
is planning to visit China, the "pro-China and pro-Russian" prime minister of the EU member state was suddenly assassinated, which is regarded as a thorn in the side of the United States.

author:Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao observation

On the 15th local time in Slovakia, Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fizo was shot and injured after a government meeting. The incident took place in central Slovakia, about 150 kilometers northeast of the capital, Bratislava, where a meeting convened by Fizo's cabinet was taking place. On the sidelines of the meeting, Fizo went to meet his supporters in front of the local Palace of Culture, only to be shot by the Assassins. The assassin fired 4 shots in a row, one of which hit Fizo in the abdomen, and he was also visibly injured in the arm and leg, and his life was in critical condition! The 59-year-old Fizo was shot and carried into a car and then taken by helicopter to Banska Bystrica, where it took a long time to reach Bratislava due to a traffic accident.

is planning to visit China, the "pro-China and pro-Russian" prime minister of the EU member state was suddenly assassinated, which is regarded as a thorn in the side of the United States.

Prime Minister assassinated, who is the murderer? Although the 71-year-old assassin was subdued and captured on the spot. But what kind of dirty conspiracy is behind it is still unknown, a leader of an EU member state who has just taken office and is clearly pro-China and pro-Russia can be called an "outlier" in the EU that is only beautiful and obedient, and is even called a "thorny president" by the United States, so the murderer caught this time may just be a cannon fodder gunman driven by the real murderer behind the scenes!

is planning to visit China, the "pro-China and pro-Russian" prime minister of the EU member state was suddenly assassinated, which is regarded as a thorn in the side of the United States.

Slovakia's Prime Minister Fizo is the leader of the Direction Party who ranked first in the Slovak National Assembly election held on September 30, 2023 with 22.94% of the votes, and was later appointed as the new Slovak Prime Minister by Slovak President Chaputova on October 25, 2023.

is planning to visit China, the "pro-China and pro-Russian" prime minister of the EU member state was suddenly assassinated, which is regarded as a thorn in the side of the United States.

Just last month, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo also explicitly blocked Ukraine's accession to NATO, warning that if Ukraine joins NATO, it will increase the risk of a world war, and Slovakia will prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and will not succumb to any external pressure in this matter.

In addition, as a member of the European Union, Slovakia has previously repeatedly stressed that the EU should not be dragged into the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and that it should be resolved through diplomatic channels. After being elected prime minister of Slovakia last October, Fizo reversed the previous government's practice of sending weapons to Ukraine.

is planning to visit China, the "pro-China and pro-Russian" prime minister of the EU member state was suddenly assassinated, which is regarded as a thorn in the side of the United States.

In fact, Fizo's coming to power also marked a shift in the political winds in Slovakia. He managed to defeat the Slovak Progressive Party, which had previously strongly supported Ukraine, and which has long been known for its anti-Russian and anti-Chinese stance in NATO and the European Union. Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Slovakia, under the guidance of the Progressive Party, has provided substantial military assistance to Ukraine.

Fizo, however, chose a very different path. He firmly stated that Slovakia would not provide any military support to Ukraine and called for improved relations with Russia. This position has won the support of many Slovak voters who are struggling with the Russia-Ukraine war. After coming to power, Fizo actively promoted relations with Russia and Belarus, supported the participation of athletes from both countries in the Paris 2024 Olympics, and advocated that Ukraine give up the territory of eastern Ukraine to end the conflict. Slovakia has publicly stated that Slovakia will grant asylum to Putin if he is internationally wanted for war crimes.

is planning to visit China, the "pro-China and pro-Russian" prime minister of the EU member state was suddenly assassinated, which is regarded as a thorn in the side of the United States.

In his attitude towards China, Fizo has also shown a more friendly posture than his predecessor. He criticized the West's continued assistance to Ukraine, arguing that war originated in the West and peace came from the East. With regard to China, a large country in the East that can bring peace to the world, Fizo said that he would adopt a more friendly attitude.

During the meeting with parliamentarians, Fizo stressed the importance of maintaining good relations with China. He made it clear that he wanted to distance himself from his predecessor's position, especially on the Taiwan issue. On April 17 of this year, Fizo announced plans to visit China from June 22 to 25, during which he plans to sign a series of important strategic cooperation agreements.

Despite the tremendous pressure exerted by Europe and the United States on Slovakia, Fizo still adheres to his pro-Russian and pro-China stance. He hoped that through this policy, Slovakia would be able to promote cooperation with the countries of the East and thus play a greater role in the international arena. However, this also made him a thorn in the side of the United States and other Western forces.

Although Europe and the United States have exerted tremendous pressure on Slovakia, Fizo's pro-Russian and pro-China stance has not changed. If you want to throw yourself to the East and spoil the Americans, the CIA has never had a bottom line. If you can't be tempted, insulted, and intimidated, then you can only use bullets to enhance your persuasiveness?

is planning to visit China, the "pro-China and pro-Russian" prime minister of the EU member state was suddenly assassinated, which is regarded as a thorn in the side of the United States.

It is worth noting that, according to media reports, on May 7, Saudi Crown Prince Salman was assassinated, the incident happened suddenly, Crown Prince Salman's convoy was on the way to be attacked, and the bodyguards fought back to defend the crown prince desperately, although many bodyguards died, Crown Prince Salman managed to escape and miraculously survived.

Looking at it carefully, there are always a lot of accidents among the people who hinder the planning of the United States.

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