
The Slovak prime minister was shot and originally planned to visit China in June, so sovereignty and independence are not easy to say

author:Strange Mouth History
The Slovak prime minister was shot and originally planned to visit China in June, so sovereignty and independence are not easy to say

I'm sure everyone has seen this news, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo was shot and is now out of danger. But the next few hours are still very critical, the killer has now been found, the attacker is a 71-year-old man with a legal gun license, as for why he did this, the motive is unknown!

As for the truth, everyone judges for themselves, the prime minister is very maverick in Europe, just in March this year, CCTV also interviewed the prime minister, Fizo revealed in April this year that the Slovak delegation will visit China in June, and it is expected to sign a series of important agreements during the visit.

He is a rare sober person in Europe, he said bluntly: I would rather quarrel at the negotiating table than shed bloody conflicts, who wants the Russian-Ukrainian war to continue to be fought, it is the Western gang that makes a lot of war money!

Then he has always opposed Ukraine's accession to the European Union and Ukraine's accession to NATO, which is one of the few pro-Russian factions in Europe, and Hungary is a bit similar, seemingly the same political position, but the interior of Slovakia and Hungary is very different!

The Slovak prime minister was shot and originally planned to visit China in June, so sovereignty and independence are not easy to say

Now the ruling party in Hungary is the pro-Russian Fidesz, which is basically the largest party in Hungary, and it is basically difficult for other factions to shake, and the support rate can basically stabilize at about 55%, to put it simply, even if some countries find a killer to assassinate Orban and change someone to power, they are still pro-Russian, and some people will not dare, because if such a thing is done, it will only anger the Hungarians!

Slovakia is different, the party of the assassinated prime minister has a support rate of only 25%, and it is only by relying on some other small parties to form a coalition to get the ruling power, so as long as he is killed, I don't know who will come to power in the next election, it is entirely possible to completely turn around, I have to say that this gang really knows how to assassinate!

These people can really do whatever it takes to achieve their goals, they can do anything, and they can say anything. I hope that Slovak politics will remain stable, and that we will be able to hold our position in the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The Slovak prime minister was shot and originally planned to visit China in June, so sovereignty and independence are not easy to say

The world says that there are more than 200 countries, but in fact, most of them are not truly independent, and they do not even have basic "security sovereignty".

Even France, one of the five permanent members, Macron has constantly emphasized the need for independent France and independent Europe at the national internal conference, and it is conceivable that some other small countries are almost all marionettes of big countries, think of the United States, more than 100 countries around the world have stationed their troops, which means that these more than 100 countries basically have to consider the position of the United States and the attitude of the United States politically! If you don't agree with him, you may be beaten and educated, and even your life is in danger! For example, Abe is the best example, he thought he could jump left and right smoothly, but he still couldn't satisfy the United States!

When the Russian-Ukrainian war first broke out, Putin said: Today, only five countries have not submitted to the hegemony of the United States, so they can be called truly independent and sovereign states: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea and Pakistan.

And we, a great country with a history of 5,000 years, a big country that has been proud of the world's nations for thousands of years, the arrogance in our bones will never allow us to rely on others, even if we were poor and backward in those years, even if we were in ruins, we still relied on the shoulders of generation after generation, generation after generation of hard work, repelled the Japanese invaders, won the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, and embarked on the great dream of rejuvenation!

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