
With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?


Text/Guan Junran

Editor/Qi Fei

Singapore, which has been established nearly a year ago, ushered in the third leadership transition.

On May 15, local time, 72-year-old Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong handed over the post of prime minister, which he has shouldered for nearly 20 years, to the successor elected by the fourth-generation leadership team (Singapore calls it "4G") - Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Lawrence Wong. Lawrence Wong, 51, will be sworn in at 8 p.m. tonight, making him Singapore's fourth prime minister since independence in 1965.

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

Lee Hsien Loong and Lawrence Wong

In a recent interview with Singaporean media, Lawrence Wong admitted that the country is facing many internal and external challenges, but he remains optimistic. "I have faith not only in the government, but also in Singaporeans. As we enter this new stage of development, it is ultimately up to us to decide how to move forward. ”

He believes that Singapore today is in a stronger position and its economy is at a higher level of development. "In the past, we could speak of a 'Swiss standard of living' in general terms, but today it is quite difficult to find such a single standard. In this new phase, we are entering a whole new field that no one has set foot in, and we have to figure out the way forward. We still have to learn from the best and find best practices, but we also have to innovate. This is what I will do my best, not just with my team, but with the collective energy of all Singaporeans. ”

"This is the first time in 20 years that Singapore has seen a true generational change of leadership, and for the first time in 65 years, no Lee family member has served in the leadership – Lee Kuan Yew was Prime Minister from 1959 to 1990, and Lee Hsien Loong was Deputy Prime Minister (1990-2004) and then Prime Minister (2004-2024)." Eugene TAN Kheng Boon, an associate professor at the Singapore Management University's Yong Pong Siao School of Law, commented to Phoenix Weekly that although Wong's exposure, influence and charisma are relatively weak, Singapore's governing system and processes have been perfected, and the relative lack of charisma will not adversely affect the governance of the new leadership team. "Charisma, while important, is not a key consideration for voters in Singapore. What is more important is the capacity, sincerity and effective governance of the Government. ”

Lee Hsien Loong's 20 years in power

On May 1, the white-haired Lee Hsien Loong, wearing a red T-shirt, delivered his last May Day speech as prime minister.

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

On May 1, 2024, Lee Hsien Loong delivered his last May Day speech as prime minister.

"I am deeply satisfied and satisfied that Singapore is safely entrusted to my successor." In his speech, Lee Hsien Loong reflected on his time in office and looked forward to the future. "This is my 40th year in politics. It has been a great honour for me to serve you, including as your Prime Minister. At the end of his speech, Lee Hsien Loong bowed deeply with tears in his eyes, and the audience gave a standing ovation.

In 2004, under the aura of his father Lee Kuan Yew, the 51-year-old Lee Hsien Loong succeeded Goh Chok Tong as Singapore's third prime minister. Lee Hsien Loong, who was full of black hair and glasses at the time, stood in a fuchsia shirt at the National Day rally and delivered speeches in Malay, Mandarin and English. It was not a serious speech, and Lee Hsien Loong won the hearts and minds of the people with his frank, self-deprecating, and inspirational style.

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

In 2004, Lee Hsien Loong delivered a speech at the National Day mass rally.

On the same day, he announced a number of important policies, such as reducing the working week in Singapore from five and a half days to five days, and extending the maternity leave of employees from eight weeks to 12 weeks. He also raised a highly controversial topic – exploring the opening of a casino in Singapore. After all, the number one opponent of the policy was Lee Kuan Yew. When Lee Kuan Yew was in power, he said, "In my lifetime, casinos were not allowed in Singapore." ”

In response to the impact of the 1997 Asian financial crisis, Lee Hsien Loong decided to develop the gaming industry against public opinion. In April 2005, Singapore officially introduced the casino industry. "As Prime Minister, I take ultimate responsibility for this decision." Lee Hsien Loong stressed that this is not a black-and-white issue, but a search for a suitable middle way.

