
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

author:One life
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

On May 9, 2024, the inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held in Chengdu. The expert editorial board of the Department of Critical Care Medicine is edited by Professor Chen Dechang of Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Professor Liu Jiao of Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Professor Wang Changsong of the First Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Professor Xie Jianfeng of Zhongda Hospital Affiliated to Southeast University, Professor Liao Xuelian of West China Hospital of Sichuan University, Professor Si Xiang of the First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University of Guangdong, and Professor Du Wei of Peking Union Medical College Hospital of Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences serve as deputy editors. Professor Liu Jinglun of the First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University served as the secretary general, and 58 experts in the field of intensive care medicine served as editorial board members. The meeting was divided into two parts: the inaugural meeting of the editorial board and the first plenary meeting.

At the inaugural meeting of the editorial board, the deputy editor-in-chief of China Medical Tribune, Long Hua, delivered a speech first. Deputy editor-in-chief of Longhua fondly recalled that 16 years ago in May, she visited the West China ICU site after the Wenchuan earthquake and witnessed the fearless dedication and mission of the ICU doctors to save lives and help the wounded. Recently, the "Opinions on Strengthening the Capacity Building of Critical Care Medical Services" issued by the National Health Commission undoubtedly pointed out the direction for the development of the field of critical care medicine. As the unit in charge of the National Health Commission, China Medical Tribune will take this opportunity to actively work with industry experts to jointly promote the vigorous development of critical care medicine.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Deputy editor-in-chief of Longhua said that China Medical Tribune is honored to invite national elites in the field of critical care medicine to join the editorial board, and looks forward to exploring and carrying out far-reaching work with experts to contribute to the progress of the field of critical care. With the growth of the clinicians, the newspaper has served more than 4 million doctors. With the support of the editorial board, we will give full play to the advantages of the newspaper and continue to output professional, cutting-edge and in-depth content to provide doctors with valuable information and help them better serve patients. She firmly believes that the convergence of team strength will unleash infinite potential and work together to create a new chapter in critical care medicine.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

On behalf of China Medical Tribune, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Long Hua issued a letter of appointment to Professor Chen Dechang of Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, and then Professor Chen Dechang delivered a speech.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

In his speech, Professor Chen Dechang emphasized that the core task of the editorial board is to actively carry out its work, which requires a lot of time and energy. Therefore, young and energetic backbone physicians have become an important force to promote the development of critical care medicine. He mentioned that critical care medicine, as an important branch in the field of medicine, has developed rapidly in recent years, and the notice of "Opinions on Strengthening the Capacity Building of Critical Care Medical Services" jointly issued by eight ministries and commissions also demonstrates the country's importance to the field of critical care.

Professor Chen expressed his warm congratulations to the new members of the Critical Care Editorial Board, and pointed out that serving on the Editorial Board is not only a recognition of their professional ability, but also a strong support for the development of the discipline of critical care medicine. He earnestly hoped that the editorial board members could give full play to their professional advantages, actively convey the latest medical knowledge to the majority of doctors, and promote the advanced concepts and technologies of critical care medicine. At the same time, Professor Chen also emphasized the importance of disseminating the progress and latest achievements of the discipline through media channels, which will help enhance the academic influence of critical care medicine and promote the sustainable development of the discipline. He believes that with the joint efforts of everyone, the Critical Care Editorial Committee will continue to promote the cause of critical care medicine to a new level and make greater contributions to ensuring people's health.

Subsequently, the editor-in-chief Chen Dechang issued letters of appointment to the deputy editor-in-chief, secretary-general and editorial board members of the editorial board, and the leaders and experts completed the launching ceremony of the editorial board under the joint witness of the guests.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

At the first plenary meeting of the Editorial Board of the Department of Critical Care Medicine, Zhang Liyuan, editor-in-chief of the Education Center of China Medical Tribune, elaborated on three major work directions: first, as a bridge, share the experience of top experts, and support the improvement of primary medical care through online and offline forms; the second is to promote the innovative achievements of top domestic hospitals to the whole country and even the world; The third is to use the newspaper platform to assist doctors in scientific communication and enhance the public's understanding of critical care medicine. Together, these programmes aim to advance critical care medicine.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

