
Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

author:Enthusiastic kumquat A

This paragraph of the middle school textbook only talks about the Three People's Principles, the New Culture Movement, and Mao Zedong Thought, and there is no other content, which is really a knowledge defect. As for me, according to my understanding and preference, I choose to write a little.

Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

I. Philosophy

1. Sun Yat-sen's thoughts.

1] Background. The Qing Dynasty moved towards a full-scale reaction. Revolutionary movements arose. The introduction and dissemination of Western ideas. Formation and dissemination of revolutionary ideas. The establishment of the League.

2] Logo. In 1905, Sun Yat-sen expounded the program of the League as the Three People's Principles in the publication of Minbao, the organ newspaper of the League.

Sun Yat-sen, whose real name is Sun Wen, was born in 1866 in Xiangshan, Guangdong (Zhongshan City), he received a relatively complete education, and finally chose to study Western medicine, and went to Macao to practice medicine after graduating from the Hong Kong College of Western Medicine. At that time, Western medicine was on the rise, and if you persisted, it would not be difficult to become a generation of doctors. However, he was too concerned about the fate of the country and the nation, wrote to Li Hongzhang, established the Xingzhong Society, and planned the Guangzhou Uprising, but in the end it was unsuccessful, and was wanted by the Qing government and fled to Britain. I read Miyazaki's monstrous "Dream of Thirty-three Years of Falling Flowers", Miyazaki monstrous self-proclaimed Asian revolutionary aspirant, and as soon as I talked to Sun Yat-sen, I fell in love with Sun Yat-sen, and Miyazaki said that Sun Yat-sen was the treasure of the Asian revolution. Sun Yat-sen had a talent for conversation, and unwittingly captured the hearts of the people and joined him in the revolution. He studied in Europe and the United States, propagated the revolution among overseas Chinese, collected donations, and became more and more sophisticated in his thinking. Finally, he united the revolutionary groups such as the Xingzhong Society, the Huaxing Society, and the Guangfu Society.

3] Contents. In November 1905, Sun Yat-sen first put forward the three principles of nationality, civil rights, and people's livelihood, and then systematically expounded them, forming the Three People's Principles that guided China's democratic revolution at that time. "Expelling the Tatars and restoring China" is nationalism, also known as national revolution, that is, opposing national oppression, overthrowing the rule of the Manchurian aristocracy by force, and achieving national independence; "The founding of the Republic of China" is populism, also known as political revolution, which is the core content of the Three People's Principles, which refers to the overthrow of the feudal monarchy, the establishment of a bourgeois republic, democratic constitutionalism, the people have the right to participate in political power, and the president and parliamentarians are elected by the people; (Sun Yat-sen developed the Western doctrine of separation of powers into the doctrine of separation of powers, in addition to executive, legislative, and judicial powers, including examination and supervision powers) "Equal land rights" is the people's livelihood doctrine, also known as the social revolution, the core is the land issue, advocating the approval of land prices, the existing land prices belong to the original owners, and the land prices increased by social progress after the revolution are owned by the state and shared by the people, so as to solve the problem of land-centered wealth redistribution.

Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

4] Source. Pluralism of sources. The first is the Western bourgeois political theory, the freedom, equality, and fraternity of France, the people's ownership, the rule of the people, and the people's enjoyment in the United States, the right of the Swiss people to vote, recall, create, and referendum, the theory of evolution, the single-tax socialism of Henry George in the United States, and Marx's Capital; The second is the traditional Chinese ideology and system, the Confucian ideal of the world for the public and the great harmony, and the Jingtian system and the Juntian system.

Henry George's Single-Tax Socialism: Henry George was a well-known social activist and economist in the United States in the late nineteenth century. His idea of imposing a single land value tax was once popular in some countries in Europe and the United States, and it was quite influential. He advocated the nationalization of land, the collection of land value tax to public ownership, the abolition of all other taxes, and the equalization of social wealth.

