
Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!

author:Shanghai Huangpu

On May 15, the first mental health social worker station in Huangpu District was officially established in Bansongyuan Road Street.

Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!

The relevant person in charge of the Bansongyuan Road Sub-district Office said that the Bansongyuan Road Sub-district has been committed to providing high-quality mental health services for residents, and the establishment of the mental health social work station is an affirmation of our past work and an encouragement for future work. We will take this opportunity to further deepen the work in the field of mental health and work with all parties to promote the development of mental health in our district.

Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!

The person in charge of the district mental health center gave a detailed introduction to the services of the social work station. The construction of the mental health social work station is an important measure for Huangpu District to further optimize the management of patients with mental disorders, open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and explore the construction of a community mental health service system. The social work station will provide a full range of rehabilitation services for patients with mental disorders, including rehabilitation training, psychological counseling, career guidance, etc., aiming to help patients improve their self-care ability, social adaptability and employability, and improve and enhance the quality of life of patients through community power, so that they can better integrate into society. At the same time, the social work station will also provide mental health services for community residents, so that residents can understand mental health knowledge, correctly understand psychological problems, and professional channels for seeking help.

Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!
Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!

Xu Yanwen, deputy director of the Bansongyuan Road Sub-district Office, and Wang Yu, director of the District Mental Health Center, jointly unveiled the mental health social work station.

Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!

Rigorous Xian, deputy secretary of the District Health Party Working Committee, presented the flag to the psychological care volunteer service team.

Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!

Chen Ruyu, vice president of the District Mental Health Center, issued a letter of appointment to the Yixin Mental Health Volunteer Service Team.

Cai Jun, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Municipal Mental Health Center, spoke highly of the progress made in the field of mental health in Huangpu District, and pointed out that the establishment of the mental health social work station is a key step to realize the community-based and refined mental health services, and hoped that the social work station can be used as a platform to strengthen the connection between medical institutions and the community, improve the mental health level of residents, and provide all-round support for patients with mental disorders.

Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!

During the event, Lu Jun, deputy chief physician of the District Mental Health Center, gave a lecture on mental health knowledge with the theme of "Gossip Spirit-Identification and Protection of Mental Diseases". Dr. Lu Jun explained the basic knowledge of mental health in simple terms, emphasizing the importance of early identification and intervention, which was warmly welcomed by the audience.

Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!
Open up the "hospital-community" integrated service model, and set up the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District!

The reporter learned that the establishment of the first mental health social work station in Huangpu District is another important measure in our district to improve the level of public health and build a harmonious community. In the future, Huangpu District will continue to promote the integration and optimization of mental health service resources, so that more community residents can enjoy professional and convenient mental health services, and jointly create a healthy, harmonious and happy community environment.

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