
The construction of the photovoltaic project in the parking lot of Haixi Bay has been fully completed

author:Luwang Qingdao Channel

 Photovoltaic power generation applications are everywhere

  Combine photovoltaic power generation with carport

  Not only can it shelter the vehicle from the wind and rain

  Energy-saving, environmentally friendly and practical

  Dark blue photovoltaic panels sparkle in the sun

  Let every step of the journey be green and low-carbon

  Recently, the construction of the Haixi Bay Parking Lot Photovoltaic Project, an urban renewal and urban construction project in Qingdao West Coast New Area, has been fully completed, forming a landscape of "photovoltaic power generation above the carport and safe parking under the carport", with an installed capacity of 405KWp and an estimated annual power generation of 560,000 KWH, which will provide stable and clean energy for the Haixi Bay Enterprise Comprehensive Service Center and parking lot.

The construction of the photovoltaic project in the parking lot of Haixi Bay has been fully completed

  The project is located in the west of Lianjiang Road, Qingdao West Coast New Area, opposite the No. 1 gate of CNOOC, as a "carport + roof" type of distributed photovoltaic project, the top surface of the photovoltaic carport in Haixi Bay parking lot adopts a photovoltaic integrated structure, and the top surface of the carport is replaced by photovoltaic modules, which can not only effectively use space resources, but also significantly reduce the temperature in the carport. The project adopts the mode of self-generation and self-consumption + peak shaving and valley filling energy storage + surplus power grid to realize the utilization of renewable energy, which helps to balance the load of the power grid, maintain the stable operation of the power grid, reduce carbon emissions, and bring sustainable energy solutions to the entire region. At present, the project has completed all the construction content and is going through the grid connection procedures.

The construction of the photovoltaic project in the parking lot of Haixi Bay has been fully completed
The construction of the photovoltaic project in the parking lot of Haixi Bay has been fully completed

  Small photovoltaic panels, big energy. The parking lot and charging pile are important supporting projects of the Haixi Bay Enterprise Comprehensive Service Center, which undertakes the important function of benefiting enterprises and facilitating the people. After the photovoltaic project of Haixi Bay parking lot is connected to the grid for power generation, it will become a model of green, low-carbon and intelligent new energy application in the new area, promote the wide application of clean energy, become a powerful engine on the road of economic and social development, and add new momentum to the green development of the new area.

  According to statistics, "photovoltaic + carport" stores electricity for automobiles, and every 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity saved is equivalent to saving 0.328 kg of standard coal and reducing 0.997 kg of carbon dioxide. May 13-19 is the National Energy Conservation Publicity Week, and this year's theme is "Green Transformation, Energy Conservation". The application of clean energy is also a practical measure to help achieve the "dual carbon" goal and actively respond to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of energy. Start from me, start from now, let green energy saving into daily life, and paint a new picture of lucid waters and lush mountains.

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