During Lee Hsien Loong's administration, Singapore weathered the financial crisis, the pandemic, and the US-China trade friction. In 20 years, Singapore's gross domestic product (GDP) has more than tripled from US$115 billion to US$501.3 billion, and its per capita GDP has more than tripled from US$27,600 to US$84,700. During the same period, median monthly employment earnings doubled from S$2,326 (1 Singapore dollar is about 5.3 yuan) to S$5,197. Since 2003, the country's overall inflation rate has been 2.08%.

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

Lee Hsien Loong also changed the national strategy that prioritized economic development only. He described domestic policy as "seeking a dynamic balance between a free market economy and social security". Over the past 20 years, Singapore's social policy has undergone a shift from one centered on economic growth to one focused on social inclusion. The government's focus has shifted from traditional growth models to how to take care of the disadvantaged in society, and to address issues such as income inequality and social mobility.

In terms of health protection, Singapore has implemented a lifelong health protection scheme since 2015, and the government provides basic protection to all citizens and permanent residents, regardless of age or health condition. In terms of promoting social mobility, the government has helped low-income families, people with disabilities and people with special needs through comprehensive measures such as disability service centers and employment websites.

On the social inclusion front, Section 377A of the Penal Code is repealed and male sex is no longer criminalised. Lee Hsien Loong said at a National Day rally in 2022 that "the repeal of Section 377A is an important milestone for the mainland. ”

Lee Hsien Loong also put forward the idea of "racial harmony". As a multicultural country, Singapore attaches great importance to the harmonious coexistence of races and religions. He also proposed a series of measures in the area of education reform, in an attempt to make Singapore's education system an international model.

"Lee Hsien Loong's economic achievements are remarkable." Since 2004, Singapore's economy has grown three-to-fourfold and the standard of living has continued to improve, allowing the government to do more in terms of policy, public infrastructure and future planning, Tan said the government. "Singapore is now more welfare-oriented, but it is still not a high-welfare society. Over the next 20 years, Singapore's social safety net will be even stronger. ”

Compared to the above achievements, Singapore has been underperforming in terms of fertility. In 2023, only 30,500 babies were born in the country, and the fertility rate fell to an all-time low of 0.97. The government is committed to creating an environment for Singaporeans to form a family, and has implemented a series of measures to encourage childbearing, such as providing a wide range of maternity subsidies and extending paid paternity leave for fathers to four weeks.

In February 2024, Lee Hsien Loong encouraged Singaporeans to "have more children early" and "take advantage of this year's dragon baby" in his Chinese New Year message. However, like many developed countries around the world, Singapore still faces a severe test of a sharp decline in fertility.

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

On January 14, 2023, Lee Hsien Loong distributed red envelopes to residents of a community.

Lee Hsien Loong's pro-people image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people

In any case, Singaporeans are not disgusted by the way Lee Hsien Loong pursues his policies, and his pro-people image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. "When Lee Hsien Loong pursues a certain policy, he does not use authoritarian brute force or say something awkward, but answers everyone's questions seriously." Ka Min (pseudonym), a 46-year-old employee of the company, commented to Phoenix Weekly, "Although Lee Hsien Loong is a 'science and engineering man', he likes to use Chinese poetry to convey what he wants to express or appeal. ”

What impressed Jiamin was that during the epidemic, he used the famous sentence "Lisao" by Qu Yuan, a poet of Chu during the Warring States Period of China, "The road is long, and I will seek up and down", expressing that the fight against the epidemic is a protracted battle and encouraging the people to work together to deal with it.

It is reported that Lee Hsien Loong is very fond of Chinese classics. He is familiar with Zhuge Liang's "Teacher's Table", Bai Juyi's "Song of Long Hatred", Yue Fei's "Man Jianghong", etc., and will also quote scriptures on some diplomatic occasions or when interviewed.

