
The greatest misfortune in life is not poverty, but "walking with your head down"

author:Cloth clothes and coarse food

Many people tell you that a person's true maturity starts with bowing his head.

But have you ever thought that if you always walk with your head down, will you be productive?

The root of bowing your head is to look up better, not to keep your head down.

As the famous saying goes, "If you don't explode in silence, you die in silence." ”

It doesn't matter if a person is poor, it's not a reason for you to "dare not look up" at all. The poorer you are, the more you must have the backbone to give yourself the faith to get rich.

If you want people to look down on, you must first look down on yourself.

It's not the ability to bow your head, but to bow your head with a smile is; It's not courage to look up, it's calm.

The greatest misfortune in life is not poverty, but "walking with your head down"


"Doom" only bullies those who keep their heads down.

As the saying goes: "Doom is only looking for the miserable, and the hemp rope is broken in detail." ”

When a person is in a weak position, then bad luck follows.

And we are accustomed to attributing our "weak" self to bad luck, no background, and too little money. It is rare to see such a situation because the psychology is too fragile and the courage to change fate is not enough.

Or, when the opportunity to change fate came, he didn't dare to seize it, and he was afraid.

Once a person falls into a conformist situation, bowing his head becomes a lifelong thing.

In the novel "The Death of a Little Civil Servant", Chekov wrote about a man named Ivan Dmitry Chervyakov.

While watching the play, he accidentally sneezed and spat on the general-level civilian official sitting in the front row.

As a result, he trembled every day and constantly apologized to the general.

At first, the general thought he was polite and warmly received. Later, the general was annoyed, so he replied a few words.

When he saw the general's fierce appearance, he didn't think about tea and dinner, and he was afraid that there would be any evil consequences, so he panicked all day long.

To put it bluntly, it is Chervyakov who is too inferior, which leads to constant bad luck.

In the real society, there is a woman named Juan.

A reporter from "Xinmin Daily" once described it like this: "Mrs. Zhu lives lonely and dies lonely, and there is no such lonely person in the lonely world." She lived silently for sixty-nine years, and now she has left the world without a word. ”

She is Lu Xun's original partner, but there is no real marriage. On the premise that she could remarry and pursue freedom and happiness, she chose to endure silently and accept the wrong marriage of the "order of her parents" in the feudal period.

The biggest tragedy of people is not that people outside bully, but that they "can't get out of themselves".

When dealing with people, there is a bad habit - bullying.

The more powerful the person, the more favored he will be, so he will be able to get more resources and he will also be able to get help. On the contrary, it is the weak, who wanted to get help from the strong, but was crushed by the strong.

You can think of a scenario like this: an ordinary person clenched his fist and wanted to smash it into a stone, or cotton?

It should be smashed into the cotton, and the hand will not hurt, and the cotton will be dented.

But what about you? All the time in cotton. The harm of bowing your head is revealed.

The greatest misfortune in life is not poverty, but "walking with your head down"


"Raising your head" will hit the south wall, and it will also increase wisdom.

At the Mumbai Buddhist Institute, there is a very small side door, one and a half meters high.

To enter the door, adults have to bow their heads, bend over, and turn sideways. Otherwise, you will hit the door frame and the wall.

The academy holds classes for new students, which is located in the side entrance.

There is no doubt that new students have to go through a "bump into a wall" and then know how to bow their heads.

There is a saying: "If you don't hit the south wall, you won't look back." ”

People have to dare to hit the south wall, otherwise they don't know how brave they are. Nor will they know how to accumulate wisdom.

In the movie "Forrest Gump", Forrest Gump is a person with very low intelligence and has been looked down upon by his peers since he was a child.

Jenny, a kind-hearted girl, shouted "Run" at Forrest Gump.

yes, you can't fight others, can't you run away?

Since Forrest Gump learned to run, he has been running faster and faster. Even if people drive and chase, they can't catch up.

In the process of running, he fell countless times, but when he thought that there was someone chasing him behind him, he had to grit his teeth, get up, and continue running.

Later, Forrest Gump ran to the university and ran to the battlefield.

Sister Furong, an Internet celebrity, said a very domineering sentence: "My body is destroyed, I still have the will, even if it is my complete body that is destroyed, I will not bow to fate!" ”

Yes, Sister Fleur has been ridiculed by others when she was growing up, but she didn't bow her head, she simply raised her head and behaved ugly.

After years of grinding, she finally became a celebrity and changed her fate.

Regardless of whether you have the ability or not, you always have to fight with life a few times in order to gain wisdom and know whether you can do it or not.

Many things are not successful, not because the process is complicated and their skills are too poor, but because they "dare not start".

Just be brave enough to start and give it a try, and the results are often a little better than expected.

Failure is the mother of success. You look up, ready to hit the wall, and it looks stupid, but in fact you are accumulating wisdom and trying again.

In fact, you are poor, but you are not inferior to others. Choose to bow your head and treat others only with promises, this is your own business, and it has nothing to do with others.

All people are equal, but you humbled yourself to the dust, and there is no need for you to do so.

The greatest misfortune in life is not poverty, but "walking with your head down"


A person's good fortune begins from the moment he looks up.

New Zealand's first female prime minister, Shipley, told a story from the past.

When she was a child, she didn't think she was pretty, so she always walked with her head down, afraid of the eyes of others.

One day, she plucked up the courage to go to the store and buy a beautiful bow and put it on her head. This is a way to increase your confidence.

As she exited the store, she bumped into a person who had entered the door. The other party shouted: "Little girl, your bow ......"

She thought that the other party had discovered the beauty of the bow, so she raised her head and walked home.

Along the way, everyone smiled at her. She is also enthusiastic, thinking that everyone is staring at the "bow".

When she got home, she stood in front of the mirror and realized that when she came out of the store, she had knocked it off.

It turns out that as long as there is a "bow" in your heart, life will win.

Bow your head, not a master key, but a skill to overcome rigidity with softness. The ultimate goal is to make yourself strong and confident.

Even if you are penniless, when you look up, the sun will shine on your face, golden.

From now on, let go of your inferiority complex and pick up your self-confidence.

Author: Cloth Clothes Coarse Food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.