
【Model Branch, Strong Fortress】General Party Branch of Tehong Community, Steel Road Street, Huimin District: Party Building Leads to Promote Unity and Tie the Red "Concentric Knot"

author:Huimin District Steel Road Office

Since the beginning of this year, in order to continue to improve the quality of life of the residents in the jurisdiction, Tehong Community has adhered to the party building to lead the "micro-service", given full play to the advantages of the grass-roots party organizations, collected the "micro-needs" of the residents in the jurisdiction in a timely manner, effectively integrated the resources of the "big party committee" of the community, twisted the community strength into a "rope", and "five-finger fist" to attack together, and constantly met the "micro-wishes" of the masses.

【Model Branch, Strong Fortress】General Party Branch of Tehong Community, Steel Road Street, Huimin District: Party Building Leads to Promote Unity and Tie the Red "Concentric Knot"

Deepen the new integration of the party and the masses, and promote harmony through deliberation and consultation

"Today, we convened all the residents' representatives to discuss some matters related to the renovation of the old community." "The water pressure in the building was low, and the pipes needed to be replaced." "The unit door is a bit worn out and needs to be replaced." "Can you negotiate the installation of a car charging station? It's not very convenient to charge". These needs have been carefully documented by community workers. Recently, the "square table meeting room" of the Tehong community has been opened again, focusing on the size of the renovation of the old community in the Tehong community, and residents who have suggestions and interests can participate in the discussion, and everyone has put forward suggestions.

After the old renovation of the community is a major event involving people's livelihood and happiness, the community relies on the "small grid" to promote the "big governance", and actively builds an effective communication platform between the construction party, the community and the residents before the construction of the community transformation, and uses the "community table meeting hall" and the "community mobile meeting hall" to carry out deliberations and consultations, and mobilizes the residents of the community to take the affairs of the community as their own affairs, make suggestions for the improvement of the living environment, and work together to make the renovation of the old community work practical and detailed.

【Model Branch, Strong Fortress】General Party Branch of Tehong Community, Steel Road Street, Huimin District: Party Building Leads to Promote Unity and Tie the Red "Concentric Knot"

The needs of the masses are assured to hold up the happy sunset

Adhering to the principle of "the people have a call and I have a response" is the service concept of the general party branch of Tehong community. The community focuses on "knocking on the door of special groups, knocking on the door of key groups, and visiting the door of people in difficulty", and effectively solves the problems of the masses by discovering blockages, eliminating pain points, and solving difficulties, focusing on the areas of people's livelihood that are of high concern to the masses, such as elderly care, environment, and culture, and uniting with the "big party committee" to build units, regularly carry out community free clinics and cultural activities, and effectively meet the diverse needs of residents. Recently, focusing on building a "15-minute" home-based community elderly care service circle, in terms of caring for the health of the elderly, Tehong Community and Guangming No. 2 Community Health Service Station of the Steel Road Office have carried out free clinic activities in various communities in the jurisdiction for many times, so that the elderly can enjoy intimate health services at home and feel the care from all walks of life.

【Model Branch, Strong Fortress】General Party Branch of Tehong Community, Steel Road Street, Huimin District: Party Building Leads to Promote Unity and Tie the Red "Concentric Knot"

National unity, a family pro-pomegranate blossoms, a different kind of red

In order to further forge the sense of community of the Chinese nation, promote the harmonious coexistence of the people of all ethnic groups in the jurisdiction, and create a good atmosphere of ethnic unity and family, Tehong Community has always adhered to the party building to lead the work of ethnic unity, carried out publicity and education activities on ethnic unity and progress through various forms, collected the people's feelings and public opinions, understood the people's urgency, difficulties and expectations, and aimed at creating a "pomegranate seed homeland". Carry out cultural and artistic activities in conjunction with "our festivals" to enrich the lives of people of all ethnic groups; The "order-taking" assistant agency service solves some problems that are difficult to handle due to language barriers, integrates "the Chinese nation is a family, and builds the Chinese dream together" into the grassroots governance work, and gradually builds a new situation of "joint consultation, co-construction, co-governance and sharing led by the general party branch of the community, driven by party members, and participated by the masses of all ethnic groups".

Contributed by He Yunyan

Editor: Zhang Mengjiao

Review: Chen Da