
How many times a week is it better for a 60-year-old couple to have sex together? 60-year-old menopausal eldest sister once a week, how?

author:39 HealthNet

"Do you think sex is so important between couples? I was in a bad mood when I went through menopause last month, and he had to pester me to do that, which was really annoying. Aunt Xie complained to her best friend.

"Bad, man, it's not all like that, it'll be fine after a while, but you can't always starve him! You have to be careful after a long time! Aunt Wang persuaded with concern.

"Oops, I don't know what's going on, after menopause, I really don't have any desire at all, I'm bored, and I'm very irritable!" Aunt Xie complained with a sad face, and after Aunt Wang heard about it, she simply dragged Aunt Xie to the hospital for relevant examinations.

After diagnosis, the doctor told Aunt Xie that this was just a normal menopausal reaction, and after a while, through some tips between husband and wife, it was possible to continue sex, but there was no need to worry too much.

How many times a week is it better for a 60-year-old couple to have sex together? 60-year-old menopausal eldest sister once a week, how?

1. Menopause does not mean the loss of sexual life

After menopause, sex is a topic that has attracted much attention, and some people will say, is it not suitable for postmenopausal women to have sex? The answer is no. And no matter how old they are, women should enjoy a healthy sex life.

Although hormone levels change after menopause, women can still enjoy sex. However, many women will say, then why don't you have any desires at all? Xiao Jiu replied to you, this is normal.

First, because after menopause, the secretion of estrogen and progesterone in the body decreases, which in turn causes the level of sex hormones to decline. Changes in sex hormone levels can affect the quality of sexual life by causing the vaginal mucosa to become thinner, drier, and more prone to problems such as pain or bleeding.

How many times a week is it better for a 60-year-old couple to have sex together? 60-year-old menopausal eldest sister once a week, how?

Second, menopausal women are at risk of cardiovascular disease. Because the decline in estrogen levels will cause blood vessels to constrict, slow down blood flow, and easily form blood clots, block blood vessels, and induce cardiovascular diseases such as angina pectoris and myocardial infarction.

At the same time, it can also bring about the crisis of osteoporosis, when estrogen levels drop, bone loss accelerates, leading to a decrease in bone density and osteoporosis. In severe cases, it also carries the risk of insomnia, because postmenopausal women often wake up frequently at night due to symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats, which seriously affects the quality of sleep.

Therefore, it is precisely because of various diseases that lead to anxiety and irritability, which further destroys the desire for sex at the psychological level.

How many times a week is it better for a 60-year-old couple to have sex together? 60-year-old menopausal eldest sister once a week, how?

2. Moderate sex or female hormone balance?

In fact, many people in modern society will associate "menopause" with "sex life", but in fact, the two are causally related. Many studies can prove that even if women are in menopause, they still have their own physiological needs.

The data shows that more than 40% of women aged 60 and above still maintain an active sex life, and 70.1% of them can also get pleasure through other channels.

From the physiological level, the proper sex life between husband and wife will also bring about the balance of body hormones, and can properly maintain endocrine stability, which can reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of menopause to a certain extent.

How many times a week is it better for a 60-year-old couple to have sex together? 60-year-old menopausal eldest sister once a week, how?

Secondly, there has been a study in the British journal, which showed that menopausal women maintaining a suitable sex life can also promote the secretion of estrogen, thereby protecting bone health and reducing the risk of diagnosed arthritis and other diseases.

Finally, regular and healthy sex can also reduce the prevalence of female diseases, because Australian gynecologists have found that men's semen contains "cytoplasma", which has a bactericidal effect, which can scientifically reduce the occurrence of vaginitis and other diseases, and can also prevent vaginal dryness.

Many women prefer to solve their own physiological needs after menopause, which is also a good way, but there is not a big difference between the two. It's just that whether you solve it yourself or rely on your partner, you should pay attention to hygiene, this is the most important thing!

How many times a week is it better for a 60-year-old couple to have sex together? 60-year-old menopausal eldest sister once a week, how?

3. These 4 types of women, please be cautious about menopause!

Menopause marks the end of a woman's reproductive cycle and also brings a drop in estrogen levels, which affects a woman's health. It is a stage that all women will go through, but for some women with special bodies, there is still a need to be cautious, which groups of people are they?

1. Patients with hyperthyroidism

Menopause may be exacerbated by increased metabolic rate and endocrine disorders in patients with hyperthyroidism. The use of ovulation-inducing drugs before menopause in such patients may worsen the symptoms of hyperthyroidism, such as heart palpitations and rapid weight loss.

2. Patients with uterine fibroids

Uterine fibroids are associated with estrogen levels, and menopause can cause estrogen levels to drop and slow the growth rate of fibroids. Therefore, women with uterine fibroids should not go through early menopause. Early menopause may cause fibroids to enlarge, causing symptoms such as pain and bleeding, and increasing the risk of surgery.

How many times a week is it better for a 60-year-old couple to have sex together? 60-year-old menopausal eldest sister once a week, how?

3. Patients with breast hyperplasia

Breast hyperplasia is associated with changes in estrogen levels, and early menopause causes estrogen levels to drop, which relieves breast hyperplasia. Therefore, patients with breast hyperplasia should not go through early menopause. Early menopause can lead to atrophy of breast tissue, affecting breast health and even inducing other diseases.

4. Patients with high blood pressure

Changes in estrogen levels in the body during menopause can cause fluctuations in blood pressure, which is not conducive to controlling high blood pressure. Early menopause in these people may lead to a further increase in blood pressure, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How many times a week is it better for a 60-year-old couple to have sex together? 60-year-old menopausal eldest sister once a week, how?


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[3] "What should I do when I'm old and can't afford to have sex? Follow this advice and reap the 3 benefits of your body. Family Doctor.2021-08-13

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