5] Evaluation. The Three People's Principles is a theory of bourgeois democratic revolution in modern China, which represents the political and economic interests of the bourgeoisie in a concentrated manner and reflects the common aspirations of the Chinese people for national independence, democratic rights and the development of capitalism. However, the program of the League did not explicitly put forward the battle cry against imperialism and feudalism, nor did it put forward a thorough agrarian program—utopianism. As such, it is an incomplete program of the national democratic revolution, which reflects the weakness and compromise of the Chinese national bourgeoisie.

6] Development. When the Nanjing Provisional Government was established, it did not use the eighteen-star flag of Hubei but the five-color flag, indicating that Sun Yat-sen had abandoned narrow nationalism, developed from the Paiman revolution to the republic of five nationalities, and initially had the idea of ethnic equality.

After the defeat of the Second Revolution and the War to Protect the Law, he reflected on his thoughts and wrote the "National Founding Strategy", which is divided into three parts:

"Sun Wenxue" expounds the idea that it is easy to know what is difficult and easy to do.

The "Industrial Plan" designs future economic development plans, mainly railways and ports, and proposes to open up to the outside world and introduce foreign investment.

"Preliminary Civil Rights" explains how to build democratic politics.

Later, his nationalism was added to the anti-imperialist struggle, the abolition of unequal treaties, and the common struggle of the nations of the world who are waiting for us equally; The people's livelihood doctrine has added the content of "the tiller has his land", supporting peasants and workers, and controlling capital. We commonly call it the "New Three People's Principles".

Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

2. New Culture Movement.

There are three ideologically active eras in history, the first being the Warring States period, the second being the reign of the Beiyang warlords, and the third being the period after the end of the Cultural Revolution.

1] Conditions. The Xinhai Revolution overthrew the Qing Dynasty, and Yuan Shikai's rule was limited to the north, with strong independence and a relatively relaxed political environment; The establishment of a democratic system and the spread of democratic ideas. After the gradual resumption of Western learning in the East, it developed into this period, and conservative ideas were basically broken. Various ideas and theories were introduced to China. Study abroad education. With the development of the national economy, the national bourgeoisie and the working class have grown and stepped onto the stage of history. The development of modern media publishing, newspapers, periodicals, and societies.

2] Logo. In September 1915, Chen Duxiu founded the magazine "Youth" in Shanghai, which was changed to "New Youth" the following year. At the end of 1916, Cai Yuanpei was appointed by Li Yuanhong as the president of Peking University, and the policy of governing the school was "freedom of thought and inclusiveness", and a large number of talents such as Chen Duxiu were hired to teach at Peking University. Peking University became the center of the New Culture Movement, and the main figures were Hu Shi, Zhou Shuren, Zhou Zuoren, Li Dazhao, Liu Bannong, Gao Yihan, Qian Xuan, etc., and "New Youth" became a journal edited by the same people in turn.

Chen Duxiu, born in Huaining, Anhui Province in 1879, his father died early, and his grandfather taught him to read the "Four Books and Five Classics". He was expelled from school for his anti-Qing remarks. He realized that the revolution must mobilize ordinary people, founded the Anhui Vulgar Daily, and disseminated science and culture in the vernacular. During the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the secretary general of the Anhui Governor's Office, and was arrested for participating in the Second Revolution and later went into exile in Japan.

Cai Yuanpei, born in Shaoxing, Zhejiang Province in 1868, his father died early, he lived in his aunt's house to study, show talents, lift people, and jinshi, all the way to the green light, and ranked 36th in the palace trial in 1892. He began to teach at the age of 18, with the idea of saving the country through education, and returned to Shaoxing to serve as the principal of the Chinese and Western School after being admitted to the Jinshi, and transferred to Shanghai Chengxin School and Nanyang Public School, and founded the Chinese Education Association, the Patriotic Society, and the Patriotic Women's School in 1902. Embracing revolutionary ideas, he founded the Liberation Society in 1904 and joined the League the following year. In 1907, at the age of 40, he resolutely went to Germany to study, attended lectures at the University of Leipzig, and wrote "A History of Chinese Ethics". When the Xinhai Revolution broke out, he returned to China to serve as the chief of education of Sun Yat-sen's Nanjing Provisional Government, reformed the education system, resigned from Yuan Shikai, and went to France to engage in academic research.

Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

3] Contents.

(1) Mr. Propaganda De and Mr. Sai. The theory of evolution in Mr. Sai is especially admired, against the old art, the old religion; Mr. Yongde opposes Confucianism, rituals, chastity, old ethics, and old politics. Against the quintessence of the country and the old literature.

(2) Opposition to rituals. Attacking the Three Outlines and Five Constants, loyalty, filial piety, and righteousness, Lu Xun's "Diary of a Madman" used literary means to oppose feudal etiquette and killing.

(3) Vernacular Literature Movement. Hu Shi's "Discussion on Literary Improvement" has the greatest influence, and his ideas are still golden rules - there is something to say, no imitation of antiquity, emphasis on grammar, no moaning without illness, no clichés, no classics, no confrontation, and no avoidance of vulgar words and sayings. Chen Duxiu's "Theory of Literary Revolution" focuses on the content, and it is necessary to build national literature, realistic literature, and social literature. Lu Xun wrote novels in the vernacular, and many people followed, and the vernacular became a trend.

(4) Pinyin of Chinese characters.

4] Impact. The greatest achievement of the New Culture Movement was that it hit Confucius and Mencian Thought, and there was no ideological autocracy, which created conditions for the introduction and dissemination of various ideological propositions. All of a sudden, anarchism, socialism, Marxism, nationalism, and so on were introduced to China for the Chinese people to choose. The merits of emancipating the mind are incomparable.

Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

3. Mao Zedong Thought.

1] Background. National industry developed, and the working class grew. The New Culture Movement developed and Marxism spread. The CCP was founded, and the Second National Congress formulated a revolutionary program suited to China's national conditions. The Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated for the first time, and the workers' and peasants' movement was upsurged. The agrarian revolution began, and the practice of the Jinggangshan Revolutionary Base Area and the Central Revolutionary Base Area. The progress of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the summary of reflections during the Yan'an period.

2] Logo. Around 1930, he wrote "The Struggle in Jinggangshan", "Why China's Red Regime Can Exist", "A Letter to Lin Biao" and other ideas of workers' and peasants' armed separatism, and Mao Zedong Thought was initially formed. Around 1940, he wrote "Strategic Problems of the Chinese Revolutionary War", "On Protracted War", "On New Democracy", etc., which were formally formed.

Mao Zedong was born in 1893 in a peasant family in Xiangtan, Hunan, and his father wanted to become a big landowner. Mao Zedong was essentially a scholar, his father asked him to pick dung, and he hid in the ditch to read as soon as he picked up a load. I had no choice but to send it out to study, and finally arrived in Changsha and saw the big world. However, he has the common problem of young people, this school is not good, that school is not good. In the end, under his father's ultimatum, he reluctantly chose a school. Fortunately, he met a good teacher, saying that if he wanted to transform China, he needed someone like Mao Zedong. At that time, the classmates went abroad to study one after another, the teacher died, and the little sister was alone, he fell in love, and finally did not go abroad. He worked as a librarian under Li Dazhao and read a lot of books, and Li Dazhao's personality was perfect at Peking University, which undoubtedly had a great influence on him. The greater influence came from Chen Duxiu, since Chen Duxiu founded the Communist Party, he also organized party members in Changsha and participated in the founding of the Communist Party of China.