A Singaporean political journalist who has interviewed Lee Hsien Loong several times recalled to Phoenix Weekly: "Whether it was a regular lunch meeting or a formal interview, Lee Hsien Loong was a leader with clear thinking and extreme rationality. He can always express his thoughts in simple language after thinking about it. ”

"Although he has been at the top of power all his life, his life is as simple as that of ordinary people." Singapore's Lianhe Zaobao said of Lee Hsien Loong, "He always lined up by himself when he went to the stall to eat, and he wore a simple white T-shirt and black trousers like ordinary citizens during the funeral of his parents." In the future, Singapore may have a more intelligent and capable prime minister than him, who hopefully will adhere to the lifestyle of a Singaporean leader. ”

Kahin Man is also proud of Lee Hsien Loong's influence on the international stage, "he knows how to respond flexibly to an increasingly complex world". Lee Hsien Loong has been an active promoter of Singapore's diplomatic relations with other countries and has also played an important role in regional affairs as a supporter of ASEAN.

During his tenure in office, Lee Hsien Loong led Singapore through challenges such as terrorism, US-China tensions, rising trade protectionism, the financial crisis, and the coronavirus pandemic. Lee Hsien Loong also often warns: "In an uncertain and sometimes dangerous world, Singapore will always be a small country." ”

Over the past 20 years, Lee Hsien Loong has visited China 14 times, and in addition to major cities such as Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, he has also visited the central and western regions many times. For example, in 2010, Lee Hsien Loong visited Chongqing, Changsha, Wuhan, Shanghai, Suzhou and other places in eight days. On the way from Changsha to Chibi, Hubei, he took a special ride on the Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway to learn about the development of China's high-speed rail. Lee Hsien Loong's trip to China is not only about meeting with high-level Chinese officials, attending summits and visiting companies, but he also walks the streets of different cities.

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

On March 27, 2023, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong arrived in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, for a six-day trip to China.

"Premier Li visited Xi'an many years ago, and his entourage visited the local Muslim Street. When the public learned that Singapore's prime minister had visited, Premier Lee, who wanted to learn about local life, became the object of onlookers. Tan Huai Leong, who served as Lee Hsien Loong's press secretary from 2004 to 2013, recalled, "Prime Minister Lee was very interested in learning about the local culture and people's life. ”

During Lee Hsien Loong's administration, China-New Zealand relations have also been upgraded twice – to an "all-round partnership that keeps pace with the times" in 2015 and to a "forward-looking partnership of all-round quality and quality" in 2023.

The new prime minister is a "grassroots elite" who was chosen for his outstanding epidemic prevention efforts

"A leadership change is an important moment for any country." On April 15, Lee Hsien Loong announced his resignation on social media, calling on all Singaporeans to support the fourth-generation leadership team led by Lawrence Wong and work with them to create a brighter future for Singapore.

"When I was invited to politics in my thirties, I didn't expect that one day I would be invited to be the next prime minister," Wong posted in a video on social media on the same day. He also called out to the whole people: "Let's build a bright future for all Singaporeans together." ”

According to the latest poll by YouGov, respondents responded positively to the imminent swearing-in of Lawrence Wong as fourth prime minister: about 45% of respondents expressed positive and optimistic sentiments, while about 36% said they did not feel strongly about it.

In response to the public's dismay to Lawrence Wong taking over as prime minister, Tan Keng Boon explained: "Singaporeans believe that the local politics and government are predictable and relatively reliable, so there is no surprise. As a result, they behaved rather calmly. ”

Born in 1972, Lawrence Wong was Singapore's first post-founding prime minister, and his family background and experience particularly resonate with the public. His father was a sales executive and his mother was a primary school teacher, and he spent his early years living with his family in an HDB flat in Marine Parade, southern Singapore.

Unlike typical Singaporean political elites, Lawrence Wong attended community schools until high school, hence the title of "grassroots elite". He holds a bachelor's degree in economics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a master's degree in economics from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, and a master's degree in public administration from Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.

