
Children's clothes cannot be "overnight" outside, the words of the old man are not superstition, the reason is very scientific

author:Jing Ma Parenting

Text: Jing Ma

Children's clothes cannot be "overnight" outside, the words of the old man are not superstition, the reason is very scientific

Sociologist Margaret Mead, in her book Culture and Commitment, divides human society into "pre-metaphorical culture", "parallel metaphorical culture" and "post-metaphorical culture".

Children's clothes cannot be "overnight" outside, the words of the old man are not superstition, the reason is very scientific

Our parents' generation followed a "preparative culture", that is, all their experiences were passed down from the previous generation. My mother still tells me from time to time what she is doing now, how many rice do you say your grandmother said about this zongzi, and how much salt should be put in it? Your grandmother said how to get the leaves of this zongzi......

My grandmother passed away when my mom was 10 years old, so she learned a lot from my grandma.

And slowly in our age, it belongs to the "metaphorical culture", that is, we will learn from our peers when we write.

When it comes to our children's generation, it belongs to the "post-metaphor culture", for example, I don't know many of the terms that children speak, and I have to ask my children what does this mean? That is, older parents, grandparents, and grandparents still have to learn from the younger generation how to use mobile phones, how to buy more favorable things online, and so on. #头条创作挑战赛#

Therefore, many young people nowadays, because they are in the "juxtaposition culture" and "post-metaphor culture", they can't look down on the experience of the elderly, and feel that they don't understand anything, they haven't read much books before, and they don't have computers, so they know something.

Children's clothes cannot be "overnight" outside, the words of the old man are not superstition, the reason is very scientific

After Li Ying gave birth to the child, her mother-in-law came to take care of her confinement and help watch the child, but how to take the main child still had to be decided by Li Ying, because Li Ying felt that her mother-in-law didn't understand anything, and many of her previous experiences were wrong, and she often scoffed at what her mother-in-law said.

One day, maybe because Li Ying ate the wrong thing, the child pooped a little more often, and accidentally soiled the child's pants when changing diapers, and the child vomited milk a few times, so the child's clothes were washed.

At this time, it was already evening, and Li Ying wanted to dry the child's clothes outside the balcony, so that the wind was relatively strong, and the children's clothes were too dry, so she was afraid that the children's clothes would not be enough tomorrow.

Children's clothes cannot be "overnight" outside, the words of the old man are not superstition, the reason is very scientific

When the mother-in-law saw it, she quickly stopped it and said: If the child's clothes cannot be left outside overnight, they should be taken back quickly. Li Ying said confidently: If you don't put it outside, what will you wear for your children tomorrow if your clothes don't dry?

Mother-in-law didn't dare to say anything, but on the 3rd day, the child put on the clothes that were exposed to the outside but was itchy and had a rash, and then went to the hospital to check that it was allergies, and the mother-in-law took the child to babble and said: I said that the child's clothes can't be put outside to dry, and this dress was put outside overnight to dry.

The doctor heard that the child's clothes really could not be put outside overnight, the day before yesterday there was a 5-year-old child was bitten by a tick, we thought the child was going to play in the wild, but the mother said that the child was at home for the past two days, and then checked to find out that the mother took the child's clothes to the roof to dry, and dried outside overnight, and there were ticks on the clothes, so the bite on the child's body......

Your child should have some kind of dust on his clothes, or some insect venom on it, so the child will be allergic.

Children's clothes cannot be "overnight" outside, the words of the old man are not superstition, the reason is very scientific

The old man said that children's clothes should not be left outside overnight, but it is really not superstition or nonsense, the reason is very realistic and scientific

Number 1: There may be cold on your clothes

If the child's clothes are placed outside, in case there are times when the dew hits the child's clothes, which will cause it to be more damp, although the clothes look dry, but wearing it on the child may also have cold, which is not conducive to the health of the child.

Children's clothes cannot be "overnight" outside, the words of the old man are not superstition, the reason is very scientific

Number 2: There may be some bug venom on your clothes

At night, many insects will fly around outside, peeing on the child's clothes or excreting some venom, and parents don't know that wearing it for the child may cause the child to be allergic.

Number 3: There may also be bugs on clothes

There may be insects on the clothes, and when the child puts on the clothes, these small insects will burrow into the child's body, such as ticks, there is indeed such a possibility, and the tick bite on the child's skin will suck the child's blood, and even carry various viruses, which may threaten the child's life.

Children's clothes cannot be "overnight" outside, the words of the old man are not superstition, the reason is very scientific

Therefore, children's clothes cannot be left outside to dry, it is really not superstition, parents must be clear.

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