
Luo Yijun investigated the rectification of letters and visits assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

author:Changde release
Luo Yijun investigated the rectification of letters and visits assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate
Luo Yijun investigated the rectification of letters and visits assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

Luo Yijun investigated the rectification work of letters and visits assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate:

Make every effort to rectify ecological and environmental protection issues and promote the construction of beautiful Changde to a new level

On May 15, Luo Yijun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, investigated the rectification work of letters and visits assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, adhere to the people-centered development thought, make every effort to rectify ecological and environmental protection issues, and promote the construction of beautiful Changde to a new level.

Luo Yijun investigated the rectification of letters and visits assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspectorate

Luo Yijun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, conducted research in Hunan Yufeng Export Fireworks and Firecrackers Co., Ltd

Luo Yijun came to Changde Guangjia New Building Materials Co., Ltd. and Hunan Yufeng Export Fireworks and Firecrackers Co., Ltd. to inspect the rectification of the problems assigned by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Supervision Group, and inquired in detail about the causes of the problems and investigated the rectification and improvement of the situation. He demanded that we should seek truth from facts and face the problem head-on, do a good job in problem verification and approval, strengthen tracking and monitoring, truly investigate the problem, do the work carefully, and ensure that the problem rectification is in place; It is necessary to respond to the reasonable demands of the masses in a timely manner, insist on implementing reforms and drawing inferences from one case to another, strictly supervise and urge rectification in place, establish a long-term supervision mechanism, and ensure that all ecological and environmental problems that the masses are concerned about are settled and everything has an echo.

In the supervision, Luo Yijun emphasized that all departments at all levels in the city should improve their political positions, deeply study and apply Xi Jinping's ecological civilization thought, fully understand the great significance and far-reaching strategic considerations of the central government's deployment of ecological environmental protection inspections, firmly establish and practice the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and effectively unify thoughts and actions to the deployment requirements of the central government on carrying out ecological and environmental protection inspections. It is necessary to resolutely shoulder the responsibility of rectification, adhere to the implementation of reforms, seek truth from facts, scientifically and rigorously formulate rectification plans, and complete the rectification of problems with high standards and high quality with the most resolute attitude, the fastest action, and the most powerful measures, so as to ensure that the results of rectification can stand the test of history, practice and the people. It is necessary to persist in drawing inferences from one case and treating both the symptoms and the root causes, comprehensively carry out investigation and governance, establish a normal and long-term mechanism, and promote the solution of one type of problem by solving one problem, so as to comprehensively improve the quality and level of ecological environmental protection.

City leaders Xie Sheng and Fu Yong participated in the investigation.

END Source: Changde Daily Changde Financial Media Client Author: Wang Zilai Editor: Lai Yongyan Second Trial: You Tao Third Trial: Chen Xiaozhen

Final review: Wei Xianyun

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