His articles were well written, and the original "Xiangjiang Review" influenced the Yangtze River Dongting. The Kuomintang and the Communist Party cooperated, and he was elected as an alternate member of the Central Executive Committee, and Chiang Kai-shek at that time was not even a delegate to the conference, and he was indignant. He became the acting propaganda minister of the Kuomintang, and his propaganda was impressive. If he sells arguments and becomes officials like Chen Gongbo and Zhou Fohai, with his ability, there is no problem in being the president of the Fifth Academy. The reason why I am full of high respect for people like Mao Zedong is that they always consider the fate of the people in the world and the country and the nation for themselves and their families, and choose a thorny and bumpy road.

3] Contents.

The idea of armed secession of workers and peasants. He creatively put forward and expounded the idea of separating the workers and peasants from armed forces, and theoretically explained that the Chinese revolution adopted the road of establishing revolutionary base areas in the countryside, encircling the cities with the countryside, and finally seizing the cities, which was determined by China's national conditions, thus negating the revolutionary road centered on the cities. Under the leadership of the CPC, armed struggle is the main form, the agrarian revolution is the central content, and the rural revolutionary base areas are closely integrated.

New democratic ideology. The nature of Chinese society is half-colonized and half-enclosed; The main contradictions in society are the contradictions between imperialism and the Chinese nation, feudalism and the masses of the people; The object of the revolution was imperialist feudalism; The form of revolution is armed struggle, the encirclement of the city by the countryside, and finally the seizure of the city; The revolutionary task is the national revolution to overthrow imperialism and the democratic revolution to overthrow feudalism. The driving force of the revolution is the proletariat and the peasant class; The nature of the revolution is that of a new democratic revolution; The future of the revolution is socialism; The leaders of the revolution are the proletariat and its party, the Communist Party of China; The revolution is divided into two steps: the first step is to complete the democratic revolution and establish a new democratic society; The second step is to complete the socialist revolution and establish a socialist society.

The politics of new democracy is to overthrow imperialism and feudalism and establish a new democratic republic, the state system is the joint dictatorship of all revolutionary classes, and the political system is democratic centralism. In the new democratic economy, big banks, big industries, and big commerce are state-owned, the landlords' land is confiscated and distributed to the landless peasants, the practice of "the tiller has his land," the feudal relations in the countryside are swept away, and the land is turned into the private property of the peasants.

4] Impact. During the Anti-Japanese War, the number of party members grew from 40,000 to 1.2 million, and by 1948, the rural forces surpassed the urban forces, and finally seized the cities and achieved revolutionary success. He guided the establishment of a new democratic country on October 1, 1949, established a new democratic economy, quickly rectified the economic mess, carried out planned economic construction, established a strong and complete industrial system, and laid a strong foundation for today's strength.

Academics have concluded that the new democratic economy was abandoned prematurely, and today, the urban economy still has new democratic overtones.

Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

4. Religion (inventory)

1] Sinicization of Christianity. After the most fierce rebellion against the Boxer Rebellion, Christianity stopped recruiting urban and rural ruffians to harm the villages, paid attention to the quality of believers, and alleviated the vanguard of aggression, and embarked on a relatively normal track.

2] Buddhism.

3] Taoism.

4] Islam.

5. Philosophy (Inventory)

These are actually academics, the knowledge in the study, the search for chapters and sentences, either imported products, or the teeth and wisdom of the ancients. One kind of thought, only like the Mohists, forms an anti-war movement; Or, like Dong Zhongshu's neo-Confucianism, applied to the law to adjudicate cases, applied to state ideology. This kind of thinking really plays a role in promoting society, otherwise, it is a bunch of dead knowledge.

1] Philosophical system construction.

Hu Shih's pragmatism.

Zhang Dongsun's pluralistic epistemology.

Jin Yuelin's Theory of Knowledge.

2] Neo-Confucianism.

Liang Shuming's Neo-Confucianism.

Xiong Shili's New Intellectualism.

Feng Youlan's New Theory.

He Lin's New Mind.

3] Sinicization of Marxist philosophy.


Li Da.

Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

6. Debate and choice of cultural path

1] Controversy between retro and retro. Yuan Shikai's respect for Confucius for the restoration of the imperial system was not only for him personally, but even Yan Fu was involved, Kang Youwei, Chen Huanzhang, Mai Menghua and others established the Confucian Church, and demanded that Confucianism be designated as the state religion and written into the constitution. In this regard, Wu Yu put forward the slogan of "Down with the Confucian Family", which was corresponded to the New Culture Movement. Gu Hongming, Lin Shu, Liu Shipei and others rose up to defend themselves, and the "Oriental Magazine" edited by Du Yaquan and "New Youth" engaged in debates.

The most interesting thing is Lin Shu, the debate has turned to abuse. From February to March 1919, he published literary novels such as "Demon Dream" and "Jing Sheng" in Shanghai's "New Declaration", "Jing Sheng" alluded to Chen Duxiu with Tian Bimei, alluded to Qian Xuantong with Jin Xinyi, and alluded to Hu Shi with Di Mo, saying that the three teenagers gathered in Tao Ranting, Beijing, advocating to go to Confucius to destroy Lunchang, and scrap the vernacular, but was reprimanded and beaten by the "great husband Jing Sheng" next door. For more than 4,000 years in China, the country was founded by Lun discipline, and you are the ?...... of what is bad"" Tian Sheng still wanted to defend, but the great husband pressed his head with two fingers, and his brain hurt like being stabbed by a cone; More to practice Di Mo, Di waist pain to break, Jin Sheng short-sighted, husband take his glasses to throw it, then afraid of death like obscene, head up, husband smiled and said: Er Zhi crazy like Li Zhen, straight monster in the world, today I should wash my hands and feet with perfume, should not touch the torso of the abnormal beast against the sky." This novel is an attempt to stifle the New Culture Movement with the help of a violent force like Jing Sheng, that is, the power of warlords.

"Demon Dream" writes that someone sleepwalks in the underworld, sees a "vernacular school" (alluding to Peking University), and a big book outside the door: vernacular supernatural powers, Dream of Red Mansions, Water Margin, it's incredible; Gu Wen hated, Ouyang Xiu, Han Yu, what is it. There are three "outstanding people among ghosts" in the school, namely President Yuan Xu (alluding to Cai Yuanpei), Provost Tian Heng (alluding to Chen Duxiu) and Vice Provost Qin II (alluding to Hu Shi). When someone walks into the school, there is a "Killing Confucius Hall" inside, and there is also a couplet on the door: Birds and beasts are really free, what is the use of this morality; Righteousness is too bad to be eliminated at all. In the end, please bring out the "King Rahula", eat them, and eat these "beasts without five Lun", "turn them into dung, it is appropriate!" ”

Cai Yuanpei's riposte is the most interesting. He reaffirmed the principle of "following the principle of freedom of thought and adopting inclusiveness", indicating the attitude of allowing new trends of thought and new culture to exist in Peking University. He asked Lin Shu rhetorically: "Gong has translated novels such as "The Lady of the Camellias", "The Biography of Cain", and "The Record of the Red Reef Painting", and has also taught ancient literature and ethics in various schools. So that some people slander the public as talking about literature in this genre of fiction, and talk about ethics with prostitutes, adultery, and women who fight for husbands, would they rather laugh and laugh? However, if the reform faction occasionally has radical theories, it has nothing to do with the school curriculum, so why should it be forced to attribute its responsibility to the school?" In fact, Cai Yuanpei has always advocated not setting up a portal and learning from each other's strengths, so as to achieve the effect of inclusiveness and integration between China and the West.

After the May Fourth Movement, there were three main factions: the Marxist faction represented by Li Dazhao, the Westernization faction led by Hu Shi, and the Oriental cultural faction represented by Liang Qichao and Liang Shuming. Li Dazhao and Hu Shi launched a polemic, socialism or capitalism, and a thorough solution or bit by bit reform. Zhang Shizhao put forward the "theory of reconciliation", because from the standpoint of traditional culture, the Westernizers Zhang Dongsun and Jiang Menglin refuted it.

