
"Reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" If you want to eat healthy, you have to eat like this

author:Food in the Central Plains

This week is National Nutrition Week, and this year's theme is "Milk Beans for Nutrition, Less Oil for Health". The data show that unreasonable dietary structure is an important factor causing the high incidence of nutrition-related chronic diseases in mainland China.

"Reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" If you want to eat healthy, you have to eat like this

According to the estimation of the National Health Commission, the overall intake of the three macronutrients of protein, carbohydrates and fats of mainland residents has basically met the recommended dietary requirements. excessive intake of cereals, livestock and poultry meat, and cooking oil; The intake of milk and its products, soybeans and their products, fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs, aquatic products and other foods shows varying degrees of deficiency and insufficiency, and needs to be adjusted urgently.

Taking fat as an example, according to estimates, the average intake of cooking oil for mainland residents has exceeded 1/3 of the recommended amount, and pork has exceeded the recommended amount by 30%. At present, more than two-thirds of the residents of the mainland have not reached the recommended intake of soybeans or soybean products, and should be appropriately increased.

How to achieve "eat healthy"?

Focusing on the theme of "Reasonable Diet, Healthy Life", the Office of the National Nutrition and Health Steering Committee recently released the core information of "reducing oil, increasing beans, and adding milk", which refers to reducing edible oil and increasing the consumption of beans and soy products, milk and dairy products. So, how to eat healthier?

"Reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" If you want to eat healthy, you have to eat like this

The core information suggests that the daily intake of cooking oil for adults should be 25~30 grams. The key to oil reduction is to reduce cooking oil. For home cooking, you can use a graduated oil control pot to cook more and fry less to reduce the amount of oil. In addition, it is recommended to appropriately change the varieties when purchasing cooking oil, peanut oil, rapeseed oil, soybean oil, etc., which is more conducive to nutritional balance. When eating out and ordering takeout, pay attention to choosing low-oil vegetables and take the initiative to reduce the demand for oil. In addition to cooking oil, fatty meat, animal offal and other saturated fat and cholesterol content are high, so it is not advisable to eat more. Lean meat should be eaten from animals, and the intake of animal meat per person per week should not exceed 500 grams.

Liang Dong, Deputy Director of the Applied Nutrition Office of the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment: For children and adolescents, we particularly emphasize that it is very important for everyone to develop this light and non-greasy taste from an early age.

"Reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" If you want to eat healthy, you have to eat like this

It is recommended that adults consume an average of 15~25 grams of soybeans or a considerable amount of soybean products per day, and choose different soybeans and their products for three meals a day. 20 grams of soybeans is equivalent to about 60 grams of northern tofu, about 110 grams of southern tofu, about 45 grams of dried tofu, and about 300 grams of soy milk. Soybeans and their products are an important food source of protein for vegetarians and should be consumed in sufficient amounts every day. The average daily intake of vegan people should be 50~80 grams, and that of ovo-lactovegetarian people is 25~60 grams.

"Reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" If you want to eat healthy, you have to eat like this

Can gout patients eat soybeans and soy products?

Yang Xiaoguang, researcher at the Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention: Many soy products are actually in the process of making, and a lot of purines have been lost, and these people can also eat soy products.

It is recommended to consume 300~500 ml of liquid milk or a considerable amount of dairy products per day. At present, the actual intake of most residents in the mainland is much lower than the recommended amount, and more intake is encouraged. Children, adolescents and the elderly in particular need adequate daily intake. It is recommended to choose different milk and dairy products for daily diet, such as drinking a glass of milk every day, appropriately paired with a cup of yogurt or 2~3 slices of cheese, etc. Milk-containing beverages should not be used as a substitute for milk.

How do people who are lactose intolerant add milk?

People who are lactose intolerant can choose lactose-free, lactose-low milk or fermented dairy products such as yogurt and cheese.

Soy milk or milk, which is more nutritious?

According to experts, soy milk is a better choice for people who seek plant-based protein and avoid animal products. And for people who need high calcium and rich animal protein, milk may be a better choice. The choice between soy milk and cow's milk depends on the individual's nutritional needs, health status, and dietary preferences.

"Reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" If you want to eat healthy, you have to eat like this

Yang Xiaoguang, researcher at the Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention: In terms of protein, both aspects are high-quality proteins. In terms of calcium content, milk will be higher, but soybeans do not contain cholesterol, and soybeans have some other phytochemicals, such as soy isoflavones, polypeptides, and polysaccharides, which milk does not have.

"Reduce oil, increase beans, and add milk" If you want to eat healthy, you have to eat like this

To increase the intake of beans, tofu, dried tofu, thousand zhang, and yuba are all good choices, especially the bean Zhuangyuan's first course of bean curd, which has a protein content equivalent to 200 grams of Kobe beef per 100 grams of head course of bean curd. With the mission of "allowing more consumers to eat safe and healthy natural tofu", the company focuses on the R&D and production of fresh soy products and quick-frozen soy products.