to have fun suddenly stopped going out every day; And the mother-in-law who used to travel from time to time and could go out several times a year is now not traveling.

It seems that my son-in-law can't honor his parents without my 5,000 yuan, maybe that's why he beat up my daughter, he wants to force me to soften my heart and continue to sacrifice myself so that his parents can enjoy themselves.

This huge contrast between before and after really makes people sigh a little, and it also makes me feel a lot of complicated emotions in my heart. I sighed and decided not to care so much, my children and grandchildren have their own children and grandchildren, and my daughter will still rely on herself in the future!

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