
Strong management and heavy propaganda - improve the awareness of civilized dog breeding among the public

author:Qingdao Information Port

In order to advocate civilized dog breeding, standardize dog breeding, maintain a good city environment and public order, and protect the health and personal safety of the people, the Party Branch of the Development Zone Squadron of the Pingdu Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Bureau has taken multiple measures to continue to promote the management of civilized dog breeding in the city.

Strengthen publicity and guidance. In accordance with the principle of policy publicity first, the law enforcement team members of the Party branch of the squadron of the Development Zone went deep into squares, parks, communities, schools and other crowded public places to carry out face-to-face publicity and education, issued a civilized dog raising proposal to the masses, explained the knowledge of urban dog breeding and the "Qingdao Dog Management Regulations" and other relevant regulations, reminded the public to vaccinate their dogs regularly, and guided residents to develop civilized dog breeding habits.

Strong management and heavy propaganda - improve the awareness of civilized dog breeding among the public

Strengthen inspections and rectification. Law enforcement team members carry out high-frequency and full-coverage inspections and rectification during the morning and evening peak hours when dog walking is concentrated, and correct uncivilized dog breeding behaviors in a timely manner. At the same time, accept complaints from the masses about "stray dogs" disturbing the people, and conduct on-the-spot verification and disposal, so that the problems reported by the masses can be dealt with in a timely manner, so that law enforcement serves the people and serves the people.

Strong management and heavy propaganda - improve the awareness of civilized dog breeding among the public

Pay attention to the combination of education and punishment. Combined with the basis of publicity and rectification in the early stage, law enforcement personnel adhere to the principle of education first, punishment secondary, criticize and educate uncivilized behaviors such as dogs disturbing the people, walking dogs without leashes, and defecating in the open, and sign a civilized dog breeding guarantee; Stray dogs and ownerless dogs in the jurisdiction are found to be captured and centrally contained.

Strong management and heavy propaganda - improve the awareness of civilized dog breeding among the public

In the next step, the Party Branch of the Development Zone Squadron will continue to strengthen the publicity of civilized dog breeding, increase the inspection and rectification of key areas and key periods, create a good atmosphere, make the awareness of civilized dog breeding in accordance with the law deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and actively guide citizens to strive to be civilized dog breeders, and jointly create a more clean and orderly, civilized and harmonious urban environment.

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