After the end of World War I, Liang Qichao returned from a European tour and published a book "European Travel Heart Video", which recorded the words of several European and American people, Western civilization has gone bankrupt and is waiting for Eastern civilization to save it. Liang Shuming has a book "Eastern and Western Culture and Its Philosophy", which is attributed to Confucianism, and it does not matter who is superior or inferior among the three major civilizations of the West, India, and China. Echoing them are the "Xueheng" school of Hu Xianqiao, Mei Guangdi, and Wu Mi, and the "Jiayin" school of Zhang Shizhao. Unlike the Westernizers, Chen Duxiu and Qu Qiubai refuted it from a Marxist perspective.

Zhang Junmai, who came back with Liang Qichao, went to Tsinghua University to give a speech on "Outlook on Life", declaring that science cannot solve the problem of outlook on life, and that outlook on life requires religious metaphysics, which triggered a debate between science and outlook on life. Ding Wenjiang represented the Scientology faction, and Qu Qiubai represented the Marxist faction, and they rose up to fight back and defend the status of science.

In conclusion, the polemics of the twenties were very intense and provided food for thought for the choice of path.

Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

2] The controversy between "total Westernization" and "Chinese culture".

On January 10, 1935, ten professors, Tao Xisheng, He Bingsong, Sa Mengwu, Fan Zhongyun, Wu Yugan, Sun Hanbing, Huang Wenshan, Zhang Yi, and Chen Gaofu, issued the "Declaration on the Construction of China-based Culture", which triggered a debate in the academic circles that lasted for more than a year about the Chinese standard and the overall westernization. We should "not be conservative, not blindly follow, adopt a critical attitude according to the Chinese standard, apply scientific methods, review the past, grasp the present, and create the future"; "save what it deserves, go what it deserves"; For European and American cultures, "absorb what they should absorb".

The background of the issuance of this document is the cultural construction of the national government, and the retro tendency is distinct. Hu Shi first stood up to refute it, accusing Zhang Zhidong of "middle school for the body and Western learning for use". Chen Xujing is different, "The only way we can do it is to accept Westernization in its entirety." He put forward four reasons for total Westernization: (1) China's attitude towards Western culture tends to be completely Westernized; (2) the fact that China has adopted Western culture in history tends to be completely Westernized; (3) Western modern culture is indeed much more advanced than ours; (4) Western modern culture, whether we like it or not, it is the trend of the world after all. Cai Yuanpei, Huang Yanpei and others also got involved and expressed their opinions.

In 1943, Chiang Kai-shek published The Fate of China, which sought to glorify traditional ethics and defend China's inherent culture and virtues. In response to Chiang Kai-shek's advocacy, it was mainly the cultural conservatism of Qian Mu, Feng Youlan, He Lin and others, and the most interesting one was Qian Mu, who said in the "Outline of National History" that the Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty was not an autocratic government but a democratic form of government. Zhou Enlai, Ai Siqi and others immediately analyzed that the essence of Chiang Kai-shek's thought was autocracy.

Mao Zedong said in "On New Democracy": "China should absorb a large amount of foreign progressive culture as the raw material for its own cultural food...... Everything we need today should be absorbed. But all foreign things, like our food, must be chewed by our mouths and intestines, sent into saliva and gastric juice, broken down into two parts, the essence and the dross, excreted from the dross, and absorbed the essence in order to be beneficial to our body, and must not be swallowed alive and absorbed without judgment. The idea of 'total westernization' is a wrong view. "Cleaning up the development process of ancient culture, eliminating the dross of its feudal nature, and absorbing the essence of its democratic nature are the necessary conditions for developing a new national culture and improving national self-confidence; But there must be no uncritical eclecticism. It is necessary to distinguish between all the decadent things of the ancient feudal ruling class and the excellent people's culture of ancient times, that is, the things that are more or less democratic and revolutionary. "That's a great summary.

Lao Zhang talks about history: the thought of the Republic of China

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