
Afraid of tanning? Look here→

author:Gao Chun posted

As May approaches, temperatures begin to rise

And with that comes a violent UV blast!

Ready to turn on sun protection mode?

Let's talk about sunscreen today!

There are two types of sunscreen

There are two types of sunscreens, physical sunscreens and chemical sunscreens.

The main ingredients of physical sunscreen are titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. Like a mirror, it reflects the sun's rays and ultraviolet rays that hit the surface of the skin, thus protecting against the sun. However, physical sunscreens are not recommended for oily skin due to their heavy texture and white and greasy after application, but are more recommended for children, pregnant women, and sensitive skin.

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Chemical sunscreens use chemical sunscreens to absorb ultraviolet rays that hit the skin and avoid damaging the skin. Chemical sunscreens usually have a refreshing texture and are not sticky or weight-bearing after application. However, it is not without its drawbacks. Chemical sunscreen generally has a limited sunscreen time, as the skin continues to secrete oil, frequent sweating and sweating, the sunscreen effect will be greatly reduced, it is recommended to reapply sunscreen every 2-3 hours. Chemical sunscreens are irritating to the skin, so be used with caution for sensitive skin.

If the skin is sensitive, acne

or when you don't want to wear sunscreen

What other sunscreen "tricks" are there?

Sunscreens of different coefficients

Perfect for different occasions

Experts point out that in general, SPF 8 to 12 is appropriate for common types of skin sunscreens. For fair-skinned people, use SPF30; For those who are allergic to photos, it is advisable to choose an SPF between 12 and 20. On cloudy or indoor days, you can choose SPF15 and PA+. For outdoor sports, but exposed to strong sunlight for a short time, choose SPF30, PA++. For long-term outdoor exercise, or in highland areas, it is recommended to choose sunscreens with SPF30+, PA+++ and other sunscreens with the strongest sun protection ability as much as possible.

It is worth mentioning that if you have already experienced symptoms such as pigmentation, wrinkles, sagging, and skin aging, sun protection alone is not enough. You can choose to take it orally or apply medication, or choose to have some aesthetic procedures under the advice of a professional doctor in a professional institution.


Sun umbrellas

The larger the size, the more it can block the scattered light; Choose densely woven and opaque fabrics, preferably coated; The inside is black, so that the ultraviolet rays reflected from the ground are less reflected on the face.

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Sun hats

The wider the brim, the better, and it's best to choose a hat that protects the surroundings and has a breathable fabric that doesn't let light go.

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The sun protection performance of sunglasses depends mainly on the sunscreen coating or the material in the lenses, the lenses should be dark colors, and choose sunglasses with UVA (ultraviolet rays) and UVB (ultraviolet rays) logos on the tag.

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Sun-protective clothing and sun-protective masks

When purchasing, it is best to use the UPF value (ultraviolet protection factor) on the tag as the basis for judging. When the UPF value is > 40 and the transmittance of UVA is < 5%, it can be called a "UV protection product".

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Try not to get sunburned

No matter how strong the ultraviolet rays are, they cannot penetrate the walls of the building. Staying in the shade, indoors, or in a place separated by a layer of glass can effectively avoid more than 60% of UV damage. Also, try to avoid outdoor activities between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

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Eat less photosensitive foods

When you are active in the sun for a long time, you should also pay attention to avoid consuming photosensitive foods, such as figs, celery, coriander, lemons, potatoes, oranges, etc., to prevent photosensitivity.

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Remind everyone

While going out and enjoying the sun

Don't forget to do a good job of sun protection~

Source: Healthy Nanjing, Healthy China

Editor: Zhao Zhuo

Proofreading: Yang Lixia

Editor-in-charge: Song Tao