
After the age of 70, the elderly may leave at any time, so it is recommended to make these 3 preparations in advance

author:Mind and body station

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As soon as people die, they must think big and start small, and they should be prepared for nothing. Even if you can live a long life for 100 years in the end, preparation is better than prevention.

After the age of 70, the elderly may leave at any time, so it is recommended to make these 3 preparations in advance

1. Delete sensitive files on your phone or computer, and then tell your children the password.

Mobile phones or computers have been used for several years, or decades, and it is inevitable that there will be files that are not suitable for children to see, whether it is videos, pictures, or texts, they must be completely deleted, and strive to leave no dead ends. Wait until the cleanup is completed, and then tell the children the password of the mobile phone lock screen or the computer boot password, and after a hundred years, the children will reuse if they are willing to reuse, and sell if they are not willing to reuse.

Netizen Message: Although I am confident that I will live to be 90 years old, I should prepare sooner rather than later. If I don't bring mobile phones and computers with me when I die, if my children don't have passwords after a hundred years, whether it's a mobile phone or a computer, my children can't operate it, so I will take precautions for this.

Comments: No one knows tomorrow or the accident, which one will come first, and the expedient measure is to prepare for the worst and prepare for the best.

After the age of 70, the elderly may leave at any time, so it is recommended to make these 3 preparations in advance

2. Transfer the deposit to the bank card, and then tell the withdrawal password to your children.

The older you get, the more taboo and scattered your savings become. After the age of 70, it is necessary to start to collect the deposits deposited in multiple banks one after another, and then store them in a single bank card. Remember not to put it in the passbook, just because the passbook withdrawal must be handled at the counter even if there is a password, and if you pass away, the bank will ask you to go to the counter to handle it. However, bank cards can be withdrawn at ATMs, and children can be unimpeded if they have a password.

Netizen message: I will process the deposit in three steps, the first step is to transfer the money scattered in multiple banks to the bank card, the second step is to tell the children the withdrawal password, the specific amount of money is temporarily confidential, and the third step is that the bank card should be with you in your lifetime.

Comments: You can't use your children's bank cards in order to save trouble, otherwise your children will be able to check and report losses, and you must be prepared to be comprehensive in order to prevent future troubles.

After the age of 70, the elderly may leave at any time, so it is recommended to make these 3 preparations in advance

3. It is better to make a will and be complained about by children after a hundred years, but also to avoid children accusing or attacking each other after a hundred years.

It is necessary to make a will before death, especially after the age of 70, and the will must be in full swing. The will should be revised from time to time, and the specific distribution principle is that the children work more and get more, and after all, they will be rewarded for their meritorious deeds. As a result, children will scramble to perform, and it will also prevent children from worrying about fighting for the inheritance or bleeding their heads.

Netizen message: After I die, no matter how big the flood is, let me sing with a black face. As long as it involves my property during my lifetime, I will distribute everything in the will, and it is written in black and white, so as to prevent my children from taking advantage of the loophole of the oral will after I am a hundred years old, after all, there is no basis for words.

Comments: The reason why children are fighting after their parents are gone is because there is a vague area in the inheritance, and there is no foresight when the parents are alive, and the children have near-term worries after the parents are a hundred years old.

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