
Selling 10 million units, this phone is too fierce!

author:Fruit Fans Club

As we all know, the domestic thousand-yuan machine market has always been Xiaomi's world.

However, with the passage of time, now domestic mobile phone manufacturers are blooming, and the market pattern has gradually changed.

A few days ago, the International Data Corporation (IDC) released the China mobile phone market tracking report for the first quarter of 2024.

According to the report, Honor took the first place with a market share of 17.1%, Huawei ranked second with 17.0%, and OPPO, Apple, and vivo ranked third to fifth, respectively.

Selling 10 million units, this phone is too fierce!

(Source: IDC)

From this report, it can be seen that Honor has become the biggest dark horse in the domestic mobile phone market.

No, Glory has recently won another blockbuster result!

A few days ago, Honor officially announced that the Honor X50 has been launched for 10 months, and the sales volume in the Chinese market has successfully exceeded 10 million.

This is the first Android product released since 2023 to exceed 10 million sales in the Chinese market.

I have to say that in the context of today's mobile phone market, this achievement is still very rare.

Selling 10 million units, this phone is too fierce!

(Source: Weibo)

In July last year, Honor officially released the new Honor X50, which is a thousand-yuan machine that focuses on the mid-range and entry-level markets.

So why is this new device so popular?

First of all, in terms of appearance, although the Honor X50 is a thousand-yuan machine, it does not look like a thousand-yuan machine at all.

It can be seen that the image module behind it looks like the Huawei Mate flagship series, continuing the star ring shape and achieving "flagship design decentralization".

On the front, it is equipped with an OLED curved screen that supports 1.5K resolution, and the screen quality is stronger than that of competing products in the same class.

Selling 10 million units, this phone is too fierce!

(Source: Glory official website, the same below)

In terms of eye protection, the machine also introduces 1920Hz high-frequency PWM dimming technology, which does not hurt the eyes after a long time, which is in the hands of many users.

In addition, the Honor X50 also has a built-in 5800mAh super large battery, which can be used for 20 hours of continuous drama binge.

In terms of core specifications, the Honor X50 is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 6 Gen1 processor with 8GB of RAM and 128GB of storage.

In terms of images, the rear 108 million pixel main camera and 2 million pixel depth of field lens are also remarkable.

It is worth mentioning that when the official pushes this new machine, the main selling point is not performance, but drop resistance.

Selling 10 million units, this phone is too fierce!

At the press conference at that time, Honor spent a lot of time to explain how resistant the Honor X50 is.

According to the introduction, with the blessing of the "Tai Chi cushioning" architecture, it brings 360° all-round drop cushioning protection.

If you fall to the ground every day, you don't have to worry about the screen shattering at all.

This is obviously a big attraction for many users.

In terms of price, the phone was priced from 1399 yuan at the time.

And with the passage of time, now on many third-party platforms, this phone has dropped to about 1128 yuan.

Selling 10 million units, this phone is too fierce!

(Source: E-commerce platform)

Although it is only a drop of more than 200 yuan, it is quite a lot for a thousand-yuan machine.

On the whole, as a thousand-yuan machine, the Honor X50 has everything it should have, such as high appearance, drop-resistant body, eye-friendly screen, and long-lasting battery life.

Coupled with such a low price, it is difficult not to sell out.

Probably thanks to this phone, Honor achieved good results in the first quarter, topping the domestic market with a market share of 17.1%.

Selling 10 million units, this phone is too fierce!

(Source: Weibo)

At this stage, students who want to plan to buy a thousand-yuan machine, the Honor X50 is still a good choice.

It is worth mentioning that this month Honor will also bring another new machine - Honor 200.

In terms of appearance, according to media reports, at the recent Worry-free Night event held by Worry-Free Media, a staff member holding an Honor 200 mobile phone was photographed in the camera.

Selling 10 million units, this phone is too fierce!

(Image source social platform, the same below)

As you can see from the pictures, the Honor 200 phone adopts a "sloth" camera matrix design with a triple rear camera, which looks like the Huawei P60.

This is highly similar to the renders of the Honor 200 phone that were previously leaked on the Internet, but there are differences in the details.

Selling 10 million units, this phone is too fierce!

In response, Jiang Hairong, CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) of Honor Terminal, said, "Fake, the real machine must look better than this."

Overall, though, the look is expected to be very close to the real look.

Elsewhere, according to @数码闲聊站此前爆料, the new device comes with a 1.5K UHF centered dual-hole display.

The processor is powered by the Snapdragon 8 series sub-flagship platform, which supports a large 100-watt fast-charging battery, in addition to a small telephoto lens.

If nothing else, the new device is tentatively scheduled to debut in mid-to-late May.

Let's look forward to it!

If you want to know more about the knowledge and skills of Apple devices and inquire about the warranty, you can follow my WeChat public account: qiguojiang001 (odd jam).

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