
【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】This kind of bean is the "first bean to dispel dampness" in summer, from now to Sanfu, cooking porridge and eating, which is very beneficial~

author:Healthy Fat City
【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】This kind of bean is the "first bean to dispel dampness" in summer, from now to Sanfu, cooking porridge and eating, which is very beneficial~

As the saying goes, "Eating beans in summer is better than eating meat".

Indeed, there is such a bean in summer, which has multiple effects such as strengthening the spleen, dissipating dampness, dissipating heat, nourishing the stomach, and invigorating qi, which is perfect for modern people who are damp!

From now until the dog days, I often eat white lentils to sweep away the moisture

White lentils are known as the "first bean to dispel dampness", and they are also a good ingredient for medicine and food.

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】This kind of bean is the "first bean to dispel dampness" in summer, from now to Sanfu, cooking porridge and eating, which is very beneficial~

Its taste is peaceful, not as cold as red adzuki beans and coix seeds, and it will not hurt the spleen and stomach while removing dampness.

In addition, eating white lentils in summer can also reap the following benefits:

✦Anti-nausea and antidiarrheal: White lentils can be used to treat vomiting, chest tightness and other symptoms caused by summer humidity, and are also suitable for patients with weak spleen and stomach, indigestion, and long-term unformed stools. It also has a good auxiliary effect on vomiting and acute gastroenteritis caused by food poisoning.

✦ Clear the liver and eyes: White lentils also have the effect of clearing the liver and brightening the eyes, which is suitable for people with weak body and strong liver.

✦ Antibacterial and strong body: Modern medicine has found that white lentils contain some active water-soluble substances, which can inhibit the growth of viruses in the human body and help prevent the occurrence of a variety of viral diseases.

✦Assist in lowering sugar: The amylase contained in white lentils can inhibit the absorption of sugar by the human body, and accelerate the metabolism and decomposition of sugar in the body, which plays a role in assisting in lowering sugar.

How to eat white lentils to be delicious and damp

Aromatic drink

Ingredients: 5 grams of white lentils, 5 grams of magnolia, 10 grams of herbs.

Method: Fry the white lentils on low heat and mash them, cut the fragrant herbs and magnolia bark with scissors, put them in a cup and brew them with boiling water, cover and simmer for 1 hour to drink the tea.

Efficacy: Xiangzhi drink is from the Song Dynasty medical book "Taiping Huimin and Pharmacy Formula", which is suitable for people with heavy humidity, heat stroke, fever and general fatigue in summer.

Note: Herb drink is only suitable for summer when the summer is humid and heavy, and should not be drunk for a long time.

White lentil multigrain porridge

Ingredients: 200 grams of white lentils, appropriate amount of yam, lotus seeds, coix seeds, red adzuki beans, and japonica rice.

Method: Foam the white lentils and grains in advance, cut the yam into small sections, first put the boilable white lentils, coix seeds, red beans, and lotus seeds into the pot with warm water, boil over low heat, wait for the beans and rice to bloom and then add the japonica rice to boil slowly, add the yam section when the soup is slightly thicker, turn off the fire when it is thick, and then simmer for a while to hold it.

Efficacy: This porridge can benefit the qi and widen the middle, strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness, and is of great benefit to people with spleen deficiency and dampness, less food and loose stools, and is also beneficial to dysentery, diarrhea, red and white discharge and other diseases.

Lean broth of white lentils

Ingredients: 50 grams of white lentils, 100 grams of lean pork, salt to taste.

Efficacy: Strengthen the spleen and dispel dampness. It is used for children's spleen deficiency and diarrhea, dyspepsia, summer dampness and diarrhea.

Method: Wash the lean pork, blanch it with boiling water to remove the bloody smell, cut it into fine pieces, then put it in a pot, add an appropriate amount of water, then add white lentils, simmer for 1 hour, and then eat after seasoning.

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】This kind of bean is the "first bean to dispel dampness" in summer, from now to Sanfu, cooking porridge and eating, which is very beneficial~

How white lentils are safe to eat

Cook before eating

The lectins contained in white lentils have a certain toxicity and can be eliminated when heated and cooked, so white lentils must be cooked thoroughly.

Like other beans, eating too much white lentils can cause gas. Generally speaking, the daily consumption of white lentils should not exceed 50 grams.

People with high uric acid should not eat

The purine content in white lentils is relatively high, and it is best for patients with gout and hyperuricemia to eat less or not at all.

Copyright Notice

This article is selected from China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, edited and recommended by Feicheng Health Bureau and Feicheng Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

Submission address: [email protected]

Editor's review: Feicheng Health Education Center

【Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Class】This kind of bean is the "first bean to dispel dampness" in summer, from now to Sanfu, cooking porridge and eating, which is very beneficial~

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