
Low back pain, inexplicable fatigue, these 6 abnormalities in the body, or a sign of a kidney cyst

author:Medica Media

It is known that there are many types of kidney diseases, and some of them are diagnosed with kidney cysts. Kidney cyst is a common kidney structural abnormality, which can be divided into two types: simple kidney cyst and hereditary kidney cyst, which is more common in older people, and the incidence increases with age, and the hereditary kidney cyst is related to gene mutations. So, what abnormalities in the body are likely to be kidney cyst invasion?

Low back pain, inexplicable fatigue, these 6 abnormalities in the body, or a sign of a kidney cyst

1. Back pain

There are many signs that a kidney cyst is threatening health, such as pain and discomfort in the lower back and abdomen. Because the kidneys and the waist are relatively close, some people's first reaction when they have back pain is lumbar spine lesions, but if there is a problem with the kidneys, the waist will also be implicated and painful, which is generally manifested as a dull or dull pain in the waist, which may radiate to the surrounding tissues, thus manifesting as radiating pain. For unexplained low back pain, it's best to see a doctor right away so that the cause can be identified.

2. Hematuria

Some people have visible hematuria, which is actually an early warning of kidney disease. The kidneys are the organs that produce urine and excrete urine, and water replenishment can be excreted through the normal circulation and metabolism of the body, and the excess water and metabolic waste can be excreted, and the urine discharged is clear and transparent. However, if the cyst develops and the number of red blood cells in the urine is high after blood is lost, hematuria can occur.

Low back pain, inexplicable fatigue, these 6 abnormalities in the body, or a sign of a kidney cyst

3. Abdominal mass

Some people's kidney cyst condition is more serious, and it is found in the later stage, at this time, the local cyst is large, and there will be a lump in the abdomen in the case of a large cyst, which can be found by examination or touch, which suggests that the disease is more serious, because the size of the cyst will bring pressure symptoms, and it is necessary to seek medical attention immediately to understand the kidney disease.

4. Proteinuria

People with proteinuria can find that there are many foams in the urine discharged from the toilet, which have not disappeared for a long time, which may be protein loss, because the kidney cyst affects the abnormal function of the kidneys, the protein will be lost with the urination process, and the subsequent urine composition will change, and the protein content in it will exceed the standard, so there will be foam that is difficult to dissipate.

5. Blood pressure fluctuations

Many patients have high blood pressure under the influence of kidney cysts, if they find themselves dizzy and uncomfortable, it is not necessarily a lesion of the head, but also may be affected by blood pressure fluctuations, especially the large size of the kidney cyst, which compresses the kidney or renal artery, causing hemodynamic changes in the kidneys, so it will cause high blood pressure, and symptoms such as dizziness and headache will occur when the blood pressure is unstable.

Low back pain, inexplicable fatigue, these 6 abnormalities in the body, or a sign of a kidney cyst

6. Inexplicable fatigue

There is a feeling of fatigue in the body, and there is unexplained fatigue, which should not be underestimated. Many people have kidney disease that strikes and develops, and after the formation of local cysts, the volume increases, the normal function of the kidneys cannot be played, the body's metabolism is abnormal, and the internal environment changes after the impact, which will manifest as fatigue in the body. If there is unexplained fatigue, it is best to correct it immediately to determine whether there is an internal organ lesion.

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