
The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction

author:Ping An Qiannan

The Libo County Court has unified its thoughts and actions to the central task of "building Libo into a world-class tourist attraction", and has done a solid and detailed job of building a tourist attraction for judicial services.

The first is to do a good job in the management of the source of litigation to "resolve disputes". Give full play to the linkage advantages of specially invited mediation, people's mediation, and judicial mediation, and use the person in charge of the complaint department of the scenic spot as a specially invited mediator to improve the efficiency of front-end resolution and create a "non-litigation scenic spot". Set up a tourist circuit court case-handling point in the visitor center of the Xiaoqikong Scenic Area, and regularly, fixed-point, and fixed-person personnel are stationed in other scenic spots on duty to carry out case handling, publicity, and provide legal advice. Since the establishment of the circuit court's case-handling point, a total of nearly 3,000 copies of publicity materials have been distributed in scenic spots, more than 300 legal consultations have been provided, and a total of 58 rounds of dispute resolution have been carried out, 26 cases have been accepted, concluded on the spot, and cashed in court, and 47 cases have been mediated on the cloud, greatly reducing the litigation cost of tourists.


The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction
The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction
The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction
The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction
The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction

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The second is to improve the "development" of the business environment. Since 2023, a total of 57 enterprises have been visited, 8 industry norms have been guided, 12 trainings have been carried out, and 3 judicial recommendations and 5 risk warning letters have been issued to regulatory authorities. Pay attention to flexible enforcement, flexibly use enforcement investigation and control measures and credit punishment measures, and take into account the protection of the interests of creditors and the minimization of adverse impacts on private enterprises. The "Guidelines for the Rapid Handling of Enterprise-related Cases" was formulated, and the professional team integrated the trial and execution of enterprise-related cases, with an average of 113.41 days for enterprise-related cases.


The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction
The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction
The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction
The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction
The Libo County Court has done a good job in the "three passes" service to create a world-class tourist attraction

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The third is to do a good job in the "protection" of the ecological environment. Explore the establishment of ecological restoration and alternative punishment mechanisms such as "137 Working Methods for Environmental Resources Trial", "Breeding and Release", "Labor Compensation" and "Subscription of Carbon Sinks", carry out cross-regional judicial cooperation with the Guangxi Huanjiang Court, cooperate with the Sandu Procuratorate and Forestry Bureau to establish the largest ecological restoration demonstration base for the special national key protected plant Golden Retriever Fern in Guizhou, list judicial protection points for traditional villages in Shuixiang and Yaozhai, and establish linkage mechanisms with forestry, Maolan National Nature Reserve and other departments. Cooperate to strengthen the background of tourism ecological judicial services.

(Source: Libo County Court)

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