In 1997, Lawrence Wong joined the Ministry of Trade and Industry as an economist and began his career as a civil servant. He then joined the Ministry of Finance, where he met Lee Hsien Loong, who became Minister of Finance at the end of 2001, and helped him introduce his first Budget. From 2005 to 2008, Lawrence Wong served as Lee Hsien Loong's principal private secretary.

In 2011, Lawrence Wong was elected as a Member of Parliament for Boon Lay in the West Coast GRC and has retained his parliamentary seat ever since, since September 2015 to Marsiling-Yohty GRC. This means that he qualifies as a cabinet minister or even as prime minister.

The aforementioned Singaporean reporter described to Phoenix Weekly: "Compared with Lee Hsien Loong's dazzling, Wong Xuncai is more like a civil servant with little personal color. Because of this, during the chaotic and complex new crown epidemic, he was able to handle many things calmly. ”

During the epidemic, Huang Xuncai, as one of the leaders of the government's inter-departmental anti-epidemic working group, reported the progress of epidemic prevention on TV almost every day, and repeatedly made statements such as "the epidemic has exacerbated social inequality, and the mainland needs to protect vulnerable groups" and "the vast majority of epidemic assistance is invested in small and medium-sized enterprises".

In March 2020, he delivered a ministerial statement in Parliament on the pandemic and was moved to tears when he said that "many Singaporeans have stepped up in their own way". In May 2023, Lawrence Wong wrote on social platforms: "The worst pandemic that has lasted for three years seems to be over. Lee Hsien Loong praised him for "helping the country get through the coronavirus crisis". Singapore had one of the lowest mortality rates in the world during the pandemic. Because of this, Lawrence Wong has the full trust of Lee Hsien Loong and is qualified to become the fourth Prime Minister.

On Wong's social media page, he describes himself as a "nerd, guitarist and dog lover."

His father gave him a guitar when he was 8 years old, and he has loved playing guitar ever since. Wong said he went to the National Library every week to borrow guitar-related books, including the American monthly Guitarist magazine, and "even copied the pages and lessons of the magazines to teach himself."

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

Lawrence Wong enjoys sharing his guitar playing on social media.

While attending the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Lawrence Wong also performed on the street with his roommates in the United States. His favorite singers are Eric Patrick Clapton, known as the "Guitar God," and George "Buddy" Guy, a Chicago blues icon.

This year, after Singapore won the exclusive rights to host Taylor Swift's concert in Southeast Asia, Wong posted a video on social media of him playing Swift's classic song "Love Story" on his guitar. Some netizens commented: "Imagine that at the opening scene of tonight's concert, the next prime minister welcomed Taylor Swift with a guitar. ”

"Gone are the top-down workings of government"

The transition of Singapore's fourth-generation leadership was not smooth at first.

In 2017, Lee Hsien Loong announced that he would retire at the age of 70 (2022), and in 2018, the fourth-generation leadership team selected then-Finance Minister Heng Swee Keat as their leader, and Critical Swee Keat became deputy prime minister in May 2019. However, in the July 2020 parliamentary election, the five-member candidate team of the People's Action Party (PAP) led by Heng Swee Keat narrowly defeated the opposition Singapore Workers' Party (SCP) with 53.41% of the vote in the traditional "stronghold" East Coast GRC. Heng's reputation was damaged and he resigned in April 2021. For this reason, Lee Hsien Loong had to re-consult the cabinet members of the fourth-generation team. In April 2022, Lawrence Wong was elected as the new leader of the 4G team.

The outside world generally believes that it is a good sign to let someone other than the Li family take over. As for the leadership transition before the election, observers see it as a bold move, but it is not expected to have an impact on political stability.

"It is not unusual for Singapore to hand over power before parliamentary elections, and this date seems to suggest that the PAP believes that the general election is sooner rather than later." Tan explained, "The PAP's approach is to give the new prime minister time to adjust before the election battle. The transfer of power in May means that general elections may be held at the end of the year. ”

It is reported that Lee Hsien Loong accepted the invitation of Lawrence Wong to become Senior Minister. Historically, Lee Kuan Yew and Goh Chok Tong have served as state advisers and state counsellors respectively in the new leadership team to pass on their experience.

