
Gather the power of youth and continue the red blood

author:The style of western Anhui

------- Tiantianzhai Junior High School held the oath-taking ceremony for new members in 2024 In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, further promote the patriotic spirit of "May Fourth", and cultivate the enterprising spirit of outstanding students, on the afternoon of May 14, Tiantianzhai Junior High School in Jinzhai County held the oath-taking ceremony for new members in 2024, which was presided over by Wang Bobo, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee of the school, and teachers Ding Hui and Zhuang Xiaomeng also participated in the ceremony.

Gather the power of youth and continue the red blood

In the sound of the group song, the ceremony officially began, and Wang Bobo read out the list of new members. Subsequently, Zhuang Xiaomeng issued a membership card and wore the regimental emblem for the new members, which symbolized that our league members united young people of all ethnic groups and marched bravely in the direction guided by the party under the glorious light of Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought.

Gather the power of youth and continue the red blood
Gather the power of youth and continue the red blood

Subsequently, Wang Bobo led all the members to study the regimental constitution and take the oath of joining the regiment. The new and old league members clenched their right hands into fists and raised their shoulders and solemnly swore under the banner of the league, "I volunteer to join the Chinese Communist Youth League ......", and the sonorous and powerful oath resounded throughout the venue.

Gather the power of youth and continue the red blood

After taking the oath, Zhuang Xiaomeng instructed the new members to fill in the volunteer form for joining the league, and finally Wang Bobo congratulated all the new members on joining the Chinese Communist Youth League with honor, and hoped that the members could be strict with themselves in thought and action, establish lofty ideals, strengthen communist beliefs, and play the role of league members.

The joining ceremony is not only a celebration of the new members joining the Chinese Communist Youth League, but also a warm celebration of youth and ideals, and it also awakens the enthusiasm and determination in the heart of each new member. The Youth League Committee of our school will strengthen the ideological and political guidance of the youth league members, guide the majority of youth league members to strive to be good young people in the new era who have ideals, dare to take responsibility, can endure hardships, and are willing to struggle, so that the red gene and the revolutionary torch will be passed on from generation to generation.

Gather the power of youth and continue the red blood