During the discussion on work planning, the experts spoke enthusiastically and put forward many insightful suggestions on the work that could be carried out in the future.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Professor Du Wei emphasized that doctors and media workers share the goal: to refine experience through learning and apply it to teaching and promotion. deepening medical education in hospitals; Cooperate with the media to expand the dissemination of excellent clinical ideas and scientific research results for the benefit of patients. Professor Du suggested that the follow-up should be included in case discussions to promote the collision of ideas, which is of great significance to the communication between hospitals at all levels.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Professor Wang Changsong put forward the following suggestions: First, the compilation of the yearbook of the Critical Care Branch can be cooperated with the Medical Tribune to share selected content resources. Secondly, pay attention to the popularization of ECMO and other technical projects to popularize the knowledge of critical care medicine. In addition, the guidelines related to severe disease should be interpreted in depth, and the formulation process and problems should be comprehensively displayed. The above points can show more academic value through the platform of China Medical Tribune.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Professor Liu Jiao emphasized that the Critical Care Editorial Committee promotes communication and dissemination of clinical research concepts. She is responsible for the international exchange of the Critical Care Branch, which has successfully held the China-Europe and China-Singapore Forums and plans to deepen cooperation and publicity. At the same time, a EU-China RCT study is being planned, aiming to attract more leaders in the field of critical illness to join and strengthen the power of data in China. The editorial board is of great significance to the development of young and middle-aged people and critical care medicine, and looks forward to jointly promoting the progress of critical care medicine in China.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Professor Xie Jianfeng believes that the editorial board platform has a positive impact on primary medical workers, and can choose to analyze typical cases, present medical knowledge through media platforms, and promote knowledge dissemination. In terms of subspecialty development, ARDS, Sepsis, AKI, hemodynamics and ultrasound can be set up to focus on hot topics and needs, organize special discussions, and promote the progress of subspecialties. From the perspective of scientific research, the editorial board platform has great potential, which can set up a scientific research section, learn from international practices, publish courses to help doctors master scientific research methods, and organize study classes to provide opportunities for young doctors. Although the mainland has made progress in scientific research, there is a gap between it and foreign countries, so it is necessary to pay attention to international progress, strengthen international exchanges, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of medical science.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Professor Liao Xuelian emphasized that China Medical Tribune plays an important role in the field of publicity. In the face of talent shortage, it is urgent to cultivate and attract young talents to devote themselves to the field of critical care medicine, and science popularization work can eliminate misunderstandings and stimulate young people's interest in critical care medicine. In addition, standardized training is essential to improve the quality of practitioners; The in-depth development of scientific research will bring new opportunities for critical care medicine.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Professor Si Xiang emphasized that the value of critical science popularization content is not only to promote communication within the discipline, but also has a far-reaching impact on the public's cognition, and the lack of a voice platform will restrict the development of science popularization. In addition, the skills training resources of the Critical Care Branch and the skills course resources of the China Medical Tribune complement each other, which will form a strong synergy to jointly promote the popularization and skill improvement of critical care professional knowledge.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Professor Song Xuan said that the China Medical Tribune has the advantage of having a wide audience, covering multidisciplinary medical students and medical practitioners. In view of the intersection between the intensive care profession and other multiple disciplines, it is possible to have a benign discussion on common and controversial issues with closely related disciplines, such as anesthesia, respiratory, rehabilitation, surgery and other specialties, to learn from each other, and jointly promote academic progress and development.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Professor Liu Jinglun is full of confidence in the editorial board to promote the development of critical care medicine, and believes that the editorial board has gathered enthusiastic young talents. He is well aware of the huge advantages of China Medical Tribune's publicity, which has a role in promoting the development of the discipline and providing a publicity platform for critically ill doctors. He pointed out that the promotion and popularization of critical care medicine at the grassroots level is the focus of work, and he will make every effort to organize and coordinate to ensure the smooth operation of the activities and contribute to the high-quality development of critical care medicine.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

In his summary, Deputy Editor-in-Chief Long Hua profoundly pointed out that the work of the Department of Critical Care Medicine is complicated, and the experts in the clinical front line have made great efforts. The work of the editorial board focuses on multiple dimensions such as media publicity, skills training, grassroots development and popular science education, which have irreplaceable value for the long-term development of the discipline. From the perspective of the media, the talent team of intensive care physicians in mainland China is showing a prosperous and dynamic development trend. In the future, China Medical Tribune will work hand in hand with the experts of the Editorial Board to promote the plans of the Critical Care Editorial Board in an orderly manner, looking forward to providing strong support for the continuous progress of the discipline of critical care medicine, promoting the discipline of critical care medicine to a new height, and creating a brilliant future together.

Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held
Hand in hand with industry elites to build a new chapter in critical care medicine! The inaugural meeting and the first plenary meeting of the Critical Care Medicine Expert Editorial Committee of China Medical Tribune were successfully held

Expert Editorial Board of Critical Care Medicine of China Medical Tribune

(in alphabetical order of last name)

Editor-in-Chief: Chen Dechang

Deputy editors-in-chief: Du Wei, Liao Xuelian, Liu Jiao, Si Xiang, Wang Changsong, Xie Jianfeng

Secretary-General: Liu Jinglun and Song Xuan

Editorial Board:

Cai Hongliu, Chen Li, Chen Yu, Duan Jun, Fan Jing, Fang Wei

Guo Feng, Guo Hong, Han Yi, Hao Hao, Hu Bo, Hu Zhi

Huang Qibing, Jiang Wei, Jiang Li, Jiang Zhiming, Jiang Jing, Ke Lu

Li Min, Li Suwei, Li Wenxiong, Li Xu, Liu Ling, Liu Lixia

Liu Xu, Liu Zhiyong, Lu Xing, Ma Ke, Ouyang Bin, Pan Chun

Qin Bingyu, Shang You, Shi Qindong, Shi Yuan, Su Longxiang, Tong Fei

Wang Xiaobo, Wang Bo, Wang Ruilan, Wang Xiaochuang, Wu Haiying

Wu Weidong, Xi Yin, Yang Wei, Yang Xianghong, Yang Xiaojun, Yu Xiangyou

Yu Yuetian, Yuan Qingxia, Zhan Liying, Zhang Dong, Zhao Huiying

Zhao Jianghong, Zhong Ming, Zhou Feihu, Zhou Min, Zhu Wei, Zeng Zhenguo

Compiled by Liu Lili of China Medical Tribune and reviewed by Professor Chen Dechang

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