Lee Hsien Loong said on social media on May 7 that he would do everything in his power to help the new prime minister, Lawrence Wong, and his team succeed. In a recent interview with The Economist, Lawrence Wong also responded that this is "a long-standing tradition in Singapore" and will not prevent the new prime minister from setting the tone and making his own decisions.

Chen Qingwen believes that this ensures continuity in the change. "Lawrence Wong has access to [Lee's] vast experience and expertise, as well as his vast network. The combination of new ideas and experience will strengthen the new cabinet's ability to govern. "Lee Hsien Loong has made it clear that he will not interfere in the administration of the new cabinet, and this arrangement will work." ”

In 2022, Lawrence Wong and members of his leadership team led the "Forward Singapore" campaign, outlining the country's future development blueprint. After listening to more than 200,000 people for a year, he published a nearly 180-page report in October 2023 that outlined seven major changes as the government's future direction and policy priorities. "This is not a top-down government agenda, it is a consensus of Singaporeans from all walks of life and reflects our collective aspirations and shared vision for the future. ”

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

On 10 October 2022, Lawrence Wong spoke with representatives of the social services sector at the Forward Singapore Dialogue.

The changes proposed in the report include ensuring that the lives of the lower middle class and their children continue to improve, that the socially disadvantaged continue to be cared for, and that the salaries of skilled and aged caregivers will be invested by nearly S$40 billion by 2030. The Budget delivered in February this year unveiled the first batch of policies, with an investment of about S$5 billion. By the National Day Congress in August 2024, Lawrence Wong will deliver his annual speech for the first time as prime minister, when he will unveil the second batch of policies as the main axis of the new cabinet.

On May 13, Lawrence Wong held a press conference at the Presidential Palace to announce the new cabinet, with Minister of Trade and Industry Gan Kim Yong promoted to deputy prime minister and another vice prime minister to be Heng Swee Keat to be retained.

Now, however, the new cabinet is facing a number of challenges. The People's Action Party (PAP), one of the world's longest-running parties, won 83 of the 93 seats in parliament in the 2020 general election, but its share of the vote plummeted, while the opposition party achieved its best result ever. Recently, the People's Action Party (PAP) has been hit by a series of scandals.

In July 2023, Singapore's Speaker of Parliament Tan Chuan-jen and MP Chung Lai Hui resigned from their positions in the MP and PAP due to alleged "improper relationships". In January 2024, former Transport Minister Iswaran was charged with corruption, making it Singapore's biggest political scandal in nearly four decades. In addition, due to the increase in the Goods and Services Tax (GST), the national cost of living has risen, and house prices have risen, which will have an impact on the next general election.

Diplomatic tone: neither pro-American nor pro-China

At the same time, Singapore faces a range of external headwinds, including stubbornly high global inflation, a looming economic slowdown, and geopolitical conflicts in several hotspots around the world.

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?
At the moment, Singapore also faces a series of external headwinds, including stubbornly high global inflation, a looming economic slowdown, and geopolitical conflicts in several hotspots around the world.

Leong Chun-hung, senior research fellow in social cohesion at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University, believes that compared to Lee Hsien Loong's succession 20 years ago, the environment is very different and uncertainties are increasing, and all these variables will affect some domestic decisions in Singapore and cannot be ignored.

In a recent interview with The Economist, Lawrence Wong reiterated Singapore's consistent position on the issue of handling Sino-US relations: Singapore's foreign policy has only one tone, and that is two "nos" -- neither pro-US nor pro-China, but pro-Singapore, that is, proceeding from Singapore's interests. Lawrence Wong stressed that Singapore is an important security partner of the United States, but not an ally.

On Taiwan-related issues, Huang Xuncai said that although many people compare the situation in the Taiwan region with Ukraine, there is an essential difference between the two, and Singapore has long adhered to the one-China policy, opposes "Taiwan independence," and will never allow itself to be used by "Taiwan independence" firms.

However, he acknowledged that as the U.S.-China rebalance bilateral relations, Singapore's external environment will be quite unpredictable, and this situation could last for a decade or more. "In the transition to a multipolar world, people may experience chaos for a decade or more, but everyone must find their own way in this unpredictable environment and steer global development towards stability and peace, not conflict and war," Huang said. ”

"In terms of foreign policy, it is unlikely that Lawrence Wong will take a very different approach than he did before taking office." But Singapore is likely to stand with China on one issue and the United States on another, Tan said. "The key is to make sure that both the United States and China are aware of why Singapore is taking a particular position. ”

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

On August 2, 2016, Lee Hsien Loong and then-US President Barack Obama held talks at the White House.

In December last year, Lawrence Wong visited China as the successor to the prime minister. At that time, he met with Chinese Premier Li Qiang at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. After taking his seat, Li Qiang's opening remarks were: "The team you brought this time ...... Particularly. This shows the importance we attach to China. ”

With Lawrence Wong taking over from Lee Hsien Loong, Singapore ushering in a real generational change, how did he find his way out?

Chinese Premier Li Qiang meets with Lawrence Wong at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in December 2023.

Speaking to Singaporean media in Beijing before the trip, Mr Wong said, "Never bet on China being weak" because "China's economy is huge and has many advantages in advanced manufacturing, green economy and other fields; And there's such a huge market [in China]."

Tan Keng Boon believes that China is important to Singapore at all levels, including economics and geopolitics. "From a geopolitical point of view, Singapore wants China to actively participate in Southeast Asian affairs. During his tenure, Lawrence Wong will need to continue to develop relations with China and find new ways for a city-state to connect with a rising power. ”

"It's been a very busy year, and I've worked hard to get ready for the baton." Lawrence Wong said this at the PAP conference in November last year. Over the past year, Lawrence Wong has been busy working in new areas, including foreign affairs, defence and security affairs, and has devoted more to party affairs, and has begun to look for potential candidates to assemble a strong team for the upcoming general election. "We will be in contact with different candidates in the next general election, and hopefully in the next general election, we will put forward a new batch of candidates, including a number of candidates with the potential to hold political office, to create the best team for the country," he said bluntly. ”

Compared with the previous two prime ministers, Lawrence Wong has been appointed as the supreme leader in a very short period of time to take over as prime minister. He needs to raise his profile as soon as possible to prepare for the election.

The Economist raised questions about his leadership style, quoting Lee Kuan Yew as saying that "those who run Singapore must have an iron will, or they should not be leaders at all". Wong replied that he would not hesitate to make a "difficult decision" "when it is a pity", "as long as it is in the interests of Singaporeans". He didn't forget to add, "I will also listen carefully to everyone's opinions." ”

"Wong needs to go his own way, not try to follow the old path of Lee Hsien Loong." Tan commented that Wong's leadership style is softer and more consultative, which is actually more attractive to Singaporeans. "The challenge for him is to work towards 'governing for the people.'" The PAP must work with the people in formulating policies. Gone are the top-down ways of government, and more often it needs to be bottom-up. ”

Mustafa Izzuddin, a researcher at the National University of Singapore and a senior analyst for international affairs at Solaris Strategies, commented to Phoenix that Mr. Wong has a "networking ability" that manifests itself in a variety of ways. In the future, Izuddin said, he needs to mingle with the people and involve all sectors of society in decision-making for the country's future, so as to gain the respect and support of the people. "As a global politician, how he connects with leaders of various countries, especially countries such as China, the United States, Malaysia, and Indonesia, which are important to Singapore, will be a reflection of his 'networking skills'."

(Intern Fang Chenyu also contributed to this article)

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