
Special signature dishes, no special is not recommended

author:Chinese kitchen

Tempeh pork knuckle

Special signature dishes, no special is not recommended

Raw material:

Pig's front hooves, thyme, bean drum oil, dark soy sauce, rock sugar, white wine.


1. Wash, remove and blanch the pig's front hooves, fry them in hot oil for 2 minutes, remove and drain the oil for later use;

2. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, stir-fry the fried pig's front hooves, cook white wine, add dark soy sauce, rock sugar, and filtered black bean sauce (tempeh is retained), pour in water, turn to low heat and simmer for 1 hour after boiling, collect the juice on high heat, add tempeh to burn for 1 minute before starting the pot, put it on the hot slate, and decorate it on the plate.

Steamed pork ribs with yin vegetables

Special signature dishes, no special is not recommended

Raw material:

Pork ribs, yin cabbage, chopped chives, red pepper grains, garlic, drum oil, peanut oil, corn starch.


1. Chop the pork ribs into equal pieces, wash them and wipe them dry;

2. Chop the yin vegetables, chop the garlic, wash half of it in clean water, squeeze out the water, fry it in hot oil until golden brown, remove the oil, add the remaining raw garlic and mix it into minced gold and silver garlic;

3. Mix the pork ribs with drum oil, add chopped vegetables, minced gold and silver garlic, red peppers, corn starch and peanut oil in turn, mix well, put them in the steaming cabinet and steam them, decant out the soup and then pour them on the ribs, and sprinkle them with chopped chives.

Sour jujube kernel rouge radish

Special signature dishes, no special is not recommended

Raw material:

Red radish, sour jujube kernels, red dragon fruit, fresh mint tips, sugar, white vinegar, salt.


1. Take the juice of the sour jujube kernels, add sugar, white vinegar, freshly squeezed red dragon juice and a little salt to make a sauce for later use; 2. Wash and peel the red-skinned radish, change the flower knife, add sugar to marinate for 2 hours, squeeze out the excess water, wash it with pure water, drain it, marinate it in the sauce until it tastes, make a shape on the plate, and decorate the mint tip.


Special signature dishes, no special is not recommended

Raw material:

400 grams of razor clams, 100 grams of cucumbers.

Sauce: 30 grams of steamed soy sauce, 10 grams of sesame seeds, 10 grams of chicken broth powder, 90 grams of aged vinegar, 20 grams of sugar, 2 grams of sesame oil, 1 gram of mustard, 10 grams of lemon slices, 20 grams of garlic water, 5 grams of olive oil.


1. Boiling water for razor clams, roll the cucumber slices and roll them low, stack the razor clams on top, and pour the juice on the razor clams.

Salmon baked with red pepper and salt

Special signature dishes, no special is not recommended

Ingredients: 300g salmon

Excipients: 30 grams of cherry tomatoes soaked in oil, 90 grams of red pepper, 1 lime, 15 grams of ham, 60 grams of wine-stuffed rice, 100 grams of wine-stuffed juice, 120 grams of glutinous rice balls

Ingredients: 15 grams of minced ginger

Seasoning: 12 grams of steamed soy sauce and 30 grams of butter


1. Add minced ginger, small pieces of ham, wine-stuffed rice, wine-stuffed juice, squeeze 20 grams of lemon juice, steam fresh soy sauce and bring to a boil over low heat, turn off the heat and add butter and stir well, stir well after cooling, stir well again to make a sauce;

2. Mix 40 grams of sea salt with 60 grams of sugar, sprinkle on the surface of the salmon, refrigerate and marinate for 4 hours, rinse off the surface marinade with water, then use paper to absorb the surface moisture, and cut into large pieces;

3. Mix the salmon pieces with sauce, cook the glutinous rice balls, and soak them in ice water;

4. Spread the baking paper, put the balls, then spread the mixed salmon, sprinkle the fish with red peppercorns, soak the cherry tomatoes in oil, shave some lemon peel, and wrap the paper;

5. Fry the coarse salt in a casserole to 150-160 degrees, put half of it, put it in the salmon paper packet, spread the hot salt on the paper packet, sprinkle red peppercorns on the surface of the coarse salt, bake on low heat for 5 minutes, turn off the heat and simmer for 5 minutes, and finally pour high liquor on the lid to burn the wine aroma and pepper fragrance, wait for the fire to go out, open the lid to remove the red pepper and salt, and open the paper.

Smoked cod with crispy caviar

Special signature dishes, no special is not recommended

Ingredients: 120 grams of silver cod

Ingredients: 5 grams of green apple chips, 15 grams of caviar, 100 grams of green Hangzhou pepper, 10 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of honey, 20 grams of sea salt, 50 grams of olive oil.


1. Make green apple chips: Wash and slice the green apples and bake them at 55°C for 4 hours in a dryer to make crisps.

2. Wash the green Hangzhou pepper to control the moisture, burn it with a fire gun, peel and clean it, put it in a juicer, add olive oil to make a sauce, pour it out and filter it, and add sea salt to taste.

3. Put the silver cod cubes in the oven, bake at 180°C for 5 minutes, brush with light soy sauce and honey, then put it in the oven and bake it at 200°C for 4 minutes, brush the light soy sauce and honey again, and then put it in the oven and bake it at 210°C for 2 minutes, take it out and put it on a plate.

Dried crispy fish

Special signature dishes, no special is not recommended

This dish changes the traditional way of stewing crispy fish and uses mixed oil for high-pressure maturation; The fat content of the fish itself is low, and the addition of mixed oil can better balance the taste, which is oily but not greasy, crispy and appetizing.

Raw material:

Baiyangdian crucian carp, spring pickles, tempeh, green onions, ginger, peppercorns, cooking wine, scallion oil, chicken fat, lard, salt.


1. Wash off the excess salt, squeeze dry, chop and set aside;

2. Slaughter and cure the crucian carp, rinse the blood water behind the back, wipe it dry, add green onions, ginger, cooking wine, peppercorns, salt, and pure water to marinate for 4 to 6 hours, remove and place it in a ventilated place to air dry for 2 hours until the fish skin is dry, fry it in hot oil until the skin is crispy, and remove the oil;

3. Start another clean pot, add scallion oil, chicken fat, lard and burn, fry the crispy crucian carp, add tempeh and chopped pickles evenly spread on the surface of the crucian carp, cover, press for 20 minutes after steaming, turn off the heat and cool down out of the pot, change the knife and cut it into equal pieces, and the yard plate can be decorated.