
It's going to take place today! Such talents will receive tens of millions of training funds

author:Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security
It's going to take place today! Such talents will receive tens of millions of training funds

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It's going to take place today! Such talents will receive tens of millions of training funds

For in-depth implementation

A more active, more open, and more effective new talent policy

Further strengthen the selection and training of outstanding scientific and technological innovation talents

Continue to stimulate the creative vitality of talents

Implementation Measures for the Selection and Training of Outstanding Scientific and Technological Innovation Talents in Shenzhen

It will come into force today on May 15

It's going to take place today! Such talents will receive tens of millions of training funds

What can I do? Tell me about it!

According to the Measures

Shenzhen will be based on the national strategy and

Shenzhen's key areas and key industries need to develop

No more than 10 students will be selected every two years

With the potential to become a master and a strategic scientist

The training object is focused on training

Selected talents will receive:

10 million to 20 million yuan per person training funds

It is used to improve scientific research capabilities and strengthen team building

It's going to take place today! Such talents will receive tens of millions of training funds

No, I'm not sour at all

What are the selection criteria?

How are the funds disbursed?

Look down with the people!

The original method has been comprehensively optimized and upgraded

It is understood that in 2019, the city issued the "Implementation Measures for the Selection and Training of Outstanding Talents in Shenzhen (Trial)", which came into force on September 1, 2019, and the validity period has expired. In the past five years, a total of 17 people have been selected for the selection of outstanding talent training objects twice. During the training period, 3 people were elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and 1 person was elected as an academician of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. The "Measures" released this time have been comprehensively optimized and upgraded on the basis of the original trial measures, including precise policy positioning, improved selection conditions, strict selection procedures, and strengthened service supervision.

The "Measures" make it clear that the city's selection of outstanding scientific and technological innovation talent training objects is mainly focused on cultivating young and middle-aged leading talents with outstanding academic level, research direction in the frontier field of scientific and technological development, major discoveries, greater influence and high academic attainments in the field of this discipline, and the potential to grow into masters and strategic scientists. The selection is held every two years, and no more than 10 people are selected each time.

Selection and training focus on 5 types of scientific and technological innovation talents

The selection conditions mainly include 4 basic conditions and 5 performance conditions.

4 basic conditions:

❶ Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and abide by the law;

❷ Strictly abide by academic and ethical norms, and have a strong sense of professionalism;

❸ Have worked full-time in Shenzhen;

❹ Be in good health and generally not more than 55 years old.

5 types of performance conditions:

❶ Undertaking or participating in major national scientific research tasks, major scientific and technological infrastructure construction and major projects and making outstanding contributions;

❷ Undertaking or participating in the construction of national science and technology innovation platforms or key disciplines and making outstanding contributions;

❸ Leading or leading high-level innovation teams at or above the provincial level;

❹ Major breakthroughs in forward-looking basic research and leading original innovation;

❺ Significant contributions to tackling key common technologies, cutting-edge leading technologies, modern engineering technologies and disruptive technologies.

The relevant person in charge of the Municipal Human Resources Security Bureau said

The "Measures" have optimized the selection process, focusing on openness, fairness and justice. In terms of the recommendation method, the unit recommendation or individual recommendation method is adopted, and the unit performs the main responsibility of material review. In terms of evaluation methods, two links are adopted: communication review and conference review, and the proposed selected objects and funding amount are determined according to the evaluation results of the expert meeting. In the way of determination, the selection work is organized and implemented by the municipal human resources security department, and the recommended candidates for training objects are reported to the Municipal Joint Committee for the Selection and Training of Outstanding Scientific and Technological Innovation Talents and the Municipal Party Committee Talent Work Leading Group for deliberation and approval.

Each person will receive 10 million to 20 million yuan of training funds

According to the "Measures", after being selected as an outstanding scientific and technological innovation talent training object, a tripartite training agreement must be signed with the municipal human resources security department and the unit to ensure full-time work in Shenzhen for 5 years.

The training objects will receive 10 million to 20 million yuan per person for training funds to improve scientific research capabilities and strengthen team building. In order to improve the quality of talent training and the performance of the use of funds, the Municipal Human Resources Security Bureau will strengthen the management and supervision of the whole process, and will conduct two rounds of evaluation during the training period and the expiration of the period, and the evaluation results will be used as an important basis for the allocation of funds. If the mid-term assessment result is "qualified", the remaining subsidy funds will be allocated; "Unqualified" terminated project implementation, and the unused funds will be returned in accordance with regulations.

If the unit is transferred in the city during the training period, the remaining training funds can be transferred to the new work unit; During the training period, in addition to returning the unused funds according to the regulations, the municipal human resources security department will recover the used funds according to the situation.

Content Editor: Shenzhen Human Resources and Social Security


It's going to take place today! Such talents will receive tens of millions of training funds
It's going to take place today! Such talents will receive tens of millions of training funds

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It's going to take place today! Such talents will receive tens of millions of training funds