
The mother gave birth to a "meat ball" early, her husband fainted in fright, and the doctor smiled: good luck and rich life

author:Jing Ma Parenting

Text: Jing Ma

The mother gave birth to a "meat ball" early, her husband fainted in fright, and the doctor smiled: good luck and rich life

The world is full of wonders!

A friend gave birth in Foshan Maternal and Child Health Hospital, and when I went to visit her, I talked about a strange thing about the bed next door, it turned out that the bed next door was born prematurely at 34 weeks, because there was a scarred uterus, and it was severe preeclampsia, and then the doctor said that it could only be delivered by caesarean section, and it was a caesarean section that preserved the fetal membranes. #头条创作挑战赛#

She said that her baby was born with fetal membranes, like a ball of meat, and the doctor told her that this would greatly reduce the bleeding from the operation and avoid fetal distress of placental abruption.

I said that the doctor was right, because I have also seen a doctor on the Internet introduce that if the child is born with fetal membranes, this fetal membrane is like a golden bell jar, so that he is still like in the mother's body after birth, which can greatly reduce the loss of skin moisture when the child is born, and can also avoid the sudden drop in the child's body temperature, and can also avoid the direct pressure of these uterine contractions on the fetus.

In fact, the child was born prematurely, his body immunity is relatively weak, his resistance is relatively weak, and at this time he is born with an amniotic sac, which can greatly avoid the child's injury.

The mother gave birth to a "meat ball" early, her husband fainted in fright, and the doctor smiled: good luck and rich life

These are all artificial, Jing's mother also heard a friend talk about a real case, he has a cousin is 8 months pregnant, because she went to the field to do heavy work, so she contractions, when she rushed to the hospital, the doctor found that the uterine opening had been opened nine fingers, and quickly pushed her into the ward, and the child was born after a while.

What surprised the doctor even more was that the child was born very fast, unlike ordinary children who had to come out first when they were born, then on the shoulders, and finally with the help of the doctor, the whole body came out, because the child was born prematurely, and the weight was not too heavy, only more than 4 pounds, and it came out with the amniotic sac when it came out.

This friend said that his cousin rushed into the delivery room with the doctor in a panic to see his daughter-in-law give birth, but when he saw that his daughter-in-law gave birth to not a child, but a ball of meat, the cousin was already a little timid, and fainted immediately.

The mother gave birth to a "meat ball" early, her husband fainted in fright, and the doctor smiled: good luck and rich life

The cousin later said that he thought his son was a freak, and when you see other children coming out, they immediately cry, and when they see their hair, they see their facial features, and their children can't see anything when they come out, so they see it in the amniotic fluid, and it's a wool sac, isn't this like a meat ball? I thought the kid was a freak with something.

In addition, I drove your cousin-in-law to the hospital on a hot day, and I didn't have any water to drink, I was hot and sleepy, and my spirit was highly tense.

My cousin-in-law was also startled after my cousin fainted, and quickly propped up her head with her hands, and was frightened to see that her son was not crying or making trouble, and was still lying in the wool sac, and he was born with a ball of flesh. But the doctor smiled and said, "Oh, this child is really lucky, and he will be rich and noble in the future."

Because this doctor and cousin-in-law are also relatives of all corners, they will comfort her like this, joking that the child is a good fortune and wealth.

The mother gave birth to a "meat ball" early, her husband fainted in fright, and the doctor smiled: good luck and rich life

And it is true, this child was born prematurely, the premature child is more fragile than the original, and the birth is relatively fast, the child is weaker when premature, and the wool sac is born with a wool sac, which can well protect the fetus from the squeeze of the mother's birth canal, and can also avoid the tear caused by the mother's vaginal opening when the fetus comes out again.

Therefore, although my cousin-in-law gave birth to a child very quickly, and there was no doctor who had time to guide her how to exert herself, but after the child was born, her vagina was only torn for a while, and she didn't need to get stitches, and she slowly got better.

Although the child did not cry immediately after birth, the doctor helped him puncture the amniotic sac with his hand and the amniotic fluid flowed out, and the child cried quietly, and then used the corresponding tools to help the child suck off the amniotic fluid from the mouth and nose.

The mother gave birth to a "meat ball" early, her husband fainted in fright, and the doctor smiled: good luck and rich life

After that, slowly help the child cut the umbilical cord, quickly clean and wrap the clothes for insulation, and then the child is sent to the incubator for two hours because it is relatively small, and then the child is brought out, although the child is small, but it looks good in all aspects, and it is already good to drink milk, and the 34-week premature child does not need to be sent to the neonatal department.

The doctor also mentioned that the children he had received before were born quickly, for example, some of the children born on the road were infected, some were injured if their heads accidentally hit the ground, and some were born prematurely, although the amniotic sac was ruptured and the child was born, but because of the contact with the air and the loss of moisture in the skin, some children were like this more than 4 pounds, and they had to be admitted to the neonatal department for a few days, and the child was indeed very lucky.

In fact, the old people have also said before that those born with amniotic sacs are called Baoyi Tong, which is the life of great wealth and nobility.

The mother gave birth to a "meat ball" early, her husband fainted in fright, and the doctor smiled: good luck and rich life

There is also some truth in this statement, after all, when a child is just born, he has learned to choose the most beneficial way of birth to come into this world, which shows that the child is also very smart, do you think it is right?

(The pictures are all from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted immediately)