
The price has been reduced! A large number of "summer C-position" watermelons have been listed, and the price continues to fall

author:Shanghai Fengxian

Recently, summer fruits such as watermelons, melons, and loquat have been on the market, and the "fruit basket" of citizens has become more and more abundant. With the increase in production, the overall price of fruits has shown a gradual downward trend, and the price of watermelon, which is the "summer C-position", has also decreased compared with the previous market.

The price has been reduced! A large number of "summer C-position" watermelons have been listed, and the price continues to fall

At a fruit wholesale store at No. 41 Xinbei Road, Xiaobian saw that watermelons were placed in the most conspicuous place, with prices ranging from 2.8 yuan to 6.8 yuan per catty.

The price has been reduced! A large number of "summer C-position" watermelons have been listed, and the price continues to fall

It is understood that with the large number of local watermelons on the market, the public can choose more varieties, and the overall price has dropped a lot compared with the previous listing. "Compared with half a month ago, the original 6.8 yuan/jin of Hainan unicorn melon has dropped to 3.8 yuan/jin, the extra small phoenix has dropped to 6.8 yuan/jin, and the local 8424 was 5.8 yuan/jin last week, and now it has also dropped to 4.8 yuan/jin, and the price will continue to decline as the output continues to increase." Mr. Wang, the owner, introduced.

The price has been reduced! A large number of "summer C-position" watermelons have been listed, and the price continues to fall

At present, watermelon is the main fruit in the store, and the most popular among consumers is the local 8424, which can sell about 500 catties every day. According to Mr. Wang: "This year, due to more rain and lower temperature in the early stage, the listing period of local 8424 has been delayed compared with previous years, but it is also because of this that the growth cycle of watermelon can be guaranteed, the quality and taste are very good, and the sweetness of high-quality 8424 can reach about 13.5, which is deeply loved by customers and has many repeat customers."

The price has been reduced! A large number of "summer C-position" watermelons have been listed, and the price continues to fall

From time to time, customers in the store come to buy watermelon, "the weather is hot, come and choose one every few days, today I came to buy 8424, I just tasted two bites, fresh and sweet and crisp, ready to buy two back for the elderly and children to taste." Mr. Xu, a customer, said while carefully selecting watermelons. It is understood that with the increase in the number of watermelons on the market, it is expected that the price of watermelons will fall further.

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