
Down-to-earth and warm! "Calculus" stimulates the "source power" of grassroots governance

author:Zero distance from Aksu City

Since the beginning of this year, Nancheng Sub-district of Aksu City has implemented the "point system" management model of grassroots governance, quantifying and assigning points to the production and living behaviors of the masses, so that grassroots governance has changed from invisible to tangible. The "small points" fully mobilize the enthusiasm of residents to participate in grassroots governance, from "I want to participate" to "I want to participate", which has injected strong impetus into grassroots governance.

Down-to-earth and warm! "Calculus" stimulates the "source power" of grassroots governance

On May 13th, walking into the points exchange point of the residents of the love shop in the Sunshine New Town Community of Towanke Bazha Bagh Community, Nancheng Street, there are all kinds of daily necessities such as rice, clear oil, edible oil, shampoo, etc., and unlike other shops, every item here is clearly marked with "points".

At the scene, resident Li Wanxiu was choosing his favorite goods. Li Wanxiu told reporters that she has 150 points, which can be exchanged for a bag of rice and some small snacks, and these points that can be used as money are all "earned" by her participation in community grassroots governance.

Down-to-earth and warm! "Calculus" stimulates the "source power" of grassroots governance

Li Wanxiu said: "Some electric vehicles in the community are parked indiscriminately, and you can get points for a casual shot; There are potential safety hazards in manhole covers, and you can score points with a quick shot; You can also earn points for active participation in voluntary activities, and the points can also be exchanged for goods, and we are happy to participate. ”

Nancheng Street guides the masses to consciously strengthen their personal morality, family virtues, professional ethics, and social morality through residents' participation in community governance and the exchange of points for physical goods, and strives to be civilized citizens who "compare, learn, catch up, and surpass".

Qiu Li, the person in charge of the love shop, said: "Everyone usually assists the community to do a good job, participates in volunteer services, and selects advanced models, and you can use the points to exchange for goods and services, which is cheap and affordable!" We will also continue to optimize the product range to meet the diverse needs of residents. ”

Down-to-earth and warm! "Calculus" stimulates the "source power" of grassroots governance

It is understood that the Nancheng Street Grassroots Governance Points Project includes focusing on active learning, cultural activities, good people and good deeds, advanced models, volunteer services, etc., and combing and summarizing 20 types of specific matters. Since its implementation, more and more residents have not only benefited, but also stimulated the enthusiasm to actively participate in grassroots governance.

Jiang Lei, deputy director of the Towanke Bazabag Community in Nancheng Sub-district, said: "Since the implementation of the grassroots governance points project, residents have changed from passive to active, their enthusiasm for participation has continued to increase, contradictions, disputes, and difficult demands have been significantly reduced, and residents' lives have become more harmonious. We will continue to improve the level of community services, solve the 'urgency, difficulties and hopes' of people's livelihood with heart and affection, and open up the 'last mile' of grassroots governance." “

Reporter: Liu Bingbing, Zhang Yunlong

Correspondent: Zhou Yinbo


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