
Huxiang Good Tutor丨Zhou Bin Family: Adults are more important than success

author:Today's Women's Newspaper

The foundation of the world is in the country, and the foundation of the country is at home. Family education is not only a "family affair" related to the well-being of individuals and families, but also a "national affair" related to the destiny of the country and the nation. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core has attached great importance to the construction of family education and family style, so that thousands of families have become an important basis for national development, national progress and social harmony.

Focusing on the fundamental task of "cultivating people with virtue", Hunan took the lead in the country to incorporate family education guidance services into the key livelihood matters of the provincial party committee and the provincial government, solidly carried out family education guidance services and practical activities, vigorously excavated and publicized the story of family science teaching children, focused on disseminating scientific concepts and methods of family education, and vigorously guided parents to bring up children in accordance with the law and teach children scientifically, and focused on promoting the healthy growth and all-round development of children.

Love in the heart, deeds in moderation,

Adults are more important than success

Today's Women's Daily/Fengwang reporter Ouyang Ting

This is the story of the most beautiful family in Yongzhou City - the husband's name is Zhou Bin, and the wife's name is Wang Sufang. They are a three-generation family of five, with two sons who are 16 years apart. The 8-year-old son is cheerful and sunny, filial piety and affection, and is a "little warm man" who accompanies his grandmother intimately; The 24-year-old eldest son has grown up to be a glorious PLA soldier, stationed on the border of the motherland, dedicating his strength to national defense.

Huxiang Good Tutor丨Zhou Bin Family: Adults are more important than success

What are the core educational philosophies of parents in the process of children's growth? What kind of tutoring stories do their families have? Let's start with a VCR –


Let the child have love in his heart, love the small family and love everyone more

Our family is a family of five with three generations, and there are two children in the family, namely the 24-year-old eldest son Zhou Hongji, and the 8-year-old youngest son Zhou Shanda.

As our two children grew up, my wife and I agreed that adulthood is more important than success. We want our children to become people who contribute to their families, to society, and to their country. We always teach them to be a person with love in their hearts and in their deeds. We also attach great importance to the cultivation of family and country feelings, and never forget to advise: to love the small family, but also love everyone, there is a country to have a home.

My wife and I often take our two children out to enjoy the beautiful scenery while telling them about the history and culture of our hometown and motherland, and subtly cultivate their patriotic feelings.

We told Hongji the red story since we were young, telling him that the reason why we have today's peaceful and beautiful life is because there are a group of "loveliest people" who are carrying the weight for us, and we should learn from the spirit of tenacity, bravery, and selfless dedication of the People's Liberation Army.

Under such education, Hongji admired the heroic deeds of the revolutionary martyrs and developed an incomparable longing for the fiery military camp, and began to yearn for himself to become a soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army.

In 2018, Hongji ended the college entrance examination, and because of the failure of his grades, he wanted to apply for the non-commissioned officer school. When filling in the volunteers, we asked him: Can you persevere in the hardships and tiredness of being a soldier? Hongji nodded firmly. He said that the path he chose, no matter how hard it is, I can stick to it.

In 2020, Hongji Military Academy graduated, and we wanted him to stay with his family with his excellent grades, but he applied to go to a difficult and remote area. He said: Bitter places, far places, this is a good place to make contributions! In a letter to me and the child's mother, Hongji said: "Mom and Dad, since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been difficult to achieve. You have two sons, and they are also members of the Communist Party, who will defend the border if I don't go to the border? ”

In 2021, Hongji, who is in the northwest border, did another thing that made us both proud and worried. After holding on to the Sino-Indian border at a height of more than 6,000 meters for three months, he took the initiative to leave the opportunity to go down the mountain to his comrades-in-arms. In this way, it has been holding on to the snowy plateau at minus 40 °C for 7 months. Every time I video with Hongji, I see my son's frostbitten hands, the falling snow behind the child and the plateau red that is branded on his cheeks, and the child always hides behind me and secretly wipes the tears from the corners of his eyes. In the days after he enlisted in the army, the biggest comfort that our husband and wife could give him was one sentence: the family is good, work hard!

Huxiang Good Tutor丨Zhou Bin Family: Adults are more important than success

Compared with his brother, the second Shanda has a quieter personality and a more meticulous mind. Before Shanda was born, we took our mother-in-law, who lived alone, into our home, and for as long as she can remember, she watched how we took care of her.

The mother-in-law's health is not good, so the wife specially went to learn traditional Chinese medicine massage techniques, and massaged the elderly every day to relieve the discomfort of the mother-in-law. Every time I come home from work, my wife and I greet the elderly as soon as we enter the door; When eating, she will take care of the old man's tastes and put her favorite dishes in front of her; When we go out to play, we always slow down and help our mother-in-law walk. We often take my mother-in-law back to our hometown in the countryside to get her and her sisters together. These scenes were all seen and remembered by Shanda.

One day, when we were helping my mother-in-law to walk downstairs, Shanda directly "snatched" my grandmother's hand and told us domineeringly that he was going to be my grandmother's crutch.

Huxiang Good Tutor丨Zhou Bin Family: Adults are more important than success

Let children behave in moderation and develop good habits

Over the years, our family has also had an important family education concept: let children behave in moderation and develop good habits.

As our first child, my wife and I had high hopes for him as he grew up.

However, when his child was in the sixth grade of primary school, he became addicted to online games, immersed himself in computers and games whenever he had free time, and even developed to skip class to play games.

Perceiving these changes, my mom and I conducted a serious analysis and reflection. The first thing we realized was that we were too busy with work and socializing lately, and neglected to be with our children.

If you want to change your child, start by changing yourself! We put away some unnecessary socializing and spent more time with our children. During the summer vacation, we worked out a schedule with our child and accompanied him to carry it out: accompany him to participate in basketball training; Help him self-discipline and spend half the time studying, half the time watching TV or games; Accompany him to swim in the swimming pool and practice piano with him. While the children are planning themselves, we are also completely changing ourselves, and the whole family has developed good living habits.

After a holiday, the changes of the three of us are obvious: Hongji has met a lot of new friends in the process of sports, is no longer addicted to games, and is more and more enthusiastic about learning; The physical and mental health of our husband and wife has also improved with the progress of our children.

Today, Hongji is stationed on the border of the motherland and contributes its own strength to the cause of national defense; Shanda also became a second-grade elementary school student with a cheerful and sunny personality. As parents, we also reap the happiness and well-being of the family in the formation of children's habits. We will lead by example, grow together with our children, and accompany them every step of life!

Editor